/lidg/ Let It Die General

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If only that was animated, like tetsuo bouncing around and him writhing in agony

First for the best grill

>tfw all of the major characters in "the game" are based on these people around you
>tfw the game acknowledges we often live in a fantasy world of the real one we live in

Kiwako confirmed for Naomi fantasy and Uncle death is uncle Death.

But who's Meijin, all of the other high level enemies, or is he such a dweeb he's left out of the player's fantasy?

I think it would be implied that he could be the Jackals then if we're doing that route.

He gets very flustered in his tips when you find and use the Jackal weapons.

Well that makes alot of sense, that would imply you've surpassed him irl since you're effectively beaten him in combat.

I find more about this game the more I'm not fighting

Where can I farm chopper on +30 floors?

pretty good analysis

where do I get the iron blueprint?

farming F1-10, you can't miss it

Pretty good senpai.
By your logic, I guess Meijin is the Jackals.
He even take it personal if you kill them, saying in his tips "A-are you going after me?"

So I found a gold rat running around, problem is I can't remember if I found it on Kitamin or Kinutamin because I ran all the way around the map and no one is taking those floors for expedition pot shots.

Which is it, I'm down to less than 300 coins and can't use the elevator

I manage to reach 25F and still don't have an iron blueprint. Tried revisiting NASHIYOGUCHI many times as some user suggested but didn't get any of it.

Do blue metals at some point become relevant again?

it's just rng

run through low floors and hit all the chests, you'll get it eventually. just got something new myself last night after 20+ known BPs

Defenders with Rapier are fucking bullshit. 10 fucking attacks in a row and I can never get the timing right to attack these fuckers.

bait them to attack twice in a row. You can thank me later

use some memeshrooms senpai

How many times did Meijin beat the game? If it was three times it could mean the jackals were his characters in each playthrough

I don't understand how the fuck they expect your AI fighters to defend anything. Literally all you do in this game is walk backwards until they attack and inevitably miss then you attack as soon as their's ends. Oh they have a gun? Just fucking roll forward through all the bullets and hit them during the retarded end-lag.
Seriously the fights in this game are fucking piss-easy and you'd have to be awful to take long enough on one fighter for the next to spawn.


>tfw you find a random golden pillbug


>Rank 55 with 2563 TDM points
>Just want to hit Diamond for the hell of it
>Every target is either Gold or lower
>Keep refreshing target list
>Still the same shit

I literally can't get a single TDM point until next reset where I can raid the same 2-3 people who are Plat/Diamond near my rank again.

This shit is retarded


that's what you get for being autistic

but being autistic is the only way to succeed at this game

Where can I find Vol 1 and Vol 2 pages of the Tales of the Barbs?
Also what the heck are the "Memories"?

So is it worth it to make a +4 tier 5 weapon right now? Everything points to not doing it because the durability drops twice as fast as a +4 and damage falloff is enormous in comparison to a tier 4.

>No Jin-Die porn
>No Bullet or Hovering Tuber porn

What's taking it so long?

>No Naomi Detox Porn
>No Kiwako Seto porn
it hurts man

what's the problem if you make a grade 5 weapon? it stands to reason that every grade allows you to purchase the lower grades as well as the higher grades

keep the grade 3/4 you use on you and save the grade 5 for bosses

actually, I just understood what you've said
no, don't do what I say; keep it as it is

Well it's the entire grinding for materials and investment that has to be done with tier 5 stuff. For armor it seems okay, but for the weapons there's a problem right now where the durability and damage fall off is far greater on tier 5 weapons. A couple R2 slashes of the Muramasa Blade will already put it at a point where the damage is just barely higher than a tier 4 +4 katana doing the same amount of slashes, and then you do a couple more with the tier 5 and it'll be somewhere near 75% or 60% of its total durability with an insane amount of damage fall off.

Try a Dev's tier 5 katana after you've found one and Fun Fungus'd it and just look at the damage fall off when you use it a couple times. Even if you have it created it would only last maybe twice as long as that, but even without the durability bonus from having it researched it's like a handful of hits before the damage drops through the ground.

what am I suppose to do with Fukuiki (side F22) and those 3 railings? Road is blocked

Jesus christ user, just climb the fucking tower
You didn't even beat the first 10 levels and you're already here for advice
-read OP

I listen to all the requests dear Anons, but as I guess all the other artists like me are still playing and enjoying the game, I'm too busy with it to draw anything
I'm already at 34 coen, so might take requests after

i think that's the room that's locked until you clear 3 different trap rooms in other floors

>nearly get my shit slapped by a hater and 3 screamers
>cover my eyes and spray the +4 red hot iron +
>everything dies
I never fuck up as bad as I did, but I'm glad I carry that thing with me

>Killing a hater gives you negligible amounts of SPLithium
>You get maybe ~700 from the average 1 hour raid
>Only other major source is the TDM
I really wish it wasn't piss easy to get prisoners back, it seems like it was intended to be a significant source of SPLithium, and would help reduce the frustration I have whenever I want to research something and then have to spend 15 minutes slamming my head against easy raids to get the amount I need

So, what parts of the Tokyo Death Metro do you guys feels like it needs work? To me, it seems like the whole prisoner situation needs to be tweaked. Either prisoners need to be reset faster, they need to give more splithium while being reset or the only way to get them back is from the owner.

But what else do you think needs work?

I want to fuck elevator girl

loading fucking times

So all they announced is some new shit, 40+ being even more ridiculously bullshit than 30-40 are and jap autists ruining the game for everyone? I really need to get out fast

>First content update in 2 months

This game will be dead by then. Unless they keep interest going with events.

>Let It Die Support doesn't mention Tales from the Barbs
>Pastebin doesn't
>Spreadsheet Only references a couple, but not Vol 1 or 2.
Fuck off entitled drawfag

So I made some fanart for this game.

Guess I'll just post it here and bother you all with it. Cool game. Can't play more of it since I only had access to a PS4 over Christmas, even then only got to Floor 13.

But I had fun. Cheers.

>Farming goto 36 for red candle shit mountains.
>Run into the arena like Usual
>Take him out
>See golden skillshroom in the corner
>Run and pick it up
>Turn towards the chests
>See golden skill shroom in the other corner
>Go to pick it up
>Head back out the wrong gate by accident
>Third golden skillshroom sitting there

I think I'm something up to like 6 treasure hunter stickers.

They may not be premium but literally all my gold skill shrooms are going into them.


Choosing the music that plays
Increase the volume for said music

Very, very nice. Hope you get a chance to play more sometime.

My freezer is currently upgrading to hold seven dudes! I'm pretty excited. Today will be the day I ascend into the double digit floors!

Buy a ps4 user.

You shouldn't be immune to attacks if you're out raiding out afking in the waiting room.

I'm almost done resetting this guys Tier 5 lvl 130 fighter because no one can raid me to rescue him back since I just leave my PS4 on when I'm not using it.

Not anymore user, you'll sync with server data if you aren't active for 30 minutes
Dunno if the the DirectHell pause exploit changes that tho

you can be raided after 1 hour in the waiting room actually

>jap autist

The only thing to fear is their set ups since you aren't fighting them directly.

Base raids however will be an issue, either they'll be honorable and won't touch people without anything of value in their banks or they'll thrash everyone into oblivion.

No doubt they'll find animation exploits, I'm glad direct pvp isn't a thing

This is false

I have 100k KC in my bank and no one has raided me when I slept

it's in the official faq. maybe it's bugged

I fucking hate JinDie so much.

>it's in the official faq.
We went over this, go read it again you illiterate mongoloid.

Read it, read it again, sound it the fuck out, LOOK

I fucking hate DOD Arms Black Metal so much.

To get xp from golden beasts, do you need to kill them in the tower? Or can you do it in the waiting room?

Oh, I didn't read very carefully.


not the guy, but there's no need to be this rude senpai, this is not /v/. just let's try to be more decent

Ya' don't fukken say, m8.

It's okay, that other guy is just a meanie weanie.

Chill out senpai. Not everyone on Veeky Forums is unable to admit fault and will go on pedantic tangents for 2 hours rather than do so.


I opened a cracker and I got one of those jumping frogs
I had to resist the urge to OOOOO GERO GERO GERO

Hahaha how is dod metal farming real just buy it from the store haha like with your money

pffft he fucked up what a loser and on Christmas too

What armor are you cucks upgarding?

kill everywhere to get xp on the spot, eat later if you want to boost xp for another fighter

I want it to stop appearing in my fucking Golden chests

primo stuff friend

I want to max steel tribe but I cannot find DOD Green.

Fuck off, we explain this shit six times a thread and there's still a retard in every one going "Its one hour" You fucking deserve to be ostracized for being that fucking retarded.


because I like track suits

>farming for milk metal
Just embrace dod equips, they are better anyway, saber and psycho are a meme

I've been in these threads constantly and playin an average of 12 hours a day for the last week. You're full of shit.

Special Forces Vest
Special Forces Beret
Guerilla Forces Pants

I just dig how retarded the rambo open vest is along with the claymore-loaded pants that are clearly on. Berets are my fetish. It's not tacticool, I swear.

you fucking mongoloid
The tower changes all the fucking time, every day
Nobody clearly, 100% knows where your fucking unlocks will be
So yes, read the fucking OP again until you find
"The tower changes daily" or some shit

Fuck you asshole. Where the fuck do you live? Want to fuck me you piece of shit? Give me your fucking address.

There's set locations for this shit
Literally, you can find the last page on 9F side room from the 10F boss room
Shitters like you always clog up these generals

This feeling of dread when all your tier 5 characters die in a row and you need to level up a new one from scratch to event attempt getting them back

the beret is pretty rad

the t2 matches with DIY coat and Sengoku leggings. It's the same light red/white color scheme. Looks kind of ass from the from but looks great from behind.

literally buy it

What can I even do with it? I can only think of the Welding Gun.

Why none of you fags ever told me DIY set turns into mad engineer's coat at tier 4, i like it.
Also what is this purple apron like thing with shitload of instruments, trucker coat t4?

steel tribe head
power stomper or diy
welding gun
pork chopper
maybe even buzzsaw or pickaxe

Agamemnon Armor

Iron needs Red. Which floor can I get Pork Chopper BP? I went up to f29 and didn't get it.

Sick I selected a fighter from the freezer and the game glitched out. I'm just staring at her and it wont load, music is still playing though.

Is she gonna be dead if I close the game now?

As long as you're not in the tower, should be fine and dandy.


Where the fug is Tales from the Barbs Vol. 1 Page 6

Upgrading Dark Ryback pants/chest with excess materials because apparently nobody else is


just spam shrooms until you get bps senpai

So what's the secret to success when timing the rapier hits?

The AI makes it look so easy ;_;

where the hell do I get war ensemble red metal?

Floors 31+ in gold chests