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first for Yukas
>haven't played dark souls in more than a month
>come back, first thing I see is zullie finally finished the tiny mod
Ho ho ho, guess what my next playthrough will be.
Merry Christmas lads, hope your having a comfy day playing dark souls.
>tiny mod
Does this do what I think it does?
Lol didn't play Souls in 2 and a half months
I'm just here to shitpost
Remember that DaS3 is not a bad game, it's just not as good as DaS2 or DeS.
Anyone calling any souls game or bloodborne outright bad is full of shit
>full of shit
Welcome to /dsg/.
DaS1 > DeS >= BB > DaS3 > > > > > DaS2
Nah, DaS2 is a bad Souls game. Taken on its own, it is still mediocre.
Thanks friend, hope you and everyone else on /dsg/ have a good day today
and there comes the turd
What, specifically, do you think makes DaS2 better than DaS1?
The definitive list:
DeS ≥ BB > DaS1 > DaS3 > Ride to Hell: Retribution > DaS2
>better poise system
>better BS system
>dual wielding
>better balanced weapons
>better balanced attire
>viable magic
>toned down grinding for upgrade materials thanks to ascetics
>pvp still works in cleared areas
>stamina managment
>no infinite iframes
>animation cancelling
>meaningful durability system
>checkpoints can be activated when invaded
>no infinite fogwall/disabled bonfire bug
>no queue bug
>sweetspots on weapons
>plenty fun level gimmicks like the poison statues, curse pots, dark areas
>respec in the starting area
>NG+ additions
>playable performance on all systems
>short loading times
>punishable healing
>better community
>makes Luce maaaad
which other areas besides smouldering lake did i miss?
Which areas have you been to?
>better poise system
No Poise system. Two-hit system that was a terrible attempt at balancing slow weapons.
>better BS system
Game is still BSSouls
>dual wielding
I agree, actually.
>better balanced weapons
>better balanced attire
>viable magic
Implying it isn't wasn't viable before.
>toned down grinding for upgrade materials thanks to ascetics
"Grinding ascetics to grind mats = toned down grinding"
DaS2 player logic, everyone.
>pvp still works in cleared areas
At least some people will see this as a negative, but ok I see the appeal for FCs.
>stamina managment
If there is one thing I can credit DaS2 with, it is making managing stamina in other games easier, but I would hardly call DaS2's insanely slow stam regen a positive trait, much less a better-than-DaS trait.
>no infinite iframes
"Wahhh he roled through m,y attacks in DaS3! ;_;" Git gud.
>animation cancelling
No one liked bugs until it became one more thing to fill out a list of imaginary things DaS2 did better than DaS. I liked animation cancelling too, though
>meaningful durability system
No. DaS2's durability system, aside from being implemented wrong for months on PC, was a garbage system put in place to make the No Bonfire runs challenging. If you weren't actually doing a No Bonfire run, it was just a pain in the ass, like Homeward Bones not counting as resting at the Bonfire.
>checkpoints can be activated when invaded
Another casul thing no one would ever think to applaud DaS2 for unless they were scraping the bottom of the barrel But, again, it is a feature I happen to like..
>>better poise system
You're full of shit right from the first. DaS1 is the only game in the series with a proper and functional poise system. Was it a little OP with the BS system? Sure, but that was a problem with BSes not poise.
>dual wielding
It was shit. It was semi-effective at launch but was nerfed into the dirt.
>>better balanced weapons
Lol. Nearly every weapon played exactly the same and were just straight statistical upgrades of one another.
>>viable magic
Only in the network test. It was the same shit in the release.
>toned down grinding for upgrade materials thanks to ascetics
Shit system, and was inconsistent as hell.
>>stamina managment
Yeah, standing around with your thumb up your ass waiting for your stamina to regen was so fun, amirite?
>no infinite fogwall/disabled bonfire bug
Because you never get invasions anyway. I got more invasions in BB and DaS3 than DaS2, and that is saying something.
>>sweetspots on weapons
Shit concept considering latency and such
>makes Luce maaaad
Let's be honest, you believing this is the only reason you actually defend this crap game.
>no infinite fogwall/disabled bonfire bug
I experienced plenty of those.
>no queue bug
I don't even know what this is.
>sweetspots on weapons
DaS had those too.
>plenty fun level gimmicks like the poison statues, curse pots, dark areas
>respec in the starting area
>NG+ additions
Manatory NG+/Ascetics for builds.
>playable performance on all systems
Clearly you never played the game on PS3.
>short loading times
Not any shorter than DaS'
>punishable healing
"Wahhh DaS3 rustled my jimmies again ;_;"
>better community
DaS2's community is the worst since the first influx of mustards in DaS.
>makes Luce maaaad
Caring about namefags.
Nah m8, you and DaS2 are both shit.
>almost year of our lord gwyn 2017
>still haven't got lucy filtered
You brought this on yourselves.
Nice opinions there m8s. I enjoyed DaS2 much more than the turd you prefer and there is nothing you can do about it.
I like how majority of the rebuttals here are literally "no you're wrong cause i didnt like that"
>"Wahhh he roled through m,y attacks in DaS3! ;_;" Git gud.
>defending Ds3's zero cost busted rolls
How much does Miyazaki pay you
How about YOU list what you specifically like about DaS1. I will totally not copy paste parts of your trash respones;^)
why is killing gwynevere a sin if she's an illusion?
Because removing those giant boobies from the world, illusion or not, is absolutely abhorrent
Everything that wasn't blighttown or Izalith.
I dunno. What's the deal with all the yukaslegion memes? Did something funny happen to him recently?
>you're wrong
>git gud
>hurr ds3
>no you're wrong
I mean, you could also try and come up with real, actual arguments instead of shitposts
Anyone with a brain knows damn well DaS2's weapons and armor is not any better balanced than any other game. Reply was already going to take two posts and it wasn't worth elaborating on.
Thanks for the free (You) though cherrypicking the couple parts of my post you didn't like, instead of responding to the rest.
>being lazy
Don't expect me taking you serious until you countered all those point he makes.
Don't expect my to take you seriously until you start making your own points instead of mindlessly parroting youtubers.
Sure Mr. Matthewsclerosis.
Mouse&Keyboard is the best way to play for casters, pyros, archers, and arbalests. It's also good for unlocked fighting. You can't beat the accuracy of a mouse boyyy
>responding to the rest
there is literally no rest
Have a very Merry Dark Souls Christmas, the lot of you!
DANCER IS FOR __________!
Any ideas or suggestions for a stealth focused build for invasions and pve? How do the various stealth items and rings work in pve?
I usually move my hand to my mouse to aim great bows. I can definitely back this up for aiming at least.
Celebrating Christmas with!
mashing buttons
Here's to another year of childish bickering.
Not really recently but he's a salty bitch in general and he's like the figurehead of all the salty bitches who get upset over "mean gestures":
I could understand if he was hacking or something but a mean gesture?
Fuck you faggot I don't childishly bicker.
timeless classic
I just beat nito, the hyra and then the grey wolf, where the fuck am I supposed to go now?
Back to your game to figure it out yourself
Nito, 4kings, Bed of Chaos, Seath, then Firelink
I need to do 4 kings then, do I need to speak to that guy on the roof in new londo?
either continue past quelaags domain to meme ruins, go from Anor Londo to Duke's Archive or go to the New Londo and kill the 4 Kayingz. If you want to access the DLC, go to Duke's.
can I do 4 kangz then the dlc after? is it just the final boss after those?
>is it just the final boss after those?
You can decide the order in which you want to do the Lord Soul bosses after you get the Lordvessel. In fact, you can kill 4 Kings before getting the Lordvessel actually.
But you'll have to at least go to the Duke's Archive first because the key to the DLC is found there inside the crystal golem. Then you need to go the Darkroot basin again, kill a gold golem and go from there.
Cheers m8
Is there any way to keep track of my kill count invading when it comes to working towards the ring of thorns +2 in DaS2?
>he's not looking to the side
>he's looking at you
is this actually in the game
what's the best dark souls wiki
I've never played magic playthroughs. Can anyone recommend me some decent intelligence builds that rely on spells? Any advice, especially for early game would be handy too.
I'm interested in doing every game over as a wizard, so whatever you've got for any of the games is appreciated.
first playthrough
das 3 > das >>>> das 2
2nd playthrough and further
>das >>>> das 3 >>>> das 2
Wikidot is fairly consistent and has all the basic info about pretty much everything, but often not a whole lot else.
Fextralife either has everything you want to know and more, or incomplete pages
The wikidot wiki for the first Dark Souls and Demon's Souls.
Kekstralife is good if you're looking for a laugh.
No, I edited the VFX of Great Magic Barrier and then set it to be applied to every NPC.
what's the lore on the porcine shield?
aw that's nice
does ds3 also have all ng+ characters in the same multiplayer pool, and all ng players in a different multiplayer pool
also what is the agreed upon pvp sl?
Wikidot uses male pronouns on Gwyndolin's page.
Fextralife uses female pronouns.
Which one is right?
Ng cycles don't matter, only thing involved in matchmaking is soul level and maximum weapon upgrade. The ""meta"" SL is 120 unless you're that one french cunt that keeps coming to fight clubs with his SL200+ characters
I'm not some amazing mechanical god at this game, but the allure of greatswords and ultra's make me want to play. how easy/difficult are they to use in 3? they seem very unusable in videos ive seen. i played two and had some fun, and never finished DS1, played through BB and demons souls though.
>using kekstra
Greatswords are really good and generally one of the most solid melee weapon choices. Ultra's require some care and positioning, but are very rewarding
Though if you're only talking about pvp, then I don't really know either way
80th for Loo Cee Furry
>there are still people claiming that Gwyndolin is trans
is washing pole looked down upon in ds3?
Can somebody help me with that underground pirate/viking place in D2S please?
I spent hours there yesterday, dying over and over, until I finally got a Human eff.
Im on steam
no because it is weak as shit
post ur char
>playing chink souls at all
if your only attack is running R1 then yes
Vanilla or softs?
How much is your soul memery?
Yes because it's a katana and anyone using a katana needs to jihad themselves
Unless your using the bloodlust
it's not even about mocking trannies, besides dressing like a girl (which his father forced him to do because muh moon), gwyndolin doesn't even consider himself female
Where is a good place to find people who trade? Still looking for that boltstone in DS2 PC
go get the drangleic shield
If you die to the pirates you need to git gud.
If you die to long armed monsters use a torch
how and where
scratch that
I have it in my inventory already
i am not dying to those, I die by ambushes in the tiny cabins with no room to dodge
Scholar or vanilla?
scholar sorry