"Stand like a garden peony, sit like a tree peony, walk like a flower of a lily."
This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.
>Current English Games Potion Maker, Terra Battle, Panzer Waltz, Shadowverse, Valkyrie Connect
>Current Foreign games Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Warship girls, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny's child.
>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this: ofo.jp/j/jKix
If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.
>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store: Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks. pastebin.com/Nsg98EEf
Are normal ears gonna be the norm for her cards now?
Jayden Thompson
If that's going to be the case I'm going to start playing BGHS just so I can quit it in disgust as a protest.
Logan Ward
>waited forever for Girls Tribe >turns out the game is shit >and also has region lock
Christopher King
If it is, at least now you can keep her eared outside the card art.
That's the sort of thing I would have expected to be per-costume before that option went in.
Bentley Turner
Mobage is a cruel mistress and we don't even learn from the abuse
Chase Davis
I'm actually enjoying it, and vpn isn't as big of a deal as people seem to make it
Cooper Ortiz
Isn't this kinda fucked up, I mean weren't those part of her
Hunter Lopez
So horn ears are really dead now? I haven't even been playing for long, but this feels so wrong.
Luke Howard
Wow I just noticed that she has normal ears now.
Maybe people will stop thinking she's a robot now. Normal eyes when?
Jayden Nelson
>replacing something unique with something normal why?
Time to gouge those eyes out and replace them too.
Brody Perez
That's cruel and unnecessary. Kaede just needs to restore life to her eyes so she can be the cutest little girl in BGHS.
Bentley Martin
>Only two new cards from a 60 pull At least one was an UR
Sebastian Martin
That new #compass map is huge. I would get ptsd playing against a voiddoll on there
Cameron Miller
Anyone play granblue? All my friends seem to be switching to it now.
Joseph Perez
>switching TO gbf lol
Luis Martinez
Is that your first or second 60 pull?
Still haven't played it yet weirdly enough.
Chase Wright
My second one. I've got two URs in total, an explosive trap and a portal key teleport.
Gavin Gomez
They have their own general
Easton Rivera
Did you farm single player challenges for coins? Man i would've been close to my second 60 had i not blew 2k yesterday in a fit of madness. Btw what's explosive trap?
Nathan Johnson
This is the trap. Sends anyone who doesn't have a shield flying into the air or kills them outright. Shame Lirica's casting time is awful, but it's good when combined with an AoE stun.
I managed to get 2000 coins from the challenges. Sadly another 1500 are locked behind challenges that I probably won't be able to complete for Marcos, Matoi and Luciano
Owen Hall
Granblue has its own general over here
Sadly, its filled with the worst kind of people so the whole thing is horrible for actual discussion. There's also an active IRC channel that was created when it was here on /mbgg/ and its still up for discussion. I think a bunch of people here play it but just dont discuss it or bring it up.
Jayden Reyes
I just rerolled a few times in terra battle, and kept any accounts that got a gold. I have ones with Gaiga, Gugba and Amina. Which one should I start with?
Ryan Torres
How do I reroll? What am I aiming for? I asked there, but no one really answered.
Jack Jenkins
Eat the rich. Kill your masters. Seize the means of production.
Wyatt Sullivan
Oh nice. Don't really think I've encountered this before, or I just don't pay enough attention to the cards other people use. It's probably best for Jeanne and Justice since they seem to make best use of traps due to their defensive play styles.
I gave up on the challenges awhile back as my cards weren't of a high enough level for me to tackle them but I should probably pay them a revisit now.
Who's Marcos btw?
Parker Evans
did you even look in their OP?
Ayden Ortiz
The Lirica lover with a hoodie and a stick.
Thomas Howard
Their OP didn't have a mobile download link, so I'm out anyway.
Angel Lopez
How bad is Valkyrie Connect later on if I'm not willing to spend much?
Right now I get most my diamonds from connect battles, clearing hero quests and getting new ranks in arena but all of these are limited. How fucked up is getting more diamonds after this?
Worried mostly because as far as I can tell you can't really get good gear without gacha.
Elijah Thomas
>low level in Terra Battle >energy jello daily >both are level 63 Don't give me the quest if it's literally impossible at this point in the game.
Ryan Jackson
It's day 7 of the DC Christmas event, right? I feel like I missed one for some reason.
Grayson Morales
Yeah its day 7, though it doesnt matter if you miss afew days seen as the event runs until the 3rd
Oliver Harris
Jordan Sullivan
Campaign, event, whatever you want to call it It last longer than 8 days but you can only get 8 days worth of login rewards from it
Angel Barnes
That doesn't really explain why the daily mission boss was three times my team level.
Jaxson Edwards
Oops, original reply was meant for
Julian Foster
They were sticked to her to surpress her memories from before the attack on Earth
Oh good, I was worried that I fucked up somehow and managed to miss alternate costume 5* and a 5* ticket.
Eli James
Amina is a really strong healer, you will need her for sure. But I think they're currently giving her away to all new players, aren't they? So go for Gugba
Brody Price
>tfw cute girls make you keep a game you actually hate Fuck it, I'm uninstalling BGHS.
Eli Carter
New players get Amimari.
James Thompson
How does recoding work in Terra Battle when you've already got the character's lambda version? Do you get the same the character's sb and luck or just a fixed amount (like 5% sb and 5 luck with each further recoding)?
Michael Hughes
>Shrine Maidens At least they aren't doing the two cards per girl nonsense like last year, except this won't help me be stingy with rolls.
But >7 girls I was wondering why someone on 2ch was bitching about Sakamoto-P (again) yesterday, but maybe everyone hasn't been added to the data? Was almost certain they'd have Subaru, Nozomi, or Urara, since none of them have any traditional Japanese outfits. And Hinata, to give her a twin bullet card.
Pretty spot on assessment of Renge. It also seems that any girl of Renge's target takes it as joking, even if Renge is trying to be serious. Sensei's comment from the school festival dance, of helping her with her future, was curious since she doesn't seem to have any committed plans aside from fawning over Asuha and teasing Sensei.
Michael Garcia
I want to join /mbgg/ guild on Vakyrie Connect.
Jack Martinez
MBGG-2 has spot open
Easton Cox
What game is this? I'm trying to start on my backlog, but I don't remember this one at all.
Jack Foster
Yeah the amina account has Amina, Amimari, and Bahl
>miko outfit my body is ready. They probably helping out at Kokomi's shrine or something.
James Young
Ask your granblue questions in the IRC channel listed there or go to the general
Grayson Diaz
It would have taken you less time to just say yes or no.
Angel Brooks
where do you get these in starly? i know they are in the game since people on my freinds list have girls over 30.
Andrew Miller
Thanks, do you know anything about rerolling in this game?
Anthony Foster
You wanna talk about granblue you should go to the thread for it. That's why it has a thread of its own.
Levi Roberts
If you aren't going to answer the question, don't reply.
Luke Clark
Did anyone roll the 3 extra shironeko xmas characters? Are they particularly good?
Luis Reyes
I just started destiny child and I can't find a way to select which enemy to target. What I'm missing?
Michael Sanchez
Sorry user, never played it before. But you can always try deleting Shared_pres folder.
Have a cute Tanuko.
Grayson Smith
I meant what to roll for, but I appreciate the help regardless.
Nothing. Afaik the game auto-selects targets.
Connor Young
You retain all the SB and Luck from the base character, get the additional SB und Luck from the charas you use as material and a +5 Luck for recoding again.
Evan Reyes
Look through the last thread. Someone there linked back to another post that was about rerolling in TB.
Lucas Murphy
I've been rerolling for some time now. Considering the biggest rarity chance is 0.2% I think I'll settle for anything above SR.
Tutorial in this game is pretty short and fast but fuck the download takes forever.
Christopher Baker
What are the rarities exactly?
Christopher Walker
I assume the higher stages. I have lv30 robots without the mats to upgrade them and my girls are slowly creeping up too.
A couple of ways currently: - Do daily missions: the dailies for Monday drops growth seeds - Roll credit gacha, you might get it - Roll the Christmas gacha, there are a few seeds in there
Obviously, option one is the most reliable way.
Lincoln Ward
For you anons playing Girls Tribe, what VPN would you recommend? I have Tunnel Bear, but there's a cap on how much data you can use for free and playing a mobage would definitely exceed that.
Daniel Howard
Annoying as fuck, thanks anyway
Noah Sullivan
Complete hero challenges (second main button in the play screen). You need to complete all of the first row and then the last column
Grayson Collins
Luis Allen
Jaxon Harris
Sounds like a mess. I'll just go with SSR or higher, like you said.
Jack Barnes
What game is this from?
Jacob Evans
Grayson Murphy
>got 5 5 stars in Otogi in my first 11 free invoker/daily rolls with 4% chance yet 0 in 7 with new xmas 6% chance >also rolled 15 times free on 3 ios devices with 6% and got 0
I shouldn't feel slighted, yet I do.
Alexander Martinez
the christmas gatcha seeds arent those seeds
Joseph Morgan
I already knew it will be shit when it kept delaying its release date.
Nolan Scott
I can understand not doing everyone, so they don't have another Miko Kokomi. But 7 does seem a bit odd, yeah.
Gonna be a tougher skip than last year for me, since Anko's in. But gotta stock back up some before Valentines gets here.
Leo Robinson
Anyone? The game so far is pretty generous but I want to brace myself in case the late game is filled with poverty and grinding.
Justin Martinez
>I was wondering why someone on 2ch was bitching about Sakamoto-P (again) yesterday Because they removed Sadone's robot ears canonically in the story?
Jose Adams
Not him but I like her cute new ears. Now if they would only give me an option to restore her smile and life to her eyes then it would be perfect.
Levi Kelly
>its filled with the worst kind of people Aka IRC. Stop being a faggot.
Ethan Perry
Maybe there'll be a part 2. All the girls except those that has been in the previous new year gacha, wihc means Miki, renge, Kurumi, Kokomi, and Mimi? Was Sakura in it too?
Austin Reed
the arena is all paytowin. storymode is okay you dont need the best stuff but the whole game is grinding. all you do is hit auto and wait. better gear and units just make autoing faster.
Robert Sanchez
The samefagging continues. Jesus dude
William Sanders
>It has been almost a year since granblue left /mbgg/ >You're still around to shitpost and cry about it
Maybe you'll get a life next year instead of sticking around here to complain about granblue. Who am I kidding, of course you'll be here to cry about it next year too.