/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previously >[Grand Time Temple Solomon]
Players must clear Babylonia to participate.
Servants will receive a scaling Attack bonus dependent on their Bond Level.
Defeat the 8 pillars to advance. Each pillar drops different ascension materials.

>[Solomon Pick-Up Summoning Gacha]
-From 12/22 to 12/31
-5* Merlin (Caster)

>[Babylonia Release Gacha]
-From 12/7 to 12/31
-5* Enkidu (Lancer)
-4* Gilgamesh (Caster)
-4* Medusa (Lancer)

>[Babylonia Gacha Part 2]
-From 12/14 to 12/31
-5* Quetzalcoatl (Rider)
-4* Gorgon (Avenger)
-3* Jaguarman (Lancer)

-1/2 AP Main Quest
-From 12/7 to 12/21 everyone is getting 2 Golden Apple per day
-Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- FGO Special Anime will air on 12/31. TV Project series confirmed for next year.
- Da Vinci-chan Code event Japan only



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Grand Time Temple Solomon Spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

Post your wishlist for the paid gacha.


I'm a Jeanne Alter with Lunch CE memer. Should I give it to Merlin now and let him in the Caster slot or put Merlin in All and another Caster in his place?


150 gems


Help me fgog, i need to embrace this situation.
Im out of Food for the next two weeks.

Excuse me but is there a name for the style of the top left/right and bottom right?

Dumb Jalterfag.


Bad end.

Also i tried to whale too Hard for my capabilities

>Roman will show up in all the event reruns
>but we know he's already dead

That's just sad

Okita > Merlin > Waver > Kintoki
I'll roll the Saber one and get something worthless like NP 2 Artoria or something though

Nobu a CUTE.


>spending so much money on a mobage that you can't afford basic necessities
Your priorities are so fucked it's a wonder you're even still alive.

Waver, Merlin or Cleo.
I want to roll the Caster gacha but I'm afraid of the spooks.

Sorry, it seems that Hassan took out my picture.

>Gold sparks
>This happens
I've gotten 3 new 4 stars rolling for this fluffy ass hole, this is the first time I've been actively angry at a gacha

This place used to be f2p and proud of it, never giving money to DW. Now people are whaling left and right and talking about rolling paid gachas as if it was normal.

What the fuck happened? You're no longer the /fgog/ I knew.


I apologize, I'm a newfag from the summer, I make no excuse for my whaling ways.

Please, be nice DW

Jeanne Alter/Medb NP2/Lancer Artoria/Gilgamesh/Drake/Cu Alter


It's a mobage general, sooner or later spending money will become the norm.

That's all I really want. I wouldn't be displeased with a Jack though. I already have Cleo. MHX would be a bit disappointing. I just beg the don't add extras into the mix even though they probably will. I have Jeanne, Alter, and Dantes, and don't want Amakusa at all.


We're refunding the money we spent. We all are, r-right?

Another copy of Drake, Da Vinci, Shuten, and Lancer Arturia.

Merlin>Waver>Tamamo>Da Vinci>Sanzo>illya>other shit

Guess which gacha I'm rolling

So I heard this game is crossing over with Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, right?

/fgog/ always talked about the jew gacha you cuck
>Buying a single quartz makes you a whale
Never mind you're just retarded


Merlín is my dream

How is it that people are whaling more than when the gacha was even worse than it is now?

>Jeanne Alterfag

No. I don't believe in being dishonest.

You are so fucked.

>different classes
You can only roll 1 class

It was easy to F2P in the start because all the waifus were mainstream shit like Arturia and Tamamo, and you could easily just reroll until you got the 5* you wanted.

Now people are invested, and you can't just reroll your account when your waifu finally enters the gacha, but she's limited so you only have a short period.

Who here doesn't give a shit about paid gatcha, and is just waiting for events that they've been waiting on for two years now almost since the game started.

So that you can roll the servants you want

Now I want to see what a script written by Shakespeare and Andersen would be like.

Are you saying we can only roll once, and pick one class?


I'm rolling the Lancer gacha because I want both the Lancer Arturias.

I was but then they started closing my accounts.

Will we get a limited servant in the new years gacha or is it just going to be the jew one? Because if so, I guess I'm saving quartz.

Congrats on your next roll.

This is not confirmed.

First refund is still automatic right?

King Hassan when

Shoji is my cousin and he said it's Parvati Lancer

>Rolled Merlin
>Have no good Buster/Crit Servants

Yes. That's always been the case.
I doubt DW would let you get 2 guaranteed 5*, paid gacha or not.

Nobody knows yet. Last time we only knew early thanks to datamine. This time we'll have to wait.

Different classes are confirmed, limited are not, but it's not confirmed if different classes mean each class is individual or if it's knights and cavalry+extra again.

I just dont know What to do with my life anymore.

I've been free to play since I started back around when the Nero rerun event was beginning. Granted, it was an account that was dormant since the start, so it stored tons of apology quartz and apples.

Honestly, if I was around for last year's guaranteed servant roll I would have spent money then too.

I only bet on sure things after all.

(in b4 MHX)

Depends, one of mine got declined but another got accepted.


Never spend money you aren't prepared to lose, dumbass

Nice Astolfo

Not even Emiya?

Spend money only if you have money

Guess you'll just have to become an Astolfofag.

Refund it all.

This is my first time, I thought we could spend and roll as much as we wanted

Artoria, Lion King, Artoria Archer, Modred, Okita

>implying you need a buster/crit servant for Merlin to be god tier.

Enkidu, Dantes, and Cleo.
Then my dream team will be complete.

Merlin > Waver > Sanzou = Tamamo

>dumb fuck spending money on mobage instead of living stuff
>surprise he doesn't get *5 with only 150 quartz
come on user

Scat/Lancer Arturia
I'm wary of the Bryn spook but I'm going for the Lancer gacha.

Stop fucking spending money if you can't afford to lose it.

Nico a shit

Don't feel too bad, user, I spent 270 quartz trying to get merlin.
I got two caster silvers that turned into golds during my rolls, and it was helena, then bilgamesh

I can't, im at googles Black list.

Shut your whore mouth.

God I hope it's not Knight/Cavalry. I don't know if I can mentally survive being spooked by Iskander or, god forbid, Amakuso while rolling for a Caster.

Use Lu Bu if you're desperate

Mostly dick jokes and sadness.

You a shit


>Just found out Riyo is the dude who used to do all those Idol Master pictures

Wow, I fucking love this guy even before FGO

My word is law.

If you could there would be no reason to ever roll any other gacha. Just save it and get easy 5*.

>Andersen and Shakespeare will never write your story

Let's be real for a minute. No translation is going to be perfect.

At the end of the day, I'm pretty sure everyone here wants to enjoy these stories that most of us can't actually read, which makes translations important for the thread's community's collective understanding. But, as is Veeky Forums's nature since time immemorial, there's a strong tendency to get very territorial when it comes to reddit or other discussion forums.

While I personally despise reddit as both a platform for discussion and as a community that uses that platform, I think being territorial about translations for the sake of being territorial is detrimental to everyone. Us and them.

Rejecting a translation on principle because of where it came from is just going to stifle good discussion and encourage shitposting. And getting angry about flawed translations is kind of a waste of effort when you could instead try to fix the flaws. Especially since it's way easier to do that than to translate from scratch.

So basically:

Don't take any one translation as gospel. But also don't reject any translation just because it doesn't quite fit your idea of what happened if you can't read the original yourself, because YOU might be the one wrong.

If you have something to offer to a translation, please do. And if someone else does offer something else to somebody's translation, please consider it.

Because like I said, at the end of the day I'm pretty sure we all want to know what actually happened in a story.

reddit DW apologists took over, this isn't new.

Last time you had a choice of rolling once on one of two gachas, one with Knight Classes and the other one with Cavalry + Extra. No limited Servants on either, but it did have chapter unlocks.

Again, roll ONCE in ONE of them, not once in each.

Fug, I have a couple of accounts that I made a year ago
Did you use credit card or PayPal? If I have two legit purchases and one refund, they won't blacklist my credit card right?

tfw one of these purchases is from the second jew gacha that I fucked it up and instead of pay it on a new account, I did it with my main account that already have the first refund from last year
I would always regret wasting those 30€

Well...guess I'll do saber then.
I was prepared to spend so much too

Fuck off BL your translations are shit and no amount of damage control is gonna change that.

what pictures?

>He didn't read Riyo's kancolle comics

Any difference between the two?

Either Fluffy or Waver

Just taking a moment to appreciate how many apples I got.
If I didn't have them I would have never survived this week, in fact I'd still be back in London probably.

Merry christmas!