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It was pretty good. Enjoyed it (both videos).
>MCM makes a legit cool car with like 40 hours of work
>Roadkill sticks big block into a shit car.
>Homeless dave is almost as fast as the subaru in the shitbox and is faster than MCM in their own car
I wonder if the MCM guys felt cheated
>Homeless dave
Do not bully the ballcap!
Because Freiburger is secretly a competent driver
He's only been writing for Hot Rod, Motor Trend and the rest for like 400 years or something, no? I'd imagine spending that long driving cars for work would help you learn how to drive.
Also knowing how to build a land speed car for the salt flats.
>shit car.
>says the kid who probably thinks 240sx's are the pinnacle of cars
I love muscle cars. But that '64 was garbage. It didn't handle or stop when new. It was a shitbox.
Both videos were actually really good, and a lot of fun.
Puts all their latest content to absolute shame, stuff like this needs to happen more often honestly, because they just focus on having fun and being dickheads with their cars, rather than throwing sponsor parts at it and getting it dyno tuned for a whole episode.
How much does a huge ass crate v8 cost anyway?
For that motor?
Like 10-12k.
Can get 1000hp for like 30k
I love how you can tell that the MCM guys were fucking shocked at how sketchy Roadkills car was.
So did roadshill make a pile of shit and MCM actually made it work and road legal?
Why would MCM handicap themselves by working witch such incompetent fools?
MCM had to bring in all their mechanic friends because to be brutally honest the Roadkill guys are out of their league mechanic wise. Roadkill was a bit lazy.
I think it's going to be hilarious to see the Roadkill guys try to get away with that shit in Aus
>made it work and road legal?
Ironically, their car was less road legal than roadkills. '64 has no emissions or safety requirements.
The work was much better on the WRX, but they took a bunch of shortcuts that would never get certified in AUS.
I was surprised they could turn that thing as well as they did because non-powered power steering is absolute hell compared to a manual rack, not even mentioning the gigantic engine they just dumped in it.
>running on batteries
Lazy as shit as always
> I love muscle cars. But that '64 was garbage. It didn't handle or stop when new. It was a shitbox.
But that's the point. Their car was supposed to be funny, and that's exactly what an American car is.
You hurt my feelings.
On Christmas day no less
I'm sorry buddy. I didn't mean to.
Merry Christmas
It's okay friend. Merry Christmas to you as well.
>Roadkill half asses a car together
>It actually turns out faster than the car that the Ausfails put serious work into
We don't even have to try to be the greatest country on the planet. Fuck I love America.
It's not faster. Freiburger is just a much better driver than two shade-tree music producers.
Also, his time in the MCM car was faster than his time in the '64.
Doesn't change the fact that we pretty much showed them up. Seems like Ausfailia is a country full of cucks and shitty cars.
don't be like that, shit was fun.
can't wait to see them drive some muscle upside down next year!
roadkill and might car mods are too highly produced. You know what I mean?
>can't wait to see them drive some muscle upside down next year!
Yep, and we'll make a fool of the Auscucks down there too. Make America great again.
>implying any major build MCM ever did required extensive professional help
>while Finnegan runs a speedshop on the side, and among other things Frieberger rebuilt his car as a teen after the actual Fonz wrecked it
You seem awfully insecure there bud. You should get that checked
You didn't do anything, it was the Roadkill team Vs the MCM team.
I think you don't really know much about american cars becouse you fucked up a production year preety badly
>Australian entertainment
>tfw no one to invite you to Murrika and hoon overpowered landbarges with
>haggard garage
fuck, why are you aussies such a bunch of cucks?
says the american
That's a picture from the UK m8.
>big suvs in background
>people wearing cowboy hats in background
yeah sure m8
god I hate moog so much
seriously though, is it normal in australia to drive around in these shitty little 4 cylinder cars? is that what car culture is over there? are v8s even a thing? i love how in the us v8s are everywhere and gas is so cheap that even a nigger could afford to drive one. isnt gas like twice as expensive over there? you aussies are cucked.
im sure there are SOME okay things about the place, but it makes me realise how lucky i am to be born in the USA. aussies thinking that they have any relevance at all, being from a country of what, 20 million people? that makes me laugh.
> is it normal in australia to drive around in these shitty little 4 cylinder cars?
what about the civics, 180s, and miatas that are extremley popular in the states?
there is a huge v8 scene here, holden make v8s that come in many many cars here such as the ss commodore, maloo, clubsport. ford also makes an xr8 falcon which is also very popular here.
fuel is about 1.20c a litre where i live which is probably one of the most expensive places to buy fuel in the country but regardless some people simply prefer the 4cyl and 6cyl as for the most those cars are generally the ones that handle better than the v8s here which is important since there is a lot of twisty country road around.
Australia has displacement restrictions on their license. Gotta have X period of experience before you can drive vehicles with Y displacement/Z cylinders or are forced induction.
Its not a terrible idea, but if a 16 year old wants to drive fast, they're gonna do it regardless.
You do realize the background of that image is photoshopped in right? You should be able to tell considering how overexposed the three people in the foreground are.
that applies, unless you live in Tasmania. im so fortunate to live here. the only real issue is insurance when youre 17 for a 'hoon' car
we have zero passenger limits, no cerfew, and after a year of P1 plates we can drive the limit and dont have to display p plates at all.
The Impala was fucking awesome, I don't know why everyone seems to be shitting on it. 650+ HP in a big ol landbarge, setting of car alarms and lighting that one tire everywhere it went.
Yeah it's not some engineering masterpiece, but that wasn't the point of the show. The point of it was to make fun and memorable entertainment, and mission accomplished on that front.
Wow you described P plates like a fucking retard, some states you can go to any car you want other states you need to wait three years.
WA, ACT and NT as well
yeah i knew nt didnt have restrictions, apparently you can get your p plates after 6 months of being on your Ls over there according to a mate from over there.
rip to everyone else in aus who has those restrictions
>is it normal in australia to drive around in these shitty little 4 cylinder cars?
no. v8s are popular as fuck in australia.
now shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit and kys
no displacement restrictions
a 17 year old can drive a v8 or turbo4/6 no problem... its power to weight. some states have zero power to weight restriction
That's all well and good, but the flip side is that you're living in Tasmania.
How long till you marry your sister, bud?
mad auscuck detected
sorry, can't hear you from all the way down there. we're too busy being relevant.
>sorry, can't hear you from all the way down there
jizz socks make good sound insulation in your mothers basement? lmao
yeah good one where you from then?
at least i can while driving a v8 commo
MCM had a whole F1 pit crew with them and all they did was basically visual mawds.
>lets chop the back off this wagon and then re-strengthen it to make it driveable again
>ohh lets stick this turbo out from the bonnet just bcuz jdmtyte
Good ol' Kranky.
Am I the only one who loved both cars?
I felt like it balanced out just fine.
Two man crew: Huge engine in a shitbox stereotypical American car, exactly as asked for.
Five man crew: Aussied out WRX with aftermarket ECU and visual mods, mostly stock in terms of go-fast parts
You could bitch either way, but I thought they were both great. MCM obviously fucking loved how crazy the roadkill car was, and roadkill loved the effort and looks of the UTE WRX.
Would have been so easy to buy a bigger VF turbo and cranked that to 19psi for the quick win.
I can't argue with that.
>tfw $500 shitbox with wastegate tied shut
>18 psi
>put in bigger injectors and good gas in so it didn't explode, zero tune
>has been reliable for the past 5 years
either I'm lucky or this happens to be a great combination
That isn't an EJ is it?
They both had about 2 1/2 days to work on the cars but there was a big difference in man hours. MCM had 6 people working while RK only had 2. If they worked 8 hours the first two days and 4 the last MCM put in 120 man hours to more or less do basic maintenance and a bit of chopping whereas RK put in 40 man hours to do an entire engine swap. So of course MCM had a better end result, they had three times the amount of time into the car
Master race NSW of course, the place where fucking our cousins is actually looked down upon.
And I can drive a V8 Commo without any issues, thankfully I am not stupid, dumb, P plater scum.
>Its a Veeky Forums dicksucks moog after he said he hates us episode
man MCM is fucking shit-tier compared to Roadkill. A fucking faggot subaru with a front mount and the back lopped off, SNORE
Fucking 'muh jdm yolo haters' faggots
dont forget this
all because me and other anons called him out on faking the GTR race all those years ago.
>wrx ute
I like it!
Why is he such an attention whoring bitch?
>talk shit all the time
>cant even take the bants online
What's the backstory on this GTR thing? And the whole shitstorm rant fest?
classic saab 900
Try that shit with an EJ and you won't be driving too long.
Because he's a autistic spaz cunt that used to be like us he even was in a article about strugging on centerlink.
MCM hit it big and he's ego got blown out of proportion.
I shitposted a Veeky Forums meme that he faked it all (which was right) that he did multiple takes of whatever shitbomb they had at the time (Legacy i think) vs GTR drag race
they rented the GTR and faked the drag race.
No sure why its just shit all round
Holy shit, what made him such a butthurt bitch?
This is only making me want to mention Veeky Forums to intentionally cause forum drama.
we called them out on it then i posted the Veeky Forums thread link to their official forums
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums raided them and doxxed them and i ended up taking the brunt of it.
There where a bunch of bronies calling me pathetic...
the irony
Please do
>Put them in their places
>On an anonymous underwater basketweaving website
This is cringy
what do you expect its moog
marty was ok about the whole thing and sent me a huge personal message saying moog was out of line and rake went off his nut and went missing for days it was hilarious
oh fuck they still left this up
>His activities are illegal and prosecutable.
Under what law?
>hi mr. lawyer, this guy said some stuff and did a shoop, can I get autism bux plz?
>implying anyone in this thread was even on Veeky Forums in 2012
i remember they tried to dox me and didnt get very far
i was told i was gonna get fucked up for disrespecting their little moogles
Forum seems kinda dead these days.
oldfags remember
>i love how in the us v8s are everywhere and gas is so cheap that even a nigger could afford to drive one. isnt gas like twice as expensive over there? you aussies are cucked.
Was that when the legacy blew the gearbox?
pretty sure yeah
Every time I see Kranky, I get the urge to buy a Kingswood.
they did a complete E85 conversion though
uprated fuel pump and injectors, relocated intercooler, aftermarket ECU and upping the boost a lot
Do you know if the pump upgrade was actually necessary?
I was assuming it wasn't since in my experience they rarely are, unless it was so the E85 wouldn't melt it. But they didn't mention anything like that, just that it had to flow more, which again sounds like bullshit considering it was just a different tune and upgraded injectors.
wew they are fucking retards who woulda thunked
kinda wunna watch the video now but i cant stand moog
It really just sounded like ricer "I heard it somewhere so it must be true" shit.
I've swapped out plenty of injectors and fuel pressure regulators on 4cyl turbo cars before and fuel pressure was never an issue, unless the filter was absolutely clogged to shit and you were too stupid to change it.
It would have to be a fuckhuge difference in flow to need an "upgraded" pump. I'd almost bet the replacement had the same flowrate.
Now, ethanol melting and/or destroying fuel system components and carburetors? That's pretty common on older cars. It loves to destroy carbs in particular.
And holy shit do they cost a fuckload now.
Why did they have a dealer plate from Illinois on the Subaru?
oh boy i wonder
probably moogs boyfriend loaned him the plates after vapefagging
What was so good about it? They hacked the back off a wrx and stuck the stock turbo up through the hood, big deal.
The Impala was way cooler, I just wish they put a posi in it or even just welded the diff.
>Why did they have a dealer plate from Illinois on the Subaru?
It wasn't a '64. And who gives a fuck if it doesn't handle.
lol at the ausfaggots needing ear muffs
Why you laughing
Yeah but remember the big block they swapped in was worked on before, they didn't start from scratch