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Purest girl.

sombra buffs when




> Playing mystery heroes
> Can't cap hanamura last point
> 30 seconds before the end a defender says GG
> 20 seconds later we cap second point and win
> He ragequits so fast he surely Alt+F4'd
> Lots of shit-talk happened anyway

>The same shitty Mercy image every three threads

I see that since your waifu is absolute trashcan in game your only hope is to shove her down our throats.

In that sense, this is actually hilarious

How can we stop dwarf race from capturing the world?

>dunkey's latest video encouraging shitters to play sombra/torb

>get legendary

'tis the season to rage, apparently

D.va is a fun and balanced hero


D.va is boring and buffing her was a mistake

Any Hogbros out there got some tips?
I just found out how fun Roadhog is and really love how he can mess other heroes' up

Posting Roadhog is also fine

This image seems so nostalgic now


>no kids
>that hoverhand
Reinhardt is beta af

He's overpowered and broken, do whatever

>ywn be Tracer's pure lesbian gf

Why even live bros?

I must've missed a buff or something because now I just round a corner and Diva fucking blasts me into oblivion.

>Zarya main
>haven't played in months
>decide to try other characters
>keep losing because of the un-ability to carry
>start practicing Zarya again
>carrying teams in every game
Ah, it's good to be back

Good, only low level shitters take him seriously. And I don't think he gives that much of a fuck

right click is as important as you hook
abuse the self heal
you're extremely fragile
never hook first
killing the flankers is your priority
always damage mei/ana/reaper before hooking them

D.va's damage never was buffed.
For some reason, earlier people perceived her mech cannons as machineguns, when they are more of a shotguns.
They only buffed her survivability to ungodly limits

Cheeky flank that didn't do anything useful.

How on earth are you supposed to play Zarya?

reminder that your waifu is dead


you should hook first if they're low or if your team is with you, also killing supports is also your priority

>shield people that will get shot a ton
>kill everyone in the game

Delete Tracers and Genjis with extreme prejudice.
Remember that you're squishier than you look.
Use your ult for area denial and clearing objectives first, getting kills second.




I want to sexually offend Hana Song

How did this happen

You tank. You go in and tank. Bad guys want to hurt you. You make iron wall. Iron wall protects and makes you stronger. Like vodka and AK. You use strength of Russia to crush enemies.

There are three types of people who play bot games

>People with lag who don't want to risk even QP
>Junkrat players who must get PotG or they leave

Adding to on killing things:
ALWAYS do some chip damage on Mei/Ana/Reaper/Symmetra first, they should at least have 3/4 of their hp or less
Don't hook Zarya if possible unless she has less than half hp
Learn to outplay Genji, and Practice at hooking Pharah
Right click is absolutely devastating but you need to learn spacing
Your ult is not as good as you think, by the time your ult ends you could have finished 3 different enemies. learn to know when to use it

Dont forget to bully your local mercys

Never expected to see Reaper running away from Symmetra

Bait people into shooting your shield.
Make them melt.
Then use their corpses as weights for your workout.

>play bot game
>get strategic potg
>play qp
>someone presses q when the entire enemy team is on screen

>my waifu
>that annoying twat with no ass and punchable face
pick one

Why would you tell him that

Best pairing

Why are all diamond DPS absolute shit
Fucking plat DPS can get more kills than these schmucks.

Solo queue people who have actually advanced, who is it possible to carry with? I want answers

Is Winston really that bad? I still keep getting gold elims with him no problem.
Although I only really play quickplay so maybe that's it.

never ever hook dva


>Firstly Soldier takes Reaper place of main target for nanoboost
>Then Symmetra takes his place as close range assasin

But that's wrong though, Hook and 2 shots mean dead mech and while the little cunt rolls outside you'd have spent enough time for your hook cooldown to finish. and if she uses shield or boosts away just reload and prepare for another hook.
I always hook D.Vas at first sight.

No heals for you then, dummy :)

Heal Slut here, that challenge is goat

>buff Sombra
Yes overbuff the qt Mexican hacker so that she can define the meta like Ana when she was buffed.

Do this

Giving her a buff to her SMG spread isn't going to define the meta.

>he's ok with 4 tank 2 support

>Playing Mercy

More like no heals for anyone ever.

>finally get around to playing d.va after the buffs
>point and shoot at people
>never die
>shield completely neutralizes almost every hero
>can easily fly away
>on the off chance you do die you just get your mech back in 2 seconds
Amazing hero, my almonds were activated the entire time I was playing her.

Why do people keep saying Mery is 100% useless? Every match I'm in the Mercy does the most healing and always rezzes everyone every thirty seconds.

I honestly prefer her focused healing to any of the other supports.

Can anyone show off either gold Yeti Winston, Frost Zarya or Nutcracker Zen

there NEEDS to be a single player game based around genjis playstyle because GOD DAMN IS IT FUN TO PLAY GENJI. But I'm forced to play call of duty man, skating music Brazilian and hammer/shield dude of needing to be in everygame without a doubt or else you wont win.

Maybe like a first person ninja gaiden but with omnic bots monster things

im happy for you

Ana does so much healing that no one dies and can hard CC almost every ultimate in the game while giving absolutely retarded buff with her ult.

Winston loses to every single tank in every single situation which is obviously bad in tank meta.

Winston also has the lowest dps in the game and relies on merely outliving his opponent as apposed to killing them with skill which is bad when symmetra can now give everyone 75 extra health.

Winston is also completely incapable of killing anything in any reasonable capacity if they have armor. With trombone finding his place with symmetra giving out armor this makes his life extra difficult.

He also loses in most situations to Soldier, who can escape him with superior mobility in tight spaces or place down biotic field to completely negate Winston's lethality which is bad considering the prevalence of soldier in the meta.

Winston also has a real hard time dealing with Ana who can sleep him very easily and stall her own death with the fair and balanced biotic grenade.

Lucio makes Winston's life especially difficult because his passive heals turn Winston's already tragic DPS into virtually nothing. Lucio may also amp up either heals to further negate Winston's damage or speed boost away to an interior section where Winston cannot pursue.

So yes Winston is currently bad.

Mercy is good on console because Ana isn't viable with 99% of players

Can Blizzard PLEASE make a serious quick play mode
I don't want to play competitive and don't want to play with 'lol its just qp bro" people either

>Eichenwalde defense
>do sym+torb combo
>enemy team has hanzo and widow that does nothing, they're from the same 5stack
>only decent one was a soloQ lucio that used ult at the perfect moment
>win flawlessly
>move to attack, they tried something similar
>still has widow and hanzo
>do 4 tank and burst through the point without even turning back
>the lucio gave up and started running around us spamming hello and thank you

I felt really sorry for him


Its supposed to be satire..

Considering you're not a God with Tracer, Widow or Genji.
Learn Dva and Zarya since they strong as fuck

Abilities that are shit:

- projector barrier
600 HP, disappears after 5 seconds, doesnt start Cooldown until destroyed or disappears, doesn't indicate at all to player or teammates when it will disappear naturally, can't be used during primal rage

- sombra alt-fire hack
Almost near usable mid-fight because of damage cc, only really useful for health packs at all.

- widow wallhacks
Pretty null when hanzo has this as a normal ability at the places you need it

- bastion self repair
Freezes self even on recon mod, damage cc with a character that has a mile wide hotbox and moves like a slug, and sounds like a train when walking.

Telegraphed like a motherfucker, 100 health that is so easy to clip, can be damaged during startup animation, leaves player completely vulnerable with a high risk low reward circumstance.

- Primal Rage
Can't get a reliable kill without a situational ledge, hotbox the size of a barn, give enemy team 30% for free because not a real damaging threat, and hard countered by armor

How would you buff these turds?

Every other heal is better then mercy the only reason you think she is good is because you ignore her ass letting her live to rez her team. If you are not stupid she has no real way to protect herself.


>serious quick play mode
It's called comp lmao

must be shit d.vas then
i have never been hooked then killed in mech

>want to try using other characters
>forced to be Zarya or Mercy almost every game because nobody else ever picks anything but fucking Genji/Hanzo/Soldier/Reaper/Sombra/insert other DPS here and we need a fucking tank and/or healer

Its so much fun tbqh

if only

yeah but I want like dash resets n' shit dudeee, know wattam sayin?

add kpop music for the full experience

Wynston needs a SERIOUS buff
He's the only hero I've never seen carry a team, and at worst he's basically a single symm sentry that becomes mostly unkillable once every 5 minutes

Aye my nigga

Zenyata is best character

Blizzard really should make single player and cooperative mission for different characters.They can also finally move plot by it.
I'm not sure about financial aspect though. They would be to expensive to make to be free.But playerbase would be angered by payed DLC

Un nerf barrier back to 1000 health.
Make chimping out immune to stuns, traps, and knockbacks.

Hacks need a much higher damage threshold to be interrupted.


I can't stand Winston on my team he isn't much of a tank but he can't even do his job at killing the Symmetra, Snipers, or Genji. You are better of using DVA at that point.

>playing d.va
>mech is destroyed
>mercy heals me nonstop
>kill 5 people with anime gun
>get back into mech
the best feeling

Projector barrier needs to be 1000 hp and cool down starts on use. It has needed a revert for a while but Blizzard sits on their asses changing only 1-2 things a month so at this rate a Winston buff will come in 2019.

Something like L4D maybe




It hit me really hard yesterday when someone screamed at me for using winston and told me that Symmetra is much better at shielding and autoaiming shit
How can Blizzard make Winston so bad I can't even fathom

>Abilities that are shit
>Primal Rage


What do you mean

>Knowing you'll be in contact with blue pure hand in a millisecond

no better feeling