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Jesse McCree

what would be the overwatch version of this?

>open stream
>they play mccree
>close stream

I can't be the only one


>Waifushit AGAIN

c h r i s t m a s
c a k e


Jamison Fawkes!

Can I get some tips on playing Ana? I'm currently on Platinum and want to get better with her but I swear I think I missed some very important things that I need to know.
Would really appreciate the pointers, thank you!

This is my wife

Congratulate me

Don't forget to heal. And pray your team doesn't wake up a sleeping enemy if they can't kill them.

Xth for bully any mercy's since they are inherently sluts

SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54!


Mercy poster, do you do the healslut challenge?

Your wife is an attention-looker hoe

Angela Ziegler's hips.


Sorry i dont want to get an STD

Old Terminal Patients?

Clearly she is long overdue for childbearing

I want overwatch comic drawn by Geof Darrow

Hey Matt found your IG

I want his semen in my sights if you know what I mean.

oh boy are these memes back?

>Faces even uglier
no no no no no non on ono nono

Is it worth investing in a mic for this game if I don't have one already?

no I climbed just fine without one

why everyone is so gay in here?

Not really. You have an input that says your ult is ready and thats good enough.

its fun and an easy sexual thrill

Anarcho capitalist
National Socialist
Isolative nationalist
Nomadic society
Constitutional monarchist
Centralized republic
Absolute monarchist
Police state
Constitutional theocracy
Green socialist
Pure anarchist
Philanthropic colonist

That's all I got. If anyone's got ideas for Roadhog, Torbjorn and Bastion, go ahead.

Amélie Lacroix's blue cheeks


She's purple.

What do?

360 and moonwalk away

Sombra is Purple

She's also a whore.

Not like it's hidden lol

Trigger her OCD and autism and try to sneak out before my tongue permanently smells like curry

Junkrat & Roadhog = Anarchism
Symmetra = Fascism
Soldier: 76 = Conservatism
McCree = Libertarianism
Mercy = Liberalism
Torbjorn = Human Nationalism
Zarya = Communism
Mei = Environmentalist
Ana = Ahmadiyya Islam
Phara = Militarism
Bastion = Primitivism
Hanzo = Confucianism
Genji = Transhumanism
Rienhardt = Traditionalism
Sombra = Objectivism
Widowmaker = Nihilism
Zenyatta = Buddhism
Tracer = LGBT Activism
Lucio = Bernie Bro
D.Va = Militant NEET
Winston = Fedoraism
Reaper = Columbiner



That's quite the curry pot

Roadhog seems like he wouldn't care for big government given his backstory, but I'm not sure that he's full anarchist like Junkrat. Maybe right libertarian?

Why do I feel like my defense matrix does jack shit compared to enemy D.Vas'? Can't last through Soldier's ult but lasts longer than it when I play him, can't save hooked teammates from Roadhog's gun, doesn't eat Mei and Zarya ults despite being up and pointed at them when they activate it etc.

>Reaper = Columbiner

every girl in the game is a whore

>Soldier: 76 = Conservatism

Clint Eastwood to a T. Pretty soon he'll be spouting his social and political views by talking to an empty chair on TV.

Pharah looks like she doesn't want to be there, probably because she's the purest girl of the decade.

Definitely an advocate for small government, so right libertarian sounds about right.

she is too retarded to understand what is going on, she is just doing what everyone else is doing, poor cutie

Why is Overwatch competitive such a cespool of faggots?

>People refusing to play meta
>People aimbotting on Solider/McCree
>Hanzos refusing to switch after not doing anything

How can anyone find comp fun at all?

yeah if you want to have fun and if you are not a social weirdo or have raging mental problems

Pharah is a very smart girl.
She's just not for lewd.

maybe Anarcho-Capitalist since he's the one who cares about actually getting paid in their comic while Junkrat was fine with just having an excuse to blow up a factory

If Pharah is so great, why isnt she real?

That's a good one, yeah.

But she is.

thats just a boy with chapped lips

What kind of boys are you meeting?


any young ana cosplays?

There is a shit ton of advice to give.
1. Make use of both hip fire and your scope depending on the situation.
2. Use biotic grenade not only to heal up your team but to healblock the enemy team as this puts you at a major advantage in a teamfight.
3. Use sleep dart sparingly and have it ready to put a stop to an ulting enemy.
Ana is my favorite hero in the game good luck!


Not much.

There is literally nothing wrong with real girls.

reminder /owg/ wants to fuck 15 y/os

Welcome to Veeky Forums

I never said I wanted to fuck anyone, though.

Any male human with a healthy sexual appetite would you fucking idiot. Whether or not they act on those urges is up to the individuals moral integrity and self control.

Old hag.

15's legal here my niggy

t. pedo

Is it weird to refer to the payload as the "cart"? Too much TF2 is leaking

hahaha this thread is fucking DEAD

most are celebrating christmas irl, dumbass

>Win 5 games in a row
>Only go up 20 points a game
>Lose two games in a row
>Go down 70 points


If everyone knows what you mean, and everyone who isn't a willful idiot would know what you mean by "cart," then it's fine.


I assume you come from an actual dead general?

>I never said I wanted to fuck
you are literally gayer than tracer

How to use qt Mexican hacker? Abuse translocator to get to high ground fast?

hello who wants to play with me right now, memes are acceptable but no fucbois

76 is so cool

>use invisibility to sneak behind enemy lines and hack their health packs
>sneak up behind and hack and murderize or just murderize their back line guys like torb and bastion
>when anyone starts owning you simply hit E to escape to the translocator you dropped down before going in there and start again

your main goal is to really piss off the enemy team and make them divert resources to hunting you down

Is symmetra a viable support to learn or should I just take ana?

Teleport behind enemy back and keep your distance.
I met surprisingly competent Sombra yesterday while playing D.va. Her gun actually deals pretty good damage to tanks, due to their large hitbox. And when I tried to concentrate fire on her, enemy team hit me in the back

>brand new
>keep getting matched against multiple prestige and smurfs

Let me have fun with other retards please, this is lame.

I would be more surprised if you found someone able to miss d.va as a target.

She's much better now. A good Symmetra can help hold a point really well and even be a potent offensive force. She's much better suited for Defense than Attack, though.

Why not both?

Sym is great if you want to play more aggressively at the cost of not being a le to heal. Ana is less aggressive, but she can still put out decent hurt while retaining healing ability. Rarely will you have to decide between the two in any given game as they fulfill very different roles. Just need to decide if you want to help by healing or by offering more utility.

Throw games on purpose, or pick heroes you know you're terrible with for a few games then you will get put back down with the retards.

I only really want to learn 1 hero for cuck roles lad.

Who is she supposed to be there?

Then Ana. Sym is a lot stronger now, but you won't always be able to afford not picking a healer if no one else on the team has picked one. Otherwise an extra healer is usually fine.

at what rank will i stop outdamaging my two offense class team mates as d.va? i'm currently in plat.

when they git_gud

story of my life. just pick someone fun and enjoy, fuck ranks my man