>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
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Hoshido Noble!Kana is cute CUTE !
Send help
Kana is a whore!
*sends help*
Azura is shit
Lasigo is shit too
cute family!
Isn't Kanna too young to be a whore?
What car would your favorite FE character drive?
I feel kinda bad for those whose waifus didn't get any Christmas art
>Isn't Kanna too young to be a whore?
I just finished ch 7. of FE6 hardmode and am planing to bench Rutger for Fir and Dick for Oujay. How terrible is my decision? Would the game be way harder than it should be?
Fir has hard mode bonuses so she should be fine, but OJ is a bit shaky.
I think you'll be fine anyway.
Oujay can be pretty good. Dieck has better con, but Oujay can also be a good Hero.
Fir: Pic Related
My name is not Toumaro though
>How terrible is my decision?
You're benching two units who join earlier and are just better. There is no way this can be considered a good choice if you care about difficulty.
Take the boss in Fir's recruitment as an example. It's a Berserker with extremely high crit and the easiest way to kill it is hope Rutger crits and wins before the boss does because literally all your units are not safe fighting him. Fir can't replace Rutger at this point because she can't even double all the Pirates on the map and she's too weak to kill the ones she can double without wasting the Wo Dao.
fuck you. nohr noble kana is cuter!
Doesn't Fir's Boss has shit Res and can be easily be killed by Mages(aka Lillina/Lugh) with Rescue and other shit?
I like Hoshido Noble. Everyone has different taste.
Their hit rates are going to be terrible, so you basically have to sit there for a bunch of turns praying they connect
It's best to just let Rutger go wild in that chapter since he rapes pretty much the entirety of the West Isles by himself
Camilla a best!
Also don't forget that tomes are used up in FE6 even if hits don't connect.
There's a very high chance in that case that you're just going to run out of tomes before he dies, meaning not only did you just waste your time but you just made Lugh/Lilina complete deadweight until you buy more.
Point taken.
>Off by one
>you just made Lugh/Lilina complete deadweight until you buy more
Well even more than they already are by that point anyways
I want a Camilla daki!
Eww. Delete this! Or at least post the good one
Me too, my man. Me too...
Wait, there's another one of these? Care to point me towards it?
I'm jealous of Felicia user
I'd love to have a Felicia to snuggle with, cuddliest maid
Thanks for the answers guys.
No problemo.
Looks like they're still working on it, but here's the first side i.imgur.com
You could always get one yourself y'know...
>At this moment, the Pirate knew "He fucked up"
A littke bit sad, that you get nothing told about some chars unless you do their supports
Oh wow, that's amazing. Way better than the other one. Thanks, user!
>Go to Arena
>Enemy Omniyoji onerounds any of my units.
Lilina rly wants a sister. Why did manly Hector not made two children?
Because he's a weak fuck and has a small dick
Because Florina's Uterus was mangled enough from the first pregnancy
Mark pls
Farina. Lyn went with Rath
>Lyn went with Rath
Why so sure? Sue's mom could be anyone
>letting Rath breed
Sue's hair is green
>Not breeding with Ooga booga
>implying Sue has her hair colour not from her dad
>not wanting Sue
Why is Morgan such a cute ditz?
It still makes sense though
To be fair he was never fond of Florina to start with
Well, who knows until we get a Elibe Remake with Mark as the self-insert
Cutest daughter
>Cutest and strongest*
I like Hana
>Sumia has 15 str as a level 4 Dark Flier
She can barely damage anything and has to rely on crits, Jesus Christ
Dark Flier is one hell of a drug.
Good skill, but low str.
Just guve her a Killer Lance, if yoi have one
>not going Dark Flier for Galeforce
She isn't even promoted in that picture dumbfuck
Prettiest hair
What's her mag? DF is more a magical class.
>that being an issue
You're playing non-Lunatic Awakening, just grind and pair up.
>Winning the Lynbowl when Hector exists
Nice meme
Fucking 11 Mag. Even worse than her str
I can't just rely on skirmishes to randomly pop up for me
>using Sumia
Hector is gay for Eliwood, he never even participated in the Lynbowl
She's Chrom's wife. I have to use her for good pair up bonuses and whatnot because Chrom's Res is nonexistent
>Hector is gay for Eliwood
I like how many anons frequently forget this undeniable truth.
Send help /feg/.
Takumi's chapter in CQ is raping me
I have to rescue fuking Elphin or he gets literally one-shotted by the Boltings.
Good map design
Of course
Are you using Donni?
No more Boltings for you fucker.
Get silenced
Anyways, I'm getting Owain (fathered by Lon'qu)
They're cute together
>Not using Donny
Also, Henry and Tharja got married
*Sends help*
>not giving Henry to Olivia
>not giving Tharja to Gaius/Libra
Shit taste detected
thaenk you
I did Libra!Tharja in my last run, not this one. Plus I'm not using Olivia this time
Has anyone ever trained and used Sophia in BB HM? I've heard is an unplesant experience but she was a monster in my NM game.
>not using Olivia
Why? Refreshers are always nice to have
How do you even train her? She starts so weak
Hi Laurent
The cutest little War Machine you ever did see
I'm at chapter 18, so she's a liability at this point. Plus she starts off super weak
I gave her a skill booster and got lucky earning skill in her level ups in the sand chapter, she finished off plenty of bandits and after that babying her was easy in comparison with Wendy's babying.
Do you love Severa? I bet you do.
R8 my pairings:
'Course I do
Allright. I always try to get far away from any danger with her. I use her more as a Torch User in this chapter. Sounds quite doable. Maybe, i will try her in the next NM Run. Why should i even use Elffire when Aircalibur has the same mt with better hit?
3rd place in my Awakening waifu candidate list, so yes.
I'd swap Lucina and Cynthia but other than that those are pretty good.
Get fucked!
>no Brady listed
Good one. If you want another good one, Morgan!Inigo is great. If you want a funny one, Noire!Inigo is pretty funny
Yes, Nightwing was made for Cynthia.
Or Lucina/Inigo alternatively
Gross. They're siblings.
Wolt even got better then her. Wtf
>Chrom married Sumia
>They're siblings
You didn't go the canon route?
>fire emblem
>having a canon
A lofty once upon a time ago, it did.
You are know finally coming to terms with the fact that Fire Emblem will be garbage forever
At a time when ISIS' canon pissed off his fandom so much Tharcia bombed.
What do you mean with "canon"?
Nah, I'm fine with FE right now. I'm having fun and that's all that matters
>bothering with a Silence
Just Warp
It was at this moment, where the Archer know "He fucked up". I also gave Ogier the Boots
>getting Warp, the most difficult item, you can get in the Dessert map
I got everything except fucking Warp. Fuck that.