Fighting Games General /fgg/
cool santa hat
It's me it's me it's ddp
post christmas combos
I want to get better at fighting games and im tired of playing SFV what should i play?
Melty Blood
best i can do is non religious winter festival combos
Looking for someone to play SFIV:AE with on steam.
not celebrating christmas this year for the first time. SFV is shit. Just want something different for tonight.
is masturbating on christmas a bad look
How do I do raging demon without whiffing light punches?
Want to see nirvana but don't wanna die yeah
merry sniffsmas!!
Impractical shit makes for the best combo vids.
buffer it while whiffing other moves.
I wanna ejaculate on their tummy
the digital upgrade to ultra wont go on sale.
Nah. My girl's asleep and I still throttled it out. Gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.
kara cancel w/ vskill
Rashid or Laura?
Id play but i only have Ultra
is imstilldadaddy's accent just being shitfaced?
There was an ultra update a while ago, and my game is called ultra, but I don't have access to the ultra characters and I can't do matchmaking unless they have the same edition as me. I have no idea if I can play with people who actually have the ultra expansion. All I know is matchmaking is nonexistent
sniffmonogatari fighting game when??
I wanna sniff
I wanna sniffbloo
So, as someone relatively new to the game.
How do I actually get in on people like Balrog who will sit most of the game and just block me out and beat me on his terms with good pokes and such? If they also tech all the throws I try to do and all that.
I've honestly got no idea how to actually fight these people. Generally the charge folks.
I'd play you but you're too far away.
RIP Coalgirls.
Frametraps, ogreheads, throws.
But generally speaking Balrog doesnt even benefit much from staying back. If he plays too defensively just corner him and fuck him up.
I'm pretty sure people with ultra can uncheck the box for the update in steam and play with AEfags.
Generally whiff punish, throw fireballs or just wait for the right time to jump in on them committing to a button. I mean it depends on your character a lot obviously but the general point is every time they throw out a poke or a dash punch they open themselves up for you to counter it.
You're like the third person that has said they could play with me but wont. Sucks that I can't sleep. Just sitting here looking at the menu and occasionally checking the thread.
This vid has some nice setups. Around 2 min it shows how to instant demon using a parry to cancel.
It really sucks they won't put Ultra on sale ever.
If europeans played with the consistency that they shitpost they might be not awful at fighting games
Also sucks to live on financial aid from my school.
Jokes on you im an even 50/50 shitpost to play ratio
But the best street fighter players here are yuros.
The thing is, I'm the kind of person who don't really relent and from what I can tell - probably utterly gutting fighting game lingo as I don't come from these here parts normally.
I 'main' Nash currently, despite him apparently being really bad right now. Every time I tried to go for the overhead f+mp, he'd just lp it out of me. Every time I tried to go for a bazooka knee into throw, or anything of the like, he'd just tech me. I never really let him whiff anything because I was on him like a fly on shit constantly. Anytime I'd jump, he'd just c.hp (I think?) me for anti-air and get a small combo in before going back to hunkering his corner blocking.
Was the plan that I should've pulled back and let him come to me instead, since I obviously didn't beat him at the poke-defense game? Main reason I don't like giving Balrogs a chance to actually do something is because I'm terrified of his offense. I've gotten beat so fast by him and I had no clue how to actually deal with it.
I guess it's also a point of experience and knowledge about the game and knowing the matchup. But I'm asking here, so, I'm at least trying to learn, yeah?
everyone who says they main a fighting game character is bad at fighting games
I even said I was bad, man. No need to rub it in.
God bless us, everysniff!
This is something I struggled with in SFIV with balrog as well. Here's my advice as someone newish as soon as the match starts make sure you get the life lead by being defensive as well.
I assume you don't play charge. Charge characters are not amazing at offense by design. If Guile throws a fireball neutral jump over it. When you think Balrog is going to dashpunch neutral jump and land on top. At your skill level players even with a lifelead don't play the clock, they get impatient, and walk forward thus losing charge.
Seriously back up against a Guile/Urien/Balrog and see how long they can stand being on the other side of the screen. Can't walk forward and block, there's your opportunity.
>Every time I tried to go for a bazooka knee into throw, or anything of the like, he'd just tech me.
Mix it up with a ~5f attack or a neutral jump/moonsault or something in that situation.
pressure game is also something you gotta learn.
you can react to overheads, but you cant react to throws, so if anything he read your approach.
mix it up better.
See what he did is know what your options are and where the gaps in your offense are.
>Every time I tried to go for the overhead f+mp, he'd just lp it out of me.
He knows your overhead has a lot of startup frames so he can jab you out for free.
> Every time I tried to go for a bazooka knee into throw, or anything of the like, he'd just tech me.
He knows you're going to throw after the knee so he techs it.
>Anytime I'd jump, he'd just c.hp (I think?) me for anti-air
He knows you're prone to jump so he waits for you to do and counter it
That's why you gotta know what he's going to do and do your own counter. If he throws out a lot of jabs to counter your overheads then you throw out a heavy normal and try to crush counter him for heavy damage. If you know he's going to tech then you walk back and shimmy.
As I said every time he predicts you and commits to a counter he opens himself to you countering him instead.
Also if you play Nash you probably also want to dash back and throw some fireballs and see where that gets you. No reason to force your way in when you don't know how to get in.
So to win SFV neutral do I just get close and slam on my safest Crush Counter button?
What did he mean by this?
also don't listen to he was just shitposting
That guy is just a shit. Unless you are at the highest tier of competitive play or main a truly worthless character the amount of times you are going to lose because of character choice is virtually zero. You just gotta stay on that grind man.
Yeah, heavy buttons with 10+ frames of startup are usually the best close range option.
Another quality /fgg/ post.
where 2 go for season 2 frame data?
the patch notes
sniffsmas excite
>Main reason I don't like giving Balrogs a chance to actually do something is because I'm terrified of his offense. I've gotten beat so fast by him and I had no clue how to actually deal with it.
that's a bad train of thought. calm down first, and learn to block. this is actually the most valuable thing to learn as a beginner.
for me, once i got a better sense for how to defend, i also got a sense for how to mixup my offense to break through the opponents defense.
and from the sound of it, you mixup game sounds weak and predictable.
dunno if this applies to sfv, but it probably does.
Just throw booms all day if he sits there in the corner. If he starts to vskilling through them, throw the HP boom and do bazooka knee after. It will catch him. Also tick throw: do 1 jab then throw. If he starts teching those do 1 jab HP = crush counter, punish.
Mix it up.
It seems like that's always what everyone does. Get close and mash on HK so they can take half my health in a CC combo.
Name 1
Then you must be pressing stupid fucking buttons because hks are all slow as shit.
Yeah bison, I guess I am.
i like posts like this
asking for advice without calling the game or the opponent bullshit and admitting what you dont know
you'll improve quickly with this sort of thing
is it a stupid button if it gets results? or a risky button? these are the decisions you have to make to get out of rookie
Which region you on?
if its bison then you're getting frametrapped.
dont press buttons when he does shit thats highly positive on block
are you high on assfumes
I'd rather just sit here doing nothing than try and navigate that site.
Street Fighter V is giving me this UE4 Kiwi something error. Can someone help me? When the server were down it was working, i think it has something to do with updates.
>be bison player
>frame traps all day err day
>CC into all the damage
gotta respeck bipson buttons m8
Run Steam as admin and see if it works.
This is the approach I took to SFIV with Abel, although I had command throws in case I wanted to push them into a corner.
The only Urien players I've fought so far has basically never used a single charge or special at all, and just normals. Can cancel out pretty much anything Nash can do towards him, which is a bit bothersome. Though I can usually deal with it a little bit.
Yeah, even when I tried neutral jumping on him, he'd poke me out of it. But moonsault might've worked. Should try that next time I get in that position.
Yeah, judging by these posts I'm pretty much guessing that he just read me like a book because I had faced him once earlier and my gameplan was pretty much the exact same because I perfected him once in that match. So, he probably just waited and watched me, poking at the times he knew he could for free.
Mixing up my mix-up, then. Or at least trying to.
I'm honestly still stuck in the Abel mindset where my only mode is 'go' and never let him breathe.
Any suggestions on good block-strings? Right now, I just sort of go for stuff like c.lp c.lp, f+lk, c.lp f+mp (if connect) and just do regular combos.
Well, it ain't the game's fault if I'm bad, yo. Only got the game 2 days ago so still trying to get to grips with mechanics like V-meter and all that jazz. Nash's in particular where I've not gotten a good v-dash off once, despite it being his most powerful option.
Yurop. I'm just a lowly ultra bronze-silver hoverer at the moment.
It didn't.
In the SFV Steam technical forums there's a guide on how to fix that issue. It involves deleting some files that become corrupted after updates, so check it out. I had the same after the Urien patch.
That's a bunch of bullshit. Why do I have to do 2x more work than that smug cunt? All he has to do is stand in one spot all game holding down back and wait for me to make a mistake.
What's your CFN? We can play some games during the week.
If a Bison doesnt keep you locked down 24/7 he falls apart.
Character has shit defense.
>stun him
>go for my usual jumpin combo
>extreme micro-lag the moment I need to hit my one link
>he immediately starts a combo and supers me
The connection was perfect otherwise. Was that a fucking macro or some shit right now?
Bison has limited defensive options. Gotta put in the work to pressure your anus and condition you to press that button and eat the big knee. If you can't get in on a Bison holding downback you gotta step it up. This ain't Guile here.
>holding down back
So happy I got a command throw. Down backers are a dream come true for me.
If you don't take offense, I'd rather not share right now. At least not until I've got all the basics down and such.
Last time I played someone from here on Tekken Tag Tournament 2, there were webms and 2 rows of replies to it laughing at me - even when I confirmed I was bad back then too. Moreso to TTT2 because I find Tekken's combo system to be super awkward, never having played it much and snowed myself in on Street Fighter. It made me feel like shit. So I'm a bit wary about handing out names and stuff.
The Tekken posters in this thread are extremely autismal, so its no surprise.
You'll never be good at fighting games with that attitude
No problem. Write down mine though : V-Eric if you want to play some time. Since sometimes I get invites from other people, I won't know it's you (And I wouldn't share webms like that).
That sucks, you sure it wasn't just a funny situation? I haven't seen someone shit on people in webms that are clearly new. Also usually if you ask people on here to not make webms they will respect that.
Don't get discouraged by stuff like that user.
If you care about what other people think of you, you will never succeed at life. Not just fighting games.
it's early access jive
I had a normal game yesterday, and then agree to play another one and it's completely unplayable
>That's how you start the fight and finish it quickly!
What did she mean by this?
Tekken players are bullies. Never trust them.
Tekken players and the tekken community is pure cancer, ignore them.
i just answer tekken questions famalam.
Shit like this and people wonder why fighting games are a dying genre.
play sniffcolle
Christmas Ranked Grinding. Awww yes.
>The thread filled with scrubs once again
no need to be such a pussy
>hurr let's give even the small breasted character a giant ass and obese thighs
Getting REAL fucking tired of this thicc shit desu