/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Did Someone Say Midlanders? Edition

>Starlight Celebration (December 15th - December 31st)

>Free login campaign (December 1st - January 4th)

>Tokyo Fanfest (December 23rd - December 24th)

>Patch 3.45 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Stormblood Expansion Teaser

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

Previously on /xivg/:


merry christmas everyone!


Nice pits.

Midlander edition?

Post midlanders cuties

halloween was nearly 2 months ago, user

And a Merry Christmas to you, too, user. There's still more than enough time in the day to spend with your friends.

>Ywn protect that smile and hold her tight.

Cool, thanks for the tip! It's just weird because having such a huge gap is kinda ruining the pacing, but it's not that bad because the actual story stuff seems pretty good. Plus it's not like there isn't other things to do in the game, I know I gotta get level 22 on gladiator for taunt and then some monk levels for some punch person stuff.

It just seems like the entire leveling process is based around these huge bursts of exp like you get from your challenge log and your dailies and stuff. Without that part the time between levels would be insane if you just had leves and normal dungeon runs etc etc.

And card games consume a great number of my time. The little shit in costa del sol still hasn't given me his card. So if the pacing didn't destroy itself I'm already kinda doing that job.

All in all I think the leveling experience has been pretty okay! It's a nice change from zone-based stories like in WoW/SWTOR/GW2. An overarching story definitely fits this game well.

The general has been pretty helpful to boot!

Happy Starlight, everyone!

And now this hideous lizard and cat couple are going to force themselves and reply to each other.

Leveling a secondary class would normally be a chore, but any class below your current highest level class gets a 100% exp boost from all sources (50% once you get into heavensward for some unknown fucking reason)


it's still a chore

>spiderman shirt
>DNC because he's the most flexible marvel MC and dances in SM3
>BLU due to how peter becomes spiderman
>SAM with SM1 director's name and the recent spiderman samurai uniform
>BSM because the villains are named after monsters

This has got to be the most farfetched t-shirt evaluation. Why didn't he just choose something else easier?

You about to slap a hoe?

Wait, so should I do that stuff before I go yo heavensward? 50% more exp seems like a pretty big deal

>yfw we have to wait two months for an answer

lf bf

>spiderman is red and blue
>RDM and BLU

Yes hi name?

I mean if you really want to level up/switch to another class I GUESS now would be the best time to do so, but it's not the worst.

its worded a bit weirdly

when your alt class gets to lv 50 the exp increase goes from 100% to 50% for just that class

a better way to explain it is that if you have one class at 60, all lower level classes gain a 100% exp buff while theyre 1-49 and a 50% exp buff from 50-59

I hope everyone is having(or had) a great Christmas.

>Spider-Man is the only superhero with blue and red costume

This is why Bluefags are the worst

Then please, name 5 other superheroes with red and blue outfits

but he didn't wear a superman shirt or a captain american shirt he wore a spider-man one so your point is irrelevant

>when someone tells you they have mental issues but you keep going

Oh okay, that makes more sense.

post cute mids

You are becoming a problem.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Thor, Captain America and Doctor Strange

Because the hint is not the color you idiot

that's ironic

captain america
wonder woman

I've actually got a better outfit for her, now.

Merry Christmas, xivg!

The more I learn to play MCH, the more fun it gets. I'm so tempted to start working on an anime weapon for it instead of MNK... Someone convince me to not be retarded please.

Also, the thing I hate most about gauss barrel isn't the cast times/limited mobility/whatever... it's the stupid sound effect it makes when you're casting skills. The sound effect literally triggers my autism. Why couldn't they have used a more satisfying charging sound?

>people wishing people happy holidays
>someone actually discussing the game

This is bait.

>all this cancer


>all this ugly


o boy

i like this one cuz you can see my ears


It gets old after a while. The class is like, 20-30 seconds of fun followed by a minute of being boring as shit.

Finish your monk relic first. Just start to use your extra Poetics on stuff for the first stages of the relic, and when you're done with your monk one start stocking up on Umbrite as well. Remember, 4.0 isn't for another 6 months so you have plenty of time to do another relic after your Monk one.


that c@ on the right
>my feet hurt
>these people are too loud
>i'd rather be questing


>tfw malera partner refuses to do lewd stuff with another malera for my enjoyment
how can i get cucked from being cucked

Why can't anyone make a good midlander but me? I don't even want to play one..

Where do people "hang out" in this game?

On Balmung, there's always the bench in Ul'dah.

>Makes a boy.
>Calls it a girl

cute christmas catboys


I knew that feel once, though with Highlanders instead. But then I said 'Why not', blew my Fantasia I'd been sitting on for the last three years, bought a name change (lore friendly Miqo'te names don't really look right on non c@s) and I've had a blast.

Never would have thought just switching from being a c@ would be so refreshing.

that is a good one, though

I completely disagree with the notion of it being a minute of boring but ymmv.


Post more

Merry Christmas /xivg/! I hope you've all been enjoying it

I dunno, I like the general "rotation" in between wildfires. It feels a lot more involved than MNK's rotation to me at this point.

The reason I'm thinking about getting an anime weapon for MCH, is because I'm going to be getting a shire weapon for MNK next week (finally,) and I plan to eventually get the Alexandrian weapon for it, with how easy A12S seems to be. It's going to be a while before I start raiding with MCH (if I ever do,) so I figure the anime weapon is a good goal to work toward in the meantime.
I already have the 260 one for DRG, and the grind to get it nearly killed my motivation to play the game, so.. I don't think I want to try getting a 3rd relic after my next one, if I even finish the next one.

Because other people try to make appealing females while you appear to prefer little boys.

You aren't even wearing a Christmas outfit you binch.

underrated post

Well, the start of 3.5 will probably do what I think I remember 3.3 doing, where they unlock creator NM and drop the number of Gears needed for a weapon to 4 instead of 7, so if you have the scripture you'll probably be able to get a Machinist gun if you want one as well.

Did you just mutter a curse on me . . .

I'm gonna web spugi.

I didn't actually consider the gears being unlocked/the number required reduced. Guess I'll skip the anime weapon for now, thanks for the reminder man of moderate height.

Merry Christmas Abe!
Merry Christmas Naka!
Merry Christmas B'nhaka!
Merry Christmas Shirou!
Merry Christmas Ririten!
Merry Christmas Ada!
Merry Christmas Amber!
Merry Christmas Kiss!
Merry Christmas Elk!
Merry Christmas Felix!
Merry Christmas Puttel!
Merry Christmas Valvey!
Merry Christmas Rheia!
Merry Christmas Algy!
Merry Christmas Mado!
Merry Christmas Kaori!
Merry Christmas Ippiki!
Merry Christmas Proci!
Merry Christmas F'telor!
Merry Christmas Iri!
Merry Christmas Serys!
Merry Christmas Ruki!
Merry Christmas Spuki!
Merry Christmas Mute!
Merry Christmas Zani!

Possibly, I hadn't considered whether or not "Your Mileage May Vary" is a curse to ensure you never have consistent fuel-to-distance ratios for your car ever again.

tfw no1 said merry christmas to me

Who else is lonely here?


Me, I'm home alone on Christmas.. haha..



i just got sick of wearing it!!! here, happy?

Merry Christmas!
Don't despair, being a who and/or being forgetable has its benefits. Threadwise, that is.

You aren't fooling me.

>Tfw got the bundle for 19 bucks on ps4 this morning

How long until I can become a dark knight? Level 5 gladiator atm

Two new DPS jobs is a fantastic way to ruin queues forever.

we r sick of seeing your uglieness instead

I just want to be home right now

About a month. You have to hit level 50 and get into Heavensward.

Quite a while
but have your fun, don't just constantly go "CAN'T WAIT TO BE DARK KNIGHT"


tfw not on the list

Meanwhile half of vg makes a girl and calls it a boy.

You have to play through all of the original game's story and get to level 50.

merry christmas to you too user!

I missed you, Anonymous. I'm glad we got to see each other today.

>not on the list
I'm so happy.

shame the ban didn't last longer

>tfw no greenlander eb

>its dark in both NA and EU worlds when I have time to play
fug D:

>Blue Mage is a job that gets abiltiies from being hit by attacks


Seriously though, BLU is a tank in every single FF Game it's ever been released in. It's so fucking obviously going to be the Stormblood tank job it's not even fucking hilarious.


>tfw not on the list
why live?

It will be the offtank answer to Warrior, casting high damage spells.

Them getting hit only has to happen once though through a quest or something. Nothing about them really demonstrates an ability to tank. Having a shield able to be equipped=/=tank.

>BLU is an offtank that can do ranged damage in DPS stance, using melee attacks in tank stance