/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Post-Christmas edition

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this!)

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PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Galleries

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>Official News & Known Issues
Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow is out. Patch 5.2 - Mid Season Reinforcements Live.

Friendly Mission Successful:

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for the OC

why do you have to pay for this arbitrary user limit "upgrade"
thanks for the link !

ayyy lmao

Fug yes

The editiom we all deserve

>1 hour left till Christmas has passed
>Christmas Edition
>no embeds
>ts info
Good shit OP.

> you can't say that over the phone
> can't

user plz

>You can't say that over the phone, Cav!
So close user. So close.

Reposting some other user's good edit

Feels good

> smoke wearing samta hat blocking jager

Based image OP

The best part is that it wasn't intentional.

Original/reference image for those who dont get it

Hnnn that THICC gilf ass

The hero we needed
Merry fucking Christmas OP

- Doc Kateb

please oc maker, while you're still here

please fix so it doesn't propagate further

Danke, Herr Doktor!


> based elf hentai user
> based drawfriends
> we finally get a thread with a proper OP

Today has been a good day lads

Um, i think he means that it should be can instead of cant.

> you cant say that over the phone

Change to

> you can say that over the phone

Oh shit I almost forgot about elf hentai, thanks for reminding me user

Reposting for posterity:


>you can suck my
What did he mean by this

You're just taking the piss now aren't you user.


I think it's okay now

>tfw home for holidays and can't play Siege for two more weeks

It hurts

It's just Door Kickers holding me over for now. Might try Frozen Synapse soon. Any other good tacticool games that run on toasters that you could recommend for the sale?

A bathtub

Frozen synapse is soooo uuuugly though

If I asked IQ on a date, how would she respond?
I need to know!

My laptop is a toaster so I'm not picky

Very nice

>guy tks me because lel
>2nd round still does
>"Nigga you're just giving me free renown"
>stops tking me

Emotionless just like any kraut.

>Frozen synapse
>he doesnt have a gaming rig for home and a laptop with a mediocre 960m to use during travel and holidays

You're not gonna make it, fambrughini

She probably already has a partner, Souls-user, so you'd be wasting your time.

>Thks you twice but isn't auto booted

Shhh just pretend its true

>Sorry I'm married

Why not play classic R6?
That should be great on toasters.

Damn, when did this happen? I stopped watching around buu.

should i start with the first one or skip to 2nd/3rd?

If you start with 3/2 and try to play 1 later, you'll find it really sluggish

Who here /5starchef/?

>r6g is so infested with tsfaggotry that they can brute force the first r6g thread created

No wonder we're losing longtime posters and drawfriends to reddit by the day.

The fuck is this?

Go away, 2007.

You seem to be the only one that cares, friend.
Maybe go stew about it in your empty R6 thread.

>grinch is so invested in his shitty OP's that he cries when he gets called out on it

You're not getting away with it anymore. We'll make sure every new OP is done properly from now on. And any shitty ones will get ignored.

Blitz, Fuze or Montagne for shield fun? I already own Fuze but I never really use his shield, I like the AK12.


Blitz' head hitbox is still broken which can result in some bullshit deaths. Fuze's shield is basically same as Recruit shield, which is to say, pretty bad.

Old thing before the game came out to unlock a weapon skin

>Operator TERMITE

How was your Christmas, fellow operators?



She only dates migrants.

I'm a super Sledge, buddy.
>not beware
>not culture shock

man what kind of Christmas is that?

>losing drawfags
And nothing of value was lost

Are you kidding? The drawfriends are the only reason I check the general. I hope they all had a nice Christmas.

I know of no drawfags that left. They seemingly came back after just a few days when the dust settled on the drama

how do I get gud at aiming?


Adjust your DPI and Sensitivity to something that works for you. Get at least a medium sized mousepad

Russia has a shit ton of special counter terrorist units, but noooo we need some stupid Poland in there for Y2. I just want my HOMO guys.

That's a very happy russian skellington

We're losing longtime posters because its becoming more and more common for the thread to devolve into shitty arguments over dumb shit.
Keep the general positive with positive posts and people will want to stay and post some more, nobody (read:NOBODY) wants to scroll through 88 posts of elitist shit and pissing contests.
That being said, TS info is fine in OP as long as all the shit from TS stays there. Once the two start to blend together then we should think about losing it for a while.

thanks it worked, but how do I counter flash bangs?

>Replying to the obvious bait
user, you seem smart. Please don't fall for it

What are these from? I don't remember doing any of these

Or they could have added some Ukrainian guys, basically the same as Russian anyway.

Why didn't you close your eyes user? Why?!

Does anyone have that picture of IQ and Ash bullying Twitch because her drone can't jump?


>Once the two start to blend together then we should think about losing it for a while.

You mean like what's been going on for the past few weeks?

you're on-point user

It's in the drawfriend gallery booru, go search IQ or Ash or Twitch, should come up

thanks user, I forgot that was a thing

Settle down, settle down.

Don't shit up the thread, talk about the game.

Ugh... He's just so fast and so are his flashes! Why are 3 speed operators so op?! Also what button do I press to silence turret placement?

>drawfag galleries in the OP
There's literally no excuse in requesting people to post art since everything's in there

What abilities do you guys think the devs have got in store for Year 2?

I'm personally a bit afraid that they're going to run out of ideas and start shooting blanks with really gimmicky ops.

Medic attacker
under barrel grenade launcher
motion sensor trap
noise maker grenades

>Medic attacker
>under barrel grenade launcher
>motion sensor trap
>noise maker grenades

paintcans on string
firecrackers in pots and pans
tar on stairs
spicy doorhandles

I'd like an attacker who uses adrenaline shots but instead of healing like doc it increases an operator's speed by one unit.

>4 speed Ash




I want Havoc to make an appearance in the Operator list, having such an OP ability that whenever you see him all you can do is shout "It's Havoc!"

>playing tachanka
>I said "quietly", operator

Ash rolls a 20!
She dodges the gas!


I want defender with a helmet that blocks one-shot kills in the head. I want attacker with ability to block at least 1 door with Castle-like reinforcement.

>not knowing Tachanka's the master of stealth and surprise

Brilliant strategy, comrade!
Even Sun Tzu would be envious of your prowess!

>asian girl with frost traps that immobilize the enemy
>guy that switches between run and gun and using a stationary turret
>eccentric foreign girl that uses the machines she builds to charge forward and destroy entrenched enemies
>guy that expands his shield essentially making him invincible from all angles except from behind but the tradeoff is that he can't fire a gun
>Another shield guy but not as good at shielding because he's usually only partially covered however he CAN shoot his gun and is usually attacking you from above. Used to be extremely broken and destroyed the meta but also subject to enraging and going ape shit when you flank and blow him up
>extremely fast girl with extremely deadly gun that has extremely high rate of fire. Small hitbox and high speed combined with the ability to undo damage that you dealt to her since she is always seen teleporting (shit netcode or unique ability or both??)

I imagine Siege will just continue ripping off the biggest and best multiplayer shooter out there so just expect a sniper healer or edgy shotgun guy that goes invincible.

There are two scenarios here:
1) This is elaborate bait, and your Christmas consisted of trying to make online strangers mad

2) you're literally retarded

>Another shield guy but not as good at shielding because he's usually only partially covered however he CAN shoot his gun and is usually attacking you from above. Used to be extremely broken and destroyed the meta but also subject to enraging and going ape shit when you flank and blow him up


but isant Frost more inline with Junkrat?

He is but this person is trying their best to shitpost


>they market their shitty game inside the game that's actually worth a damn

Never fails to give me a giggle