/nosg/ - Nostalrius General

low intelligence horde edition

>What is this?
This is the Nostalrius general. A private server for vanilla world of warcraft. We're currently waiting on the new nost server release:


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft nostalrius


Other urls found in this thread:



all cute girls and girl(boy)s should add me


The best thing about freshcucks leaving nost?

All the open Raid Slots.

>He's excited about raiding with chinks

Horde Discord. Add this to the OP next time


add me kiddo @ puddi#1861

Why wait until january, fuck I have nothing to do, I just want to start fresh

>He's excited about leveling with chinks

>tfw every single AV I've been in during this weekend had maximum of 10 people who spoke English
>tfw most of them only had 3-4
>tfw ALL rankers above R11 are Chinese now except for 3-4

all 39

enjoy raiding with the 17 other people on your server

oldkeks are they even trying l m a o

Of course, they're fucking retarded, it'll be easy to get ahead of them.


Less than 2 weeks you spaz, seriously go jerk off or something.

can undead skip their starting zone by grinding on something like orcs/trolls?


Literally that. I just want to fucking die, this is terrible.

>being mad that chinese players are better than you

just get good?

git gud

fuck off dumb frogposter

which faction do chinks play the most

what is the most cucked class?

has to make water and food for 39 other people
constantly spammed by lowbies for portals

only gets a spot because they can summon the raid
possibly a taxi driver irl

(dwarf) priest
>only there to keep fear ward up on the tank and real healers

literally designed to be an autoattack class according to blizzard
endgame is wearing a dress so they can keep spamming the same heal over and over on the tank

horde, it's easier to sell gold to impressionable adolescents

Every race can you downie cunt, Level 5 mobs outside your starting zone gate? Bam done you are now ahead of the pack.

wow thx u much ni hao

holy shit dead thread lmao

/wowg/ going strong

When are you supposed to stop grinding? Whenever you're able to pick up the quests around the gate?

mfw wowg doesn't even have 1/3 of the the individual IP's that nosg has

where the fuck can i find a sword my level

im already 13 undead rogue and im still using level 5 swords and every fight feels like im about to get btfo

questing in orc territory btw

Orc log #5

After slaying boars in the Valley of Trials, helping our Troll friends in the Echo Isles, thinning the numbers of the vile Quilboar near Razor Hill and crushing those cultists next to the city of Orgrimmar, I feel as if I've finally proven myself as an Orc in the harsh and rugged lands of our home of Durotar.

I was filled with pride and excitement as I was expected to be sent west to the region known as The Barrens; a vast and massive untamed savanna, to help out with our drive to push even deeper into the land and expand. But the Horde had other plans for me.

As I'm writing this, I'm on board one of those zeppelins and flying far away to this region called Tirisfal, home to our new allies; The Forsaken, the people of the ruined Human kingdom of Lordaeron, both in life and now undeath. Wise Warchief Thrall, as a gesture of goodwill to our new allies, has selected me and a few others to assist the Forsaken in their efforts to reclaim the parts of the kingdom that they don't hold. I also have have a second mission, as the Forsaken are not yet fully trusted, I'm to observe them, learn as much as I can fighting and living alongside them and report my findings back to my superiors in the Shattered Hand in Orgrimmar.

They tell me this mission is of more importance than what I would've been doing in the Barrens and far more dangerous than anything I did back in Durotar, especially if I uncover anything suspicious and the Forsaken learn about it. To be honest, I'm not sure what to expect. The fact that they're Humans, Undead Humans to be specific means I'm wary of them, but I don't know the entire situation yet and must refrain from final judgements. Who knows, maybe we can forge a strong bond like the ones we have with the Trolls or Tauren.

- Zorum Redknife

why are you named redknife if both your knifes are white

Both equally unfortunately.

>freshfags think their server will be playable before february or so

I'd rather stay on old and actually PLAY. Your dreams of being first "anything'" on the server will be crushed by nerdier nerds than you anyway.


He only uses his painted red knives when he wants to run faster or impress his friends.

Wait, so, I'm confused:

Is Nostalrius back up or not? I'm still under the impression they got taken down back in October(?) or something when Wow got pissy at them.

Is Nostalrius Elysium?

How many active players are there? Like, is there a lot or is this more of a cult-classic, "I'm not going to see anymore or get to realistically do any dungeons" kind of bullshit?

it gives a dagger but im trying to use swords as im trying to follow the guide on the op

do the quests at undead territory give out swords? i dont mind going there if thats where i can find them

holy shit you are so mad

No I'm just pointing out that you will not have any pleasant experience for a long time.

10 thousand people leveling at the same place and the same time does not work in a game like Vanilla WoW.


I would kill myself and delete my "toon" if I did this


The 2nd harpy quest that Goblin south of Org gives you has a sword reward

The mace is going to hit hard with ss, you wont have to worry about sword spec talent at your level.

It's about the journey not the destination, fag

Yep you can start picking up quests in the first town after Starting zone ( like Goldshire ) at level 5 and 4 so it is better to grind till level 5.

You should always grind with other people, One of the few times more people the better since you will be fighting level 5 mobs (level 6 if in a group ) and the only effective class at level 1 grinding is Paladin. You can grind in groups of 5 but 2 is better, you can also do the 1-5 explore in under an hour however if you have a group of 2-3 people grinding level 5/6 is more effective.

For Undead i recommend the Zombies at the farm outside of Dethkneel.
For Orcs/trolls i recommend the Kul'tiras humans.
I have no idea for cows i have no idea sorry, probably the low level Venture co people.
Humans are the level 5/6 Defias near the apple farm and small camp outside Stormwind as well as boars.
Gnomes and Dwarves you will farm Cats and Boars.
For Nelfs i recommend running to the Human area and farming Defias you will be level 2-3 depending on how much you explore while running there and can solo the level 6s making it a quicker grind.

did what

>people are going to level on fresh day 1
>not waiting a few weeks until people filter out of lower areas
>people are going to remake already existing characters instead of playing something new
>people actually think the other 2 servers will die completely
I just like the fact as of right now we have 2 servers that are extremely populated.

The fact we can still play vanilla with actual people 12 years later is great

classic "attempt to inspect and accidentally hit invite" dilemma

You literally get on your dry little knees, gasping at the air, begging me for water.
>sure bud ill give you a stack for 2s/5s/10s/1g :^)

ill prob do both then so i get a mace and a sword.


Be safe in your travels, good orc

did you guys erp?

>people are going to remake already existing characters instead of playing something new
I'm not a fan of most classes. Casters are boring as fuck, paladin is auto-pilot, rogue is only fun in pvp, hunter is boring, warrior is boring. Actually now that I think about it, WoW kinda sucks.

>mfw freshfags
prepare to get keked on launch )))


So, are you freshcucks gonna have fun running nothing but mc for 4 months for literally nothing except Bonereavers Edge and Band of Accuria?

There's literally nothing of value in there except for those two and maybe Striker's Mark.

I did that last year and let me tell you

Never again.

I'm sure you'll be content with being #60 with 8/8 t1 with useless stats though, lmao

Also enjoy competing for quest mobs and getting ganked by marauding gangs of poopsocking virgins, who will be ahead of you from the very start.

The only legitimate reason to roll fresh over old is if you plan on ranking as soon as possible.

The 'Everyone' that is constantly cited in these threads consists of the psychopathic friendless Veeky Forums losers, who have no portal to human interaction in video games other than this shitty website. Btw, 'Everyone' never achieved a thing on Nost, which is why I'm sure you're so butthurt.

Im going to rush to level fishing and cooking :3

The classes in wow are shit

this is good rp please post more

Fuck Warrior is a horrible grind. How the fuck do I keep going? I just hit 23 but it is getting miserable. So few quests per zone, then the mobs are 2 levels above me suddenly and I cannot pull more than one.

It feels horrible to level this warrior.

When does it get better? When does it get so that I generate some rage or can do some damage or tank more than one mob?

Mages around me are AOE farming 8 mobs at a time, hunters are cutting them down like grass, warlocks are blowing everything up. When does this get better? Please?!?!?!?!?!

Im rolling fresh because idk! Im just here to have fun :)

It doesn't get better that is why you need a sugar daddy to help you level.

>that foresaken lorefag that put a bunch of ignorant shits in their place with pure knowledge of historical contexts

I just trudged through six archived threads in order to post here, god bless you if you're reading this.

I saw the start of that. How did it go?

Did he really show how Forsaken are shitbags?

Mortal strike helps a bit.
But not by much.

You need gold for leveling a warrior. Gold for new weapons and armor from the AH or limited items from Vendors (i.e. the goblin in the barrens that sells the 2h mace)

Shitbagginess is irrelevant; he proved both the justification of their actions and how they are not "evil". Perhaps if you were on the receiving end of a consequence that you deserved, as fulfilled by a Forsaken, you would call them shitbags.

All of my gear is garbage, but I just checked the AH and greens for every category near my level are like 50 silver to 5 gold for a level 23 green, it is insane. I cannot even afford a green belt.

I don't understand how people can do this. I just don't understand it. I am broken already at level 23.

Reminder that this is what a typical BG chat looks now and no one gives a shit.

Dead thread

watch more swifty vids gets me pumped to level a warrior

How to see hit rating? Addon?

Games not even out yet dude

you could save time just asking that into google


I like you more here

Guys I guarantee that there's a BRAZILIAN reading this thread right now, pretending to be white and trying to fit in. They're on par or even worse than chinks in MMO games so why should we give them a free pass?


Funny thing is actual Chinese private servers are about a thousand times more professional than Nost, but they usually have a subscription or a cash shop. If you people want to play vanilla with the Chinese just look those up.

At least they try. If they're good enough to remain undetected, why hound them? It'll only rile them up.

>two-handed weapon before Whirlwind Axe

well there's your first mistake

At least they aren't as retarded as you so what ever nationality you are ( Probably Ameritrash ) you're lower than them.

>friends won't play on Nost because they say pvp is bad in Vanilla
>try to do a bg on retail
>go for the resto druid
>he blinks away and gets automatically put in cat form because of course this is an ability that fits druids perfectly
>monks just rolling around barely casting, aoe stunning everyone all while healing
>Demon hunters are allowed to dash and double jump while holding flags
What an absolute shit show. This is somehow better?

>tfw no idea what to play

was thinking holy pally

hope you like cock

You need to outlevel quests by 2 or 3 levels. If you fighting mobs above your level you simply doing it wrong and would suffer endless miss/miss/parry/dodge/glancings in a result.

PVP in WoW has never been "balanced" or perfect (and that's okay, in my opinion) and it's preaching to the choir to even bring it up here, but casual bgs, rated arena/rated bgs are a complete shitshow at the moment on retail and are worse even than WoD.
I'm not sure if it's the intense pruning, the constant re-balancing, or that it's more difficult to maintain alts, but participation in rated pvp is down much further than WoD and currently as low as it ever got during TBC.

I genuinely thought it couldn't be worse than WoD but I'm a moron. I'm not smart enough to armchair-dev analyze it but it's horrendous and pure no-fun, even if your class/spec is on the right side of the balance scale.

the worst are the fucking healers that never run out of mana holy shit

the problem with current pvp is that since one class got a tiny bit of momentum for abilities, everyone fucking needs it

it isnt a core problem with just pvp, but with the entire game being based around everyone having the same fucking base tools. only in pvp does the issue truly rear its ugly fucking head because classes that have much better or abusable momentum shine fucking brighter than everyone else

another issue is that healers bitched they died once or twice in a bg so blizzard solved that by bringing health pools to above mop levels but keeping damage at cata levels for some ungodly reason. now if you dont have a coordinated team a resto druid can tank 3 people and heal everyone else up because it requires a goddamn entire 5 man squad and perfect CC chains to kill a healer

then theres the issue of classes like monk, rogue, demon hunter and druid being able to vault from one side of wsg to the other in 30 seconds. mobile classes exceed in maps where its pure objective rather than killing people. reminder that prot pallies are top tier in pvp because they take 0 damage and hit like trucks, meanwhile every other tank spec is dead in the water in pvp for some reason

honestly if blizzard deleted fucking druids tomorrow, pvp would suddenly be a lot more balanced. but god forbid those special snowflakes with 3 of their 4 specs being top tier in pvp get a slight nerf without bitching. there was a fucking 50 page thread with them bitching that powershifting got nerfed.


>mfw Shadowcraft is now a level 1 heirloom

Orc log #6

The zeppelin ride was smooth and I arrived in the Tirisfal Glades with no problem. I'm spending the night at the town of Brill that's close to the Zeppelin tower where I disembarked.

This land is very different compared to what I'm used to in Durotar. Whereas Durotar is hot, rocky and with many canyons, Tirisfal is cool, forested and has far more trees. Though this place the Forsaken call home has an ominous chill to it, I can't help but think it has somewhat of a haunting and melancholy beauty to it.

As I sit here in the inn where I'm spending the night, I notice that the Forsaken are extremely varied when it comes to appearance. On one end of the spectrum there are those who are mostly skeletons with very little flesh and on the other end of the spectrum you have some who despite being undead are rather clean looking with little rot to them and non exposed bones. And of course you have those in-between. I made eye contact with this one Forsaken female who still retained much of her former beauty despite the plague, at worst her fingers bones were visible and she had a small rot mark below her left eye, which she kept hidden with her long hair as if self conscious about it. Maybe she wasn't in the ground for long.

The reception has been mixed, but nothing bad. As I made my way through town to the inn, I could see some giving me odd looks and a few whispers behind my back as to what an Orc was doing here. Maybe they need to get used to this new alliance like I do. The innkeeper lady was surprisingly nice to me, or at least nice by their standards, and was able to get me a room for the night. She told me how it was nice that they're in the Horde now and they've been able to find allies rather than people who would reject them as abominations.

Tomorrow is when I begin my mission fully. I'm to head south to Silverpine Forest to their base and assist them in fighting whatever they're fighting down there and write down my findings.

- Zorum Redknife

>log in
>haven't been online for 5 seconds (check chat)
>gets this

Why didn't they release this shit on New Years, who gives a fuck about russian christmas


Russian devs?

There are not enough quests to do this though! Should I just grind mobs? I try to grind but if I pull more than one mob at a time I die 50% of the fights.

How big does server population need to be to be considered healthy?

What was the blizz cap back in the day? 3k?

>vanilla guide