/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18.
>Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=5VV5-opm1TE
>Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XiOBszkWCp0

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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The blackout effect is a nice trick


Fucking dead game anime killed MH


Do you have the skill to take it head on?


>your anus crop made it to the OP
I don't know what to feel

I don't get it. Can you provide context / uncropped version?

>boyfriend buys me Monster Hunter Generations for Christmas
>I hate it

How do I break it to him?

break it in front of him

Don't. Play with him and main pellet HBG.

Just stop playing it. You're not obligated to play a game someone bought for you if you don't like it.

have you played previous monhun titles? if not try 4U, it's a lot more beginner friendly mainly because it actually tries to have a story

regardless, is there a gift receipt? if not don't bother, if so say it in the nicest way possible that you want to return it, maybe use the money to buy him a "new years gift" or something
though my advice could be utter shit because I've never had a gf/bf, but in a textbook healthy relationship it should work maybe


What do you want Shaggy

I just downloaded a psp emulator and am currently playing mhfu with an Xbox One controller.

There's zero help at all in this game and it's punishing. I just blew a quarter of my zenny on two pickaxes that broke after 3 hits. I had to use a potion in the kill 5 giaprey quest. I spend half the time scouring the map for gathering points because there's no helpful popup that tells me if I can gather there or not. Also, all of the weapons don't have easy to use flashy combos.

Is this the epitomy of monster hunter? When will I ever git gud in this game?




Anything pre 3U is shit

The modern games have many more QoL changes made, especially third gen and it having popups near gathering nodes in your case, as well as significantly less chip damage and more developed movesets for weapons. MH4U is probably about as newbie friendly as it gets in this regard. Portable 3rd is as new as it gets when it comes to what you can emulate, though with a fan translation. There's a link to a pre-patched ISO in the pastebin.

Otherwise, there is plenty of not very interesting things to get yourself sorted with before you start fighting the larger assholes.

Anything (MHGen)

>significantly less chip damage
the most important change made in this entire series
g-rank kut-ku stands watch to remind us of a darker time

>g-rank kut-kut
and g-rank narga
and g-rank tigrex
and g-rank anything because chip damage got scaled up with everything else

so at the start of g-rank when your defense wasn't up to snuff a monster would rotate near you and you'd get chunked for 10% of your HP

I'm never going back. Never ever.

I was talking about how in mh4u g-rank kut-ku can deal like 50 damage by jumping up and down

is it even worth playing mhfu then?

I feel like a jew with this zenny grind

If you really want to play FU then go to the training school before doing anything. It teaches you the basic and pays you with free mixing stuff such as honey and paintball seed (both of which is important as you advance) and a little bit of money. But more importantly, it lets you play with all the weapons, letting you get a feel for what you like and hate.

>kiranico says village advanced rajang does less damage than guild
>actual play through shows it does at least double the damage of guild

It'll give you an appreciation for how the franchise has progressed, and how as different iterations are released that feel less difficult, it's more to do with polishing the shittier mechanics than making the game easier.


what else should a gaijin like me use


Essentially, MHFU is like the entirety of 1st and 2nd gen on a single UMD, with a huge amount of content for its time. Said time was when the series had more of a balls to the wall approach, which has kind of lessened overtime.

>Stand directly under a larger-than-you wyvern that is jumping up and down
>Wow how is this hurting

I really never understood that complaint considering you could just not stand under Kut-Ku during that entire obvious animation.


>no narga
>no lagi
>no gore

That wouldn't be horrible if they weren't replaced with fucking Zin and Dios, you're free to enjoy their fight but if you like their designs you need to see a shrink.

t. mature gamer

tfw I ironically like zinogre because it looks cool and acts like it knows it while also supplying some neato-looking equipment


does the Hyper Gore magala (Gen) have any new special moves? or is he going to be easy just like the others

That's what I'm talking about.

No different other than glowing hitzones buffing its attacks

Does the save transfer from x to xx allow us to change gender? I want to use male this time but I don't want to redo those gathering quests.


For the nth time yes. Why is this always asked


I just bought God Eater 1 & 2 on the steam sale, anything I should know going into it? I've been really hungry for some monhan since I skipped X no g rank no buy and I couldn't get into Toukiden at all.

>tfw you realize that even the Great __ggi's and the Preydrome you consider bitchmons are still roughly the size of a T.rex compared to your hunter

I mean they're still bitchmons, but you know, PERSPECTIVE.

Why is Tencent still determined to completely fuck up perfectly tuned sound design? That sounds nothing like Shogun. The wonky hitboxes and weightless gameplay I can understand as just lack of talent, but the audio is one of those things they had already done for them but purposefully replaced with something worse.

And then there's these huge bats that can move around really fast and could possibly bite your head off.

>mfw realizing god eater's flashy, substance-less anime garbage "gameplay" is monster hunter's eventual fate if it continues to travel down the path it currently is

And their children, which are larger than an owl.

So what are the yellow eyes?

Not enraged.

His eyes are kinda like traffic lights

>need to do every single egg quest to unlock caravan fatalis
who the fuck thought this was a good idea


Egg Syndicate is one of the more enjoyable quest chains to read at least.


If I change my Gen character from male to female, can I still have a feminine penis?

All we know is, she's called The Stig!

A monster hunter game but it's 2 on 2 with the Gundam Vs series gameplay.


I hope these guys appear in MHXX.

Is that Zenith style? What is even the downside?

>MHXX announces Zenith Style
>can only be used in solo play G-rank

The downside is it doesn't feel like MH no more.

As opposed to aerial and bushido styles?


Deviljho is the downside.

>tfw enter hub and charlotte leaves

d-did I do something wrong?

>check gen
>only his room
>no sign of a lone faggot in a room abandoned by a robot

>wanting MORE plebioth
>wanting FRONTIER plebioth

>frontier lavasioth and plesioth have better hitboxes than mainline
>plesioth has untouched gen 2 ai so its easy to bait him like in the old days

They're alright

Am I banned?
I can't view upscaled images :(

Does White Fatalis have the same elemental weaknesses and hitzones as regular Fatty? They're not on kiranico and I don't have Ping's on hand.

i booted up gen today after 700+ hours on mh4u and fuck this game is ugly. do you guys think that for double cross they'll at least make it prettier?


Connection error probably.

Looking it up, unlike Crimson and Whitey, regular Fatty doesn't have hitzone listings for being in the enraged state, and they're mosty all different with a few similar or shared values. Crimson gets weaker to element when enraged when Whitey will resist it more, their heads are all a meaty dragon weakness hitzone.

There's a lot of shit they should touch up on, but I wouldn't be surprised if they skimped on any improvements to the base game unless they do a Switch port or something. The overall art direction is indeed a lot more vivid.

>The overall art direction is indeed a lot more vivid
But grass don't glow neon green

Just got MHX and N3DSXL for XMAS. I'm only HR1 and still learning. I'm addicted already. Anywhere else to find Shiny Beetles other than the desert?


So what should I hit when I can't reach the head?


The dex has all the info you need user.

Do you guys still have webms of that Frontier Narga that had this blue aura

Might as well screenshot it

It's just like my donut steels!

Huh, I guess dragon isn't that good against him depending on how often he gets enraged. I may need to learn IG for this guy. Anyways, thanks.

Afterimages... with mass?!


They need to fire their animators.

Apparently the Zenith animations are some the best yet for Frontier's standards. Maybe Swaxe F as well seeing how late they got that.


Para dual blades. You have innate minds eye for the bounce and when para kicks in you have free hits to the weak head.

It's just a matter of budget and priority.

You're the best my brother! Thank you!

Did Gen online get more popular over the holidays? I'm deciding whether I should bother installing it and completing my guild card or not.

Everytime I click the thumbnail it says error 404, anyone having this problem as well? Fuck I can't save from /wg/ and /w/ today :(

I'd like to see how MHF and MHO handle the IG and CB.