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Previous Thread: Home Alone Edition
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Search - LET IT DIE General -lidg-
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How do I beat Max?
What's the best area for farming Iron Scraps?
One of the first for spreadsheet user.
Hes cool
why are you having trouble beating Max? is there another version of him? I punched his shit in
basically how'd you beat Coen if you didn't know Coen was blind. Really, just roll away from his attacks. His missile attack is a little tricky to dodge.
If I'm not mistaken, roll to the opposite side of of his body when he throws a punch. If you're worried, just test it out on Tamata's Coen.
Also, he also takes damage from the electrified fence around the fighting arena, so you may be able to use that to your advantage.
Finally decide to go to Okusa to see what I'm stealing from people, and the effort it takes to get them.
I don't feel any remorse.
Mostly I've been just using a Shooter with revolver and Crossbow to get him. The problem is that when I try to roll past him, I either get caught by the fence or by him, or both.
Hey, user... Sorry you keep dying, sorry you don't have enough to pay for the insurance... I'm really sorry, but I really like you so is there any other way I can make it up to you?
Yes stop showing up. I'm sick of your shit.
Did you really farm all that milk black from 22 Hiroyuki?
Don't stop trying, you'll eventually get what you're looking for. Remember Knight-user
It takes zero effort to get them, running there is just annoying so expeditions are better
yeah I found what I was looking for last night.
Not that I particularly wanted it or anything, I just needed it to fill out my collection.
I am pretty sure that I have all the drops from floors 1-10 now.
Just need to grind these few basic materials and leather to make them and I'll have all T1+4
tfw you fell for sengoku armor meme
What happens if all your characters are dead and you have no money to revive them? Like say you have 2 slots in the freeze, one character is dead in it, and the character you were controlling died and you also don't have enough coins to revive them.
Both gets you a little more, but I put that effort into coins and decals
All-Rounders are free
Scrap one, save the other. Or scrap both and start anew.
You can get a shitload more coins running heimo-jima unless you have prem marathon runner
are you saying that it's not good? what if you just like the way it looks?
Why is the heartbeat sound so loud in every video I watch but almost silent in my own game? Is there a setting or something?
Whats the best way to kill U-10 and COEN? I have a new deathburner and im not sure how many broken mushrooms i need
Maybe the controller speaker? I turned it off day 0 since I use headphones.
First thing I did was turn off speaker. It's so blatant in videos but in my game I can hardly hear it over even my character's footsteps.
Try this: audio settings
>music 50%
>sound 80%
>voice 90-100%
The music isn't the problem. Again the other sound effects, even the footsteps, are way louder than the heartbeat is.
Are you using something other than stereo? Can't think of anything else.
> Open UP Box
>?????? BP
>Check inventory
>Turns into BP I already have
Fuckin 'ell mate
Who is the worst boss fight in the game and why is it Jackson? Oh this isn't up for debate either.
i asked in old thread by accident, but i have to keep killing u-10 every timr i want to attempt corn on the way to 35? there's no shortcut?
I thought the same thing but apparently theres a way around that. Cant tell you how though, if you have them use slowshrooms on u10 and guardshrooms on coen and hope you can deal enough damage before they run out
>just got to floor 23
Holy shit why am I so bad at this game...
i was using invis on u10 and that was counterproductive, ran out of shrooms and weapons by the time i made it to coen
How was it counterproductive ? I did that the first time and absolutely destroyed here with my Kamas, protip her weakness is the ball at the end of the tail
Scuse me but Jackson is an easy bitch and that's not Gunkanyama
i only had pork chopper, motorcycle, and a spear. fucking wind up and missing her tail for days
>have to send my fully equipped fighters to okusa on expeditions
>they end up killing the player most of the time
I feel bad
You should feel good user, you are weeding out the weak
so that was you????????
I reached Tier 5 today, soon i'll be that guy
So say I want to keep a golden snail (twice now in...what was it okusa orukisawa, on a wall) for another fighter, I would need to use the fireworks launcher so I can grill it, yes?
I can't pick them up off the floor if they're on the wall above me and killing them rewards my current fighter and not me, and having my new fighter eat their shrooms doesn't sound tasty
Fireworks doesn't work, bring a live animal and throw it at the snail - it'll knock it off and you can usually get close enough to the fire to grab it.
(Can't cook golden creatures)
Golden animals can't be grilled, need to throw another live animal (not a scorpion) to knock it down
There is a hazadous fire below them, would if kill them if they fell into that?
What about another shroom?
How should I go about to acquire bps in the Jackson Region? In specific, the night scout bps, if that helps any.
They really should've made it so that the healing items heal some percentage and not a fixed amount. It's dumb how quickly the healing mushroom becomes useless.
They're immune to the fire my lad
Golden animals can't be grilledGolden animals can't be grilledGolden animals can't be grilledGolden animals can't be grilled
need to throw another live animalneed to throw another live animalneed to throw another live animalneed to throw another live animal
Explore the tower with a different class everytime and pray the shop has it.
Many thanks!
Well I know shooting fireworks may not of helped but I was just worried they might die from this fire I have to jump over normally
I forgot all about the shop, kek... What class would you say has the highest chance?
No idea, no one has really did extensive testing yet. So far there seems to be theming where Shooters get more range weapons etc but nobody knows yet,
Oh boy, I love discoveries. Maybe I'll have something to contribute to Spreadsheat-senpai.
merry christmas, my senpai one and all
>On floor 2
>Level 2 character
>2 Dev Haters fighting
>One level 115, the other 110
This is why I stockpile brainshrooms
Merry Christmas to you too Senpai. How far are you gonna climb today?
what floor can i find the d.o.d. red metal on?
as far as the tower lets me, hoping to hit 35 at least
Ok, golden snail guy again but with a new, math related question.
How many snails do I need to fully rank a tier 4/tier 5 character?
I want to know how many times I'll need to farm
tier 4 should be around 10 snails, 5 being around 20 iirc
cheers, better make some storage space
Just beat the first real big bossu and unlocked T2 characters. Should I level one up? When's the next Tier gonna unlock and what would be the best course of action from here on out? The boss itself wasn't too hard but the gauntlet leading up to it fucked with me quite a bit.
Any annoying obstacles like bullshit traps or detours on the way from 35 to 40 or aside from bosses it's smooth sailing?
>gonna beat u-10 before christmas starts
>do that shit
>try to keep going and unlock shortcut
>run into COEN boss room that doesn't look like a fucking boss room
wew lads merry christmas
What's that decal on the leftmost side?
I think that's the ABP booster
Squeezer +40% more ABP express pass decal
The wood version from tier 3 should have been the final one, it looks so nice.
this was me two hours ago, i even examined both paths and one was a wide open room and one was a corridor, of course he spawns in the corridor
Not sure if anyone's found this already but I found a gold chest in F35 Wakaba. I got there by rushing to Obara, Tengokuji, then Wakaba.
The ambush it triggers is a bunch of scratch tubers, 1 hover tuber, and 1 pitching machine screamer.
Some things I wanna note is that I had to unlock a boss lock in Tengokuji. I don't remember which boss unlocks it. I could be wrong on these last two things but there's a area golden building and fountain where if you walk into it, a gate locks you in forcing you to go to or stay in Nitanda where Coen is. I think is shortcut is only available during this snail rotation too.
>has red vent im it
Totally not suspicious guys
What's ABP?
how do you increase the maximum level? is it random or is it from buying a class, maxing it and then scrapping that increases the cap?
Weapon Experience, I have it on so I can finally finish fist mastery in a timely manner.
The points to increase weapon mastery
>Only room in the entire area that has personal lighting.
>Square open clear room.
>Double gate on both ends of the room.
>Mushroom growing on each side of the room by the gates.
>Doesn't look like boss room.
there's another area 90 degrees from it that looks more like a boss room
dude i thought that too, turns out thats the shortcut
Just got the premium Barbarian decal, I might be set up to beat a jackal before I even try and finish off the floor 40 boss
tip: faster to jump into fire and pull items out to cook in waiting room, than to pull out and X to cook, better for stacks
fuk u
>tiny triangular hallway.
>Looks more like a boss room.
Okay senpais, I've reached Jackson, and I still haven't gotten my night scout pants bp; should I keep revisiting Koshi-Tagawa, and hope that the shop is there AND selling the bp?
>Sending fighters on expeditions
>That one guy who keeps going to Osuki when snail room is in rotation.
>People raving about the Jackal theme
>Check it out
>It's just some super generic alternative song
I knew I shouldn't have trusted /lidg/
>Still using that retarded shorthand.
Are you seriously a fucking moron?
It's the first impact that count
Hearing it for the first time while watching thr cutscene of the worst 3 nightmares of the entire game makes you pumped
Literally wrong
I sure love how "blind" boss can 360 noscope you with a fucking body
I'd really like to go around the floors 21 onwards to look for materials since the levels are so huge, but fucking jackals keep coming up too soon. Fuck them. I hope somebody finds some glitch so they can get removed again.
>it's a Goto 23F doesn't want to drop any black candle metals even after six kills in a row episode
I just want to upgrade my weeb sword man...
Stop killing every mob.
Coen isn't deaf you dense fucking moron.
Look at the post he's responding to you fucking idiot.