>The Treaty of Verseilie was too harsh on Germany
When will this meme end? We were much harder on them after WWII and that time they actually stayed down
>The Treaty of Verseilie was too harsh on Germany
When will this meme end? We were much harder on them after WWII and that time they actually stayed down
Because most turds never even bother to read about what the treaty was about and what points were actually enforced from it.
For example, most unironically believe Danzig was simply given to Poland, when in fact it was made a separate state.
Not only that but the Nazis won the 1933 elections there, so in 1939 they were technically in charge of Danzig already.
Also, the initial reparations weren't enforced and were eventually forgotten.
>Not just assuming everyone on the Internet is American
>being an american
>Being British
>Voluntarily using your non-native language
Not sure which one's worse to be honest
What regiment were you in OP?
being mono lingual equals brain damage
in terms of brain development
yeah and the deal France got after the Franco-Prussian war far more harsh and yet they managed to complete their payments ahead of time
>The Treaty of Verseilie
>Treaty of Verseilie
wat ?
By 'we' I thought he meant us Brits.
The US wasn't even that harsh during the Treaty of Versailles negotiations. It was France and Britain that wanted to extract their pound of flesh.
>We were much harder on them after WWII and that time they actually stayed down
They stayed down because their military was literally stripped of any power or weapons and put under American control.
Also they were subjected to American media blasting 24/7 about how evil the Nazis were.
That didn't happen after WW1.
> I'm genuinely flabbergasted at a word I know how to spell bin misspelled and cannot fathom how this came to pass
> explain yourself sir!
...Jesus Christ you argumentative attention whore. It's called a typo. It doesn't matter.
Not even that user btw.
Oh? You don't understand what he meant?
It was too light, it should have reinstated the holy Roman empire in 1648 and forcibly prevented reunification.
No reparations though.
You should check yourself cjeked for retardism.
Retards taking pride on being retards, standard.
> youre mentally challenged for having a typo
> you're taking pride in typos if you acknowledge they're meaningless
It's not a typo, half of the word is badly written.
Aristotle was monolingual.
In fairness to him if someone doesn't even know how to spell Versailles then they are hardly likely to be a person with much of an informed opinion on this topic.
It's a typo neckbeards it doesn't mean anything
>That didn't happen after WW1.
Hence why Versailles wasnt that harsh compared to Post WW2 peace
That's the point OP made
It clearly isn't.