/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Upcoming Tournament on Tuesday Edition!

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Previously, on /hsg/

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This thread will reach limit in wednesday.
Dead ahead.

So what exactly is a bad draw for Pirates Warrior right now? Four out of my last five games where against them and I lost them all, with every start being different and the last game being dealt 30 damage turn 4. I've never seen them have to play slow and it's starting to become pretty insufferable

>thread posted 25 minutes ago
>1 reply

Reply to this post with a competitor name and image combination and any post ending in 5 will choose that competitors' portrait in the tournament overlay.

Competitor List:

nothing lewd or weeb

>used to grind to legend early every season
>wait until the last week this time
>legend players just give you free wins at rank 1

is it always like this or just Christmas time? literally 3 free wins from rank 1 to legend



what are some other good digital card games?







never 4get the kripps greatest moment



Ive never see him so flustered




All that vegan shit has aged him like 20 years.


trump looks like he aged 40 years in the past 2 as well


>overwatch team gives out free lootboxes
>team 5 shits in a bowl and calls it chocolate pudding

its the fistfulls of cash they've spent on hookers and drugs

wouldn't supprise me if trump and kripp was blowing through 10 grand a week


>tfw you topdick reno against a face shitter warrior




finally someone got a 5 ffs

Love this game :^)
But seriously fuck patches and fuck small time buccaneer

Guys requesting some feedback.

I'm considering crafting Kazakus, since I mostly play reno lock and I unpacked Inkmaster Solia the other day, so I could try reno mage.

My question is: is it worth it to spend my hardly earned dust in a legendary that might not be good enough once Reno rotates out of standard? considering the first 2017 xpac can be expected around march/april

You had lethal in your hand, ffs

>tfw rank 3 with Pirate Miracle

>mfw it actually is *Pirate* Miracle because it's the Southsea + Faceless finisher


Ok, I am changing it to 5 or 0

Here is who is left:

plz don't die thread ;_;

>renolock has more clears than you
>more value than you
>more draw than you
>more removal than you
>more damage than you
>more reach than you

where is the fucking weakness



Them not drawing Reno by turn 6 against aggro
Meaning if it's not in the mulligan, it's a (assuming tapping each turn except 6 and the renolock going first) 1 in 26, 1 in 25, 1 in 24, 1 in 23, 1 in 22, 1 in 21, 1 in 20, 1 in 19, 1 in 18, 1 in 17. Very low odds, not counting mulligan.



>dragon reno
dragon reno what
also this is my dragon reno deck that i haven't really touched since MSOG
what should i change to make it meta since it was fun as FUCK





The pleasure is mine.


that was a lot faster






Jade n'zoth shaman
Just look at my satisfied reaction picture



All that's left is Einx and xXxCloudStrifexXx


xx guy

its christmas, some of us have families we like to spend time with


>tourney faggot turns thread into an image spamfest instead of doing this shit on discord or something

why is everyone and their mothers playing rogue

why did blizzard print more cancerous 0 mana spells for auctioneer abuse


normie pls leave

Not cool broham. Let the organizers for this one do things their way and work openly with the thread.

>turn 1 coined doomsayer doesn't live half the time
Fucking epic :^)


because the tempostorm meme snapshot said rogue is gudd

thread is dead anyway

whoever is left

No, you can have the threads. They're yours now. Goodbye.

man I'm just trying to revive an otherwise dead thread.

plus it gets people familiar with the competitors

andy are you gonna cast the tourney with me

I would -love- to cast the tourney with you.

we love you pizzaman


and I love you humble anonymous


Even PC Gamer is now flat out stating that Duelyst > Hearthstone.

>Hearthstone blew the CCG genre wide open, creating space for dozens of competitors like Duelyst to fill. And while the idea of any new CCG topping the 50+ million player behemoth Hearthstone is hard to imagine, that doesn't mean it's still the best option out there. Duelyst may not have a lavish stage at BlizzCon, but it's become a better game than the CCG that helped inspire it.


They just keep coming up with more and more creative ways to get around Adblocker.

did they mention there are text based games that look better than duelyst?

no one thinks hearthstone is a good game anyways

South park did whole season about it

Do you have the banned list?

you actually took that name seriously, i posted it as a joke days ago

Are we in the stage of
Except hearth?

>When niggas get heated because you went face with 1 and 2 drops all game because you have nothing else in your deck

Choke on the value you cunt

People who play cleric into a board with 9 cards in hand are retarded

>aggro beats everything
>midrange jade beats control
>combo beats jade

>control decks are worthless

>aggro beats everything
How is it down there in rank 16 with your reno paladin hand buff? :^)

Name a deck that can't get rolled by pirate/dragon warrior, pirate face warrior/shaman or pirate/jade shaman.

taunt warrior

Not him but doesn't aggro have ~50% chance to win against any deck that isn't completely made to destroy aggro?

I'm trying to see if I want to come back or not, but if midrange-aggro is king and control is still worse than combo I don't think I am

Renolock, dragon priest, taunt warrior, most other contol decks.
rank 18 confirmed.

taunt warrior sucks against everything else but aggroshit but man if you queue up against a pirate deck it feels good. Armorsmith followed by successive taunts.

Wow never really had serious competition.

That's the last one.

Here is a poster I made with everyone on it

Nope, I'm not Vlad. He was waiting on Engio and CloudStrife to submit their bans

are you a real guy

Is this true?

is this a hearthstone thread or a radiohead thread?

jesus you weebs listen to shitty music. fucking kill yourselves off already goddamnit

>not knowing every single /hsg/ meme

No, every reno deck is favored against aggro

My next question is how will control fare once Reno/LoE is rotated out? If Reno is the only thing stopping aggro, then once Reno is gone, aggro rules?