League of Legends General - lolg

more buffs and happy holidays edition :3

>Play Full tanks, Support tanks and offtanks mostly
>Get Elementalist lux in a box
>Might as well try her out
>Mfw stepping into the world of squishies.
How can people play these champions?

I love Yasuo!

She needs to stay gutted just like Kindred.

Post lewd pictures of Orianna

how is katarina after the rework?

You need to git gud at positioning

it's because everyone was shit back then

a pro few years ago would be pub level now

Xth for Katarina
best girl

noty :3

Why is Poppy so darn cute


Worse nier

AP Zac jungle?

You should be glad she'll be the next Yorick and Sejuarni.
No sex with a robotic old hag.

Ap Zac is basically mumu with a situationally worse ult or sejuani with an actual spammable skill

Except you can't cleanse any of his hard cc and he has a revive passive

you didn't get what they told you earlier

watch some vid if you never played vs a semi-decent orianna before

orianna zones people with her orb way further than her aa range

she is hard to play though, i am to intelligent to play her personally

play lux, she is very simple, just remember, you should max e first and to detonate it asap unless you need it for its slow/zoning

with orianna you max q first btw

What about sex with this cute robot :3

No. She is no longer a human and must be turn into scraps.

is pentakill olaf worth it or should i reroll it?

gnar feels like fucking garbage

I wanna fuck the ball

don't be mean, do you need a hug? :3

I think its a bit more active also pre-11, since Zac and actually pull of threatening ganks since he can land the CC before the enemy has a chance to respond to a wrap around.


>No.She is no longer a gown
How is this a bad thing :3


because he is garbage
Most of the time he offers nothing, and then people forget about him and he gets the one in a million 4man slam stun.

yeah these last months haven't been kind to him
they nerfed him
then they nerfed mallet
then they removed on hit fervor
he is trash now, I wonder if the old trinity force into tank build works better than malllet this shit feels terrible now

No. A hug from that disgusting stripper going to lead towards death by bestiality.

Like her better as a human than a soulless fuck toy.

The ball is cute

Try playing him against Swain. I want out.

even has cat ears on one of her skins!

Which is why he has a garbage wr, one of the worst of top.

>there are people in this thread who wouldn't glaze root's face

because she's just a budget lulu!

>Not liking soulless fuck toys

what does this cat want to to with urgot

Ikr? Fuck that shit

look like crystal maiden

I'm getting better again.

I want to massage Janna's ears!

Purge that robot.
She's raping him.

Lulu = C U T E

>tfw no adc gf

she's not >

you just should be a pussy, stay back and have a strong, powerful man (or woman) protecting you

lux is actually very safe because she can stay far away, especially lux with flash ghost who is uncatchable (not to forget her snare and slow). but then, without barrier her laning is more dangerous, and she dies faster when jumped at too...

he is cute

but he doesn't even have a hole...

>Purge that robot
W-why would you do that!!

what jg(s) is/are good to main in silver?

She's raping the man in her beast form.
Who says he needs a hole?
Cause the robot isn't pure.

Lulu is best girl!


vi, shyvana, hecarim, rengar, khazix?

don't you know the current cancer yourself

she simply rubs against him, does a cat rape you when she rubs against your leg?

>does a cat rape you when she rubs against your leg?
Glad I don't own a cat.

>Cause the robot isn't pure

red/brass chroma for warmonger sion when?

I am trying to watch qt but the fact that he mostly spams Jhin over and over makes it boring.

>Team doesn't ban the 30% winrate Yasuo main


The robot is created to rape every men just like Ahri and Sona. She must be purge.

>Hecarim (Cancer, is shit)
>Skarner (Golem nerfed him quite a bit)

Can your champion farm the jungle, have cc, and solo someone out of position? That is what carries from the jungle.

If you want to watch an ad stream where they don't play to win, watch your own. Or watch gosu's

will he ever get buffed /lolg/ ?

>Pick for the team
>Team actually uses the pick and wins

strangest thing

Perfect. You may need to do that more often.


He doesn't need buffs, every time he's been good or bad it was purely because of items.

>tfw you'll never play locket udyr again

possibly but i see him getting a remake before anything significant

probably not before others like weedwick, galio, etc though

Beta tester?

They said they wont rework him, maybe a small rework like shyvanna? Like they`ll have so much stuff to do about his skins since they all have different stances and different spell animations for each skin is gonna be a lot of work.

its gonna be a lot of work*

>want to get to high diamond this season
>start watching vods and end up finding LS coaching vods
>autoplay takes me to hashinshin vod reviews
how does this guy manage to get to masters? he kills himself more than he actually does anything good


Is Veigar the most braindead mage next to Syndra?

>gains AP by just HITTING an enemy with a spell
>Ultimate is a nuke that scales with AP and does % of missing health
>maximizes damage against targets who are below 33 % health

Combine that with the merciless mastery and you've got some grade A cancer. Anyone who played old Veigar knows these changes are fucking retarded.

akali will carry
red wins

>Unranked Gangplank
Blue Team.

You don't need to be all around good player to get to high elo. Hash is actually pretty good in some aspects of the game and plays really lane focused agressive playstyle. That kind of play will win you games but is easily counterable by jungle camp.

He was more balanced when his ult scaled with the enemy's ap because he had actual counters in ad mid laners

What site is that

Veigar is currently retarded because his passive gives him 5ap for every assist he gets. He doesn't even have to play mid, he can go supp with the coin and buy a dcap and have more ap than the midlane.

xth for cute presents

Executioner Mundo
Hextech Galio
or Swam pmaster Kennen?

I don't know when the galio rework is coming out but i want to have a skin for when it does so i'm leaning towards hextech

woohoo 1 step closer baby

>tfw I have fantasized about 90% of leagues champs having sex with me, be it dominating them or being a sub
>tfw both dom and sub fantasies include fucking and being brutally fucked by boys, girls and futa
Not gay tho. Degeneracy is whack, senpai

>not getting zeke's for maximum memes

All of those are super shit, if that's hextech crafting you are talking about just save all of them at least till you see the galio rework or something better comes along you might wanna dust those for.

In other news second game in a row that's lost before champs select is over, gg ez

Best of luck.

its all skill bb

why cant it be both?
Deathcap is more reliable though, zeke works when you have an adc on a leash

Is Knight's Vow a meme item like Zeke's Harbinger?


when are we gonna get a second burning tides? imagine lore-event of the scale for demacia and/or noxus

>sion, in the heat of a massive demacia vs noxus battle completely regains his memory
and turns against swain
>becomes "Sion, the Betrayer" complete with a new look and quotes, defects from a noxus nothing like the one he knew
>sick sion vs darius and/or swain cinematic

Well of course you get both, it's like 150% AP

When riot decides to finalize the whole Mordekaiser is a Noxian revenant thing

Get the Swain skin.
No Incubus, user.

wait what happened to the memebuild

Mordekaiser was from before Noxus was a thing. He is older than Noxus.

Just that he was driven out of his castle and then Noxus grew around it.

you have a lot of orianna art user

adcs will just break it. A caitlyn/khin to drag along would be pretty cool though
>Tell them to ult a target
>fling your ult out with zekes on

>sion betraying noxus


>buy new champion
>S rank within 2 games

>not s+ the first game
you are irredemable trash on that champion, neck yourself.

>sion betraying old noxus
>new noxus