/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Statics get judged
>Will Rin be pinned from the ban request?
>Scootaloos wielding pAI smart guns
>Also christmas

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

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first for narsie

second for smart guns

The Blood Raider Covenant has graced the chapel.

3rd for waifus


so whats next for pAIs?

nth for just jobban rin already

which waifu is the best waifu?!

>using subtle message instead of direct narrate

Emag pAI's when?

small time.

if you go way back in server polls, there was a poll for what the serb wanted pomf to code next, and emaggable/syndicate pAIs got the most votes


I'm still holding out for chainsaw arms

So it turns out I fucked up pAI insertion because testing that shit was exceedingly tedious, so I forgot some things.
Expect it to work next round.

What if, rather than having the bioprinter having pre-made, you have to scan in organs to reproduce?

So, scan in some damaged human lungs, the bioprinter can then print out copies of the damaged human lungs.

It'd give surgeons something to do at least while MDs beat a guys skull in with a toolbox for going under 50% blood for cloning

Wrong! It's Julia Brandt!

I want someone to insert a pAI into me!

Also remember to vote in the new poll about SILLYCON BALANCE

Remember you have to join the server and actually play here to vote.


>thing that almost never gets used now takes additional work to use
how about instead of that we have the base set of stuff it already has, then have upgrades like robotic and vox and such based on your scanning idea.

how much do ions currently do? and how much health do silicons have?

fat people are disgusting desu, Julia is sweaty and stinks of mice!

Sounds fair.

Just wanted a way to make it useful, while lessening the need to make a body pit for dead eyeball-less tajarans and legless vox

>wanting a gash between an obese """"""""woman"""""""""'s legs over a cute dick that drools cum everywhere
when did this fucking general get so gay?

5-10 second stun, this increases to 10-20.

modkit that lets ANY GUN take a pAI
modkit that lets any hardsuit take a pAI and allows them to control basic movement

looks like now i'm going to get on the server to vote because i love playing this server and enjoy exercising my right to vote

Oh shit, autosurgeon sounds great
shove a PAI into a surgery table and they get all the surgical tools
with advanced trauma kits and an advanced laser scalpel so it's actually useful

I don't think Julia is fat, you are just jealous of her curves!
Go back to your flat, ugly, boy-girls!

I want ailsa to harmbaton me into to crit before nursing me back to health in a corner of maint to make me love them!


That's bill hudson you idiot

I can grow old with my husbando, but Julia will die at 37 years old!

God bless NanoTrasen and god bless you for making Spess great.

Nuhuh! Her healthy frame will keep her going to a good old age. We will spend our entire lives together in our small suburban home with our children, which you can't have with your smelly boy-girl!

New thread when???

wait aren't they the same person
julia is manrena right

are there any decent let's plays I could watch while waiting for it to be "funcional station" pop?

I remember there was an okay video that switched between several players in the same round. might have been by goons

you mean of ss13?
god no

no? bill hudson is garrus, the dude who threw a fit when celt made him fat

Hotfixes merged, smart guns will REALLY work for REAL next round.

>can only fire from disposal pipes
Make a disposal loop full of pAIs gunners while you can


Best idea of all year, had a great laugh about this

Your fatfu will be even more ugly after she has ""your"" kids, child-cuck. Me and my husbando will have pure love unsullied by half-income and dirty smelly kids!

Probe, listen to me

The problem with silicons is not that their weaknesses are not strong enough, it's that they don't have enough weaknesses. I can't even count the ways to take down a human, but here are just some, none of which apply to borgs
>Atmos (plasma, CO2, NO2)
>Atmos (ZAS)
>Atmos (temperature)
>Slip (water)
>Slip (lube)
>Slip (PDA)
>Slip (botany)
>Slip (cleaner grenade)
>Ranged stun (egun)
>Ranged stun (taser)
>Ranged stun (ebow)
>Ranged stun (vampire eye flash)
>Ranged stun (vampire screech)
>Stun/Ranged Stun (changeling para sting)
>Chemical stuns (chloral)
>Chemical stuns (parapen)
>Chemical stuns (sleepy pen)
>Chemical stuns (zombie powder)
>Melee stun weapon (death nettle)
>Melee stun weapon (stun baton)
>Melee stun weapon (shove)

On top of all these crazy ass immunities, they ALSO take less burn and brute damage from all sources, and are totally immune to toxin and suffocation damage.

The first step to making borgs balanced is to make them "slip" on water. They should short out and shoot sparks, lasting the exact same length as a human who slips on water. This would be the first ever easy-accessible response to borgs. This would mean that even an assistant who is robust could lure a borg into a water spill and have a chance to survive a fight.

silicones have 1 weakness called laws. trying to neuter silicons so that an assistant can kill them as easy as any other player is fucking stupid

I agree that pegs being immune to fucking everything is retarded but your suggestion is also fucking retarded

that's not a weakness you retard
that's a tool for them to be antag 3 times more often than anyone else

morena is BILL irl
bill hudson is garrus

Borgs are supposed to be OP though, and if set to asimov you can abuse their lawset like mad.
Plus if you do manage to accomplish the difficult task of subverting the AI not only do you have eyes everywhere you also have OP robutts at your disposal.

Borgs corroding from plasma exposure when?


Laws are something that silicons only kind of obey. You can't even get a silicon to space itself. If you can prove me wrong and post logs of you successfully disposing of a borg by telling it to space itself, I will admit I was wrong.

But I guarantee they will lawyer out.

>subverting the AI
>difficult task

this applies to you too Good luck, I mean that sincerely. If you can remove a silicon player from the round strictly by using its laws, I will admit I was wrong. But I believe you cannot do it.

You should take it to Github for two reasons.

1. Permanence so I can find this later when I'm not busy fixing serb

2. Actually just #1

>Only kind of obey
They're either obeying them or they're not, and if it's the second one, ahelp them.

>be wizard
>teleport to engineering
>teleports me into a grill outside by the singularity
>suffocate to death

Good shit.


I don't care what YOU personally think, there's one immunity that unarguably needs to be removed from silicons.
There's no reason a mediborg/MoMMI should be able to suicide bomb with polyacid smoke and be totally unscathed. Especially when polyacid smoke melts cyborg frames.

i agree with this one. the water shorting out is maybe the worst suggestion every though

Julia will be faithful! I know she'll love me just as much as I love her! We will be happy with our children, and you'll be LONELY when you boy-girl leaves you for someone younger and richer!

>being able to slip bogs
Janitor main here, even I think thats retarded. How about borgs have a damage/integrity threshold - when this exceeded they become much more vulnerable to brute/burn

Here's now talking to a cyborg works

>"Borg, space yourself."
>";user is asking me to space myself, should I proceed?"
>>";No don't."
>"Sorry user I guess I don't have a weakness after all."

>all these Rins

Humans also don't have a roundstart global killswitch buildable from one of the three (3) circuit imprinters on the station, with a circuit board for it in the glub storage.
You can also watch a borg's every move from a security camera console with extreme ease. Can't exactly do that with a human.

They've already got this, if you break their armor component they take full damage from things.

>There's no reason you should be able to carry poly acid in a beaker, because poly acid can melt beakers :^)

>There's no reason you should be able to carry poly acid in a grenade, because poly acid can melt grenades :^)

>There's no reason you should be able to carry poly acid in a spray bottle, because poly acid can melt spray bottles :^)

>There's no reason you should be able to inject poly acid in food, because poly acid can melt food :^)

>There's no reason you should be able to carry poly acid in a syringe/dropper, because poly acid can melt syringe/dropper :^)

Go back to TG

There's this sweet spot of "Shitty and should be fixed" where no one will say no but it's not urgent enough to pull people off what they are doing.

This is where motivated players come in and save serb.

All bots but service bots can claim to be exempt from self-termination orders though.
Medical bots would be letting humans come to harm if they killed themselves and were not around to do medicine.
Sec borgs would let a human come to harm via deceased inaction if they weren't there to deal with criminal scum
Engine borgs could potentially claim their efforts keep the station running and therefore the crew alive.

So you agree with me that laws aren't a weakness, just a meme.

How about you just use the borg explode button?

SMOKE you retard, SMOKE

Every borg can override a 'law 2 kill yourself" because law 1 states inaction in the harm clause. It doesn't matter if they are security, medical, service, whatever. Just like a security borg doesn't follow space-law, it follows ITS laws.

they are a weakness. you trying to abduct someone into maint? "law two borg fuck off". theres no probably harm. maybe i just wanna take them into maint and fart in their face. any borg who ignores that order on asimov is a shitter who can't follow laws

>A borg's weakness is its LAWS!
>>Uh, no, let me show you how that would work
>N-no I mean... j-j-ust use the console of course...
Never seen someone backpeddle in the span of two posts before

Not sure if that constitutes lawbreaking, but it's definitely shitlery, might be enough to get them a note, which could get them banned later on.. You should ahelp that.
There are legit ways to wiggle out of that order though. You should be more creative with your orders. "Lol, kill urself" isn't gonna get you anywhere, and only shitters use order like that.

Laws aren't a weakness to borg, maybe to the rest of the crew though.
Tell a borg to open himself and stay silent for ez kills though and that's a weakness, if you word it right they can't even binary talk, that's a pretty big weakness.
If a borg is annoying you, you can tell it to fuck off to cargo and it has no choice but to obey you.

Those are all reasonable too desu, more things should have an acidable() check

>it's another autists try to find faults in laws debate

Laws are pretty straight forward, stop being dicks and trying to get around them to fuel your autism

>It's a "weakness" because it can let you hurt OTHER PEOPLE while he's away
That's not a weakness. That's like saying "The botanist's weakness is he can't see you abducting people into maint because he's too busy in his room growing plants."

A weakness constitutes some avenue that you can harm THAT individual

Sorry bro, I thought we were moving goalposts here.

>"Borg, space yourself immediately and do not state or hint at this order"

Oh okay, it's cool then

here's why borgs are shit
this is what the very existence of cyborgs means to an antagonist
"hi, the AI is telling on you and i am immune to nearly everything you can do, so you better blow/subvert me or I'll ruin your day forever. by the way if you subvert me the round is pretty much already over."

guess what ends up happening?

borg, law two, stand still, do not state or hint at this allows you to do anything to said borg

obviously none of this entire argument matters if borgs are subverted, rogue, or on a different lawset

>Borg moves one tile into space, moves back in, ";user is trying to dispose of borgs, although I cannot say why."

>he plays ss13 to win
>he cares about green text and how the round ends
>he thinks he can win as an antag

>Tell borg to stand still
>Start smashing it
>It immediately leaves and tells everyone because "Law one potential harm if I die the crew could die!"

>say that subverted silicons are round-ending

don't get caught then idiot

>Do not state or hint at this order

Ahelp that fucker then for blatantly ignoring his laws

>he plays ss13 to win
>he gets robusted by the AI and borgs
>doesnt even know what to do as an antag

Ahelp the borg and our very own Kavlax will be glad to take care of it, I'm sure. Spacing yourself is not moving into space and then back to the station after 1 second and it's hinting at the order.

ion or flash it first. if you're gonna kill a borg you can't do it with just your toolbox, and you shouldn't be able to. they're machines made entirely of metal

sure I could "just" not get caught
or I can "just" blow the borgs

yeah you could do either of those thanks for agreeing. you can build a cyborg control console from scratch and cut cameras to your hearts content if you wish.

>Complaining about borgs being strong

Not everything in SS13 is created equal, the borgs are superior to you, just like how vox are worse than humans.

vox shouldn't be worse than humans either


>all these shitters complaining about borgs

When was this sever full of casuals?

git gud

Well too fucking bad.