Fighting Games General /fgg/
is rashid a good beginner character?
>the hat stays on her head even if you enlarge the pic
wew lad
Here is a present for you all so you can PlayBlue on your PC as well just like all the other cool kids
Merry Christmas /fgg/
Rashid is awful. His voice is shit, his stances are shit, his spinning is shit.
Stick to Ryu and Ken for a beginner character. Then switch to someone better once you get the fundamentals down.
Is that guy in the background cosplaying as a touhou character or something?
play blazblue
Are you actually telling me that someone ripped it from the arcades? Absolute fucking madman
I figured out how to use my stick with KoF, I had to restart the game to get the option to appear.
well you can easily break down the styles of each character and pick from what you like/you are used to
or just pick all the characters that you like the most and then play them and pick one that you really like
Is this 10gb of dolphin porn?
Every character is beginner friendly in SFV, pick who you want.
Post cfn, I'm curious to see what kind of person would use the "play ryu to learn fundies" meme in 2017.
Link to this thread got deleted. Just post in unless you want to piss off the janitors on Christmas.
in the spirit of Christmas, can all 4 anons who are present itt gift me the definition of the fighting game term "fundamentals"?
Who should I play?
I like to be reactive, fast and have range
I dislike charge inputs
I kind of dislike shoryuken style inputs
Hakumen or Nine
Fundamentals just means control of space
>Play my first SF5 game since release since the game being laggy and my stick not working made me not want to play
>Decide to reinstall
>Can finally configure my stick
>Play online
>First game is fine
>Second game is teleport central
Game has almost been out a fucking year now.
Clearly I'm talking about the only alive fightan
Allahu akbar man seems fun enough, but I've heard he's awful
blazblue is alive
BlazBlue is alive
He got buffed in season 2, now has real damage
how do i open people up who just downback in crossup range and block everything, tech throws and dont fally for shimmies
tag 2? tekken doesnt really have charge inputs so anybody would be fine by those criteria I guess
Chip them and wait them out
How do we stop justin wong? This man shouldn't be allowed at any tournament.
>20k dong
>vietnam money is literally called dong
play blazblue
There's no stopping the madman
"Please tell me who to play, I don't know anything about the characters." "Oh I've heard he's bad even though I know nothing about the game and refuse to put in any work to learn any character that isn't top tier." Just pick anyone you fuck, everyone plays the same.
Why is street fighters combo system so archaic and unintuitive?
Our boy Justin 'touch cunnies for the fundies' Wong at it again.
What a madman!
>i'll check if anyone knows a character that fits the archetype I usually enjoy
>oh I've heard multiple people complaining about this specific character being useless
>oh he was buffed? i'll try him out
BlazBlue won
How be good at street fighter V?
Which guy do I pick? I've been playing Ibuki but I think... Ibuki is bad? Am I right? Is Ibuki bad?
Is Ryu a safe bet because he's Ryu or?
>Asking about specific character archetypes in a game where every character plays exactly the same
>goober gear is so bad even diehard fans like biscuits have to take long breaks and can't handle long sets
wow, really makes you think..
So why is Juri bad? or, was, in season 1?
There's a difference between being good and picking who you think is good to win
you should probably learn how to game works before trying hard characters like ibuki
ryu is good for that
You can only take so much unga vortex at some point
shit everyones between 2 threads
I meant the questions to be separate. I'm wondering how to go about learning the game, and also who a good character to attempt that with is.
And yeah, I realized Ibuki is overly technical for a beginner.
That's because GG really makes you think and you can't gorilla smash your way through :^)
BUT ALSO, while I am a beginner, this is not my first fighter. I played quite a bit of Skullgirls, MVC3, and I guess smash.
I think we should stick to the other thread.
the other thread has 16 posts
this one is better and came first
>other thread has more IPs but less posts
>this thread has less IPs but more posts
really makes u think
>is retarded
>post polshit images
Made me think
Anyone got any decent Ibuki guides?
>hit my upper limit of only playing ryu and only using heavy punch/heavy kick
>realise i'll have to go into training mode and learn combos for five hundred hours if I want to go further
>lose interest
How do you guys stay motivated?
Learning fighting games isnt about combos at all, just learn the easy bnb's and move on.
Try to learn concepts about the game instead. Learn frame traps and find a way to integrate them into your game. Frame traps will also allow you to create a throw mixup.
Fuck Ibuki and her stupid moves that can do whatever they want and for some reason I can't get in on the stupid little slut always jumping and dashing around with her stupid fucking crossups and resets fucking hell.
i slipped outside on the ice and fucked my hands up by grinding them against the frozen snow so i cant grip neither a pad or a stick
what fightan should i play and how
Guess I'll watch some videos or something tomorrow.
My experience so far has been either shitstomping without getting touched, or getting shitstomped without touching my opponent
stop jumping
hahaha what a clumsy fag
just use your keyboard home slice.
I don't, I've noticed that's the easiest thing to punish, people who jump every time they go in are the people I slam without getting touched so far.
Instead, I have no clue how to engage and fight purely by punishing my opponent, which isn't working anymore
nigga just because you live in rio and has never been around snow and ice dont mean you can talk about it
you could be an olympian gymnast and ice will still fuck you
please, I live in canada
I havent fallen on ice in years
This raging demon parry is retarded
I love it
>fight purely by punishing my opponent, which isn't working anymore
i mean, if you truly are punishing without being punished, you should win every game
then learn how to play with your opponents emotions by frustrating them (jab pressure), and by seeking their desperation during pressure.
>tfw i slip on ice almost every time i go out, i just never actually fall
as long as they dont get a knockdown its all good
Clearly I'm not very good at it unless my opponent is extremely predictable such as jumping in all day user, I do it because every time I try to engage myself i get shitslammed, not because it's a specialty
>kara demon
You are playing the high iq character in a low iq game right? Is there a cozy lion Akumer?
I am playing Urien, the highest iq character in SFV
You can't do the demon like you'd do it in 4 and hit lk and hp at the same time
I guess that's what he means
one time in high school, i was walking to the bus after school and saw a small block of ice. i went to go kick it cuz why not and when i went to kick it, it was solid and frozen to the ground and i ended up tripping and fell on my ass
high school was fun, 7 years ago, hard to believe
Confirmed highest IQ characters in the game:
you play anyone else you are low IQ braindead autofootsies unga bunga mashers
im literally trembling... how can he keep getting away with this... does top player privilege really extend this far...
throw fireball
keep throwing fireballs
there you go, ST fundamentals
unga bunga hk
unga bunga ex tackle
unga bunga aegis
unga bunga CA
Throw random HP fireballs in neutral, if one of them hits tell yourself it was a hard read
What happens when I throw a fireball and my opponent jumps and puts their boot in my cranium before I can recover?
Just unga a bunch then when you have trigger bunga into aegis
just mash
then you learn that certain distances are a bad place to throw fireballs or that your pattern is easily learnable
How do I stop myself constantly doing hyakuretsukyaku.
Makes me feel scrubby as shit when I win, and I get punished a lot for it.
>not unga bunga
20k dong is probably a quarter usd
holy shit its not even a dollar
>implying they won't emergency patch akoomer before the new CPT starts
does raging demon always hit if they are landing from a jump?
I tried it and it was too slow
only if they did a move in the air
Is this a new feature?