who is your favorite trip/namefag?
Who is your favorite trip/namefag?
Gnik Rats
He's a dick but he's usually right.
Falcunts probably one of the best ayy
BLDC is a fukken poof
people who only hang around in generals don't count
hi prezo
pic related, me and mjet
frolo. Duh.
sweet is that taken at the portuguese auto show?
nah we met up in fall, you see that the Punto is still on summer tires
was on my way to Portugal for vacation
did you talk about the latest diesel tuning trends?
>diesel tuning trends
since i smell sarcasm: diesels can be tuned very well actually since they have turbos. A 100$ tune can get reliable 40-50 horsepower extra
Kit Kat, Dracula, Truckerfag, CC81PT.
E30 is a dog cunt
Jury's still out on Oilfag and Pepsi
Mrcummypaws would be OK if he wasn't such a flaming faggot about the furry shit.
i thought he lowered it did he go with airbags?
can you guys guess which trip fag is on the left?
MicraFag is one of the best, along with ScarlettoTrap
Active ones? Dracula. He has the knowledge, makes good posts and is happy to help those who ask
Previous/inactive? VINbro
amazing guy
>Dog cunt
Sounds like Australian insult, I'll take it as a compliment. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
LPG even tho he ded and works in IT now
I keep hearing shit about this dude who is he
17 year old bus riding nigger
The guy that does 10 thread dumps of vintage racing pics he takes around Europe.
LPG best trip
a person who bends gm fangirls asses
a really funny shitposter
Solomon Reed.
Sam is the best girl
Basically Veeky Forums's Duke Nukem. See pic.
found the gm fangirls
look at that fucking pic. havent seen any of those names in like 3-4 years
fight me nigger i'll knock you the fuck out
Mightybenz he help me buy my lexus sc400
u mad?
I would say LPG but he's retired as a tripfag
Since he's gone, I hate them all, except Mjet. Hating Mjet is like hating a disabled child, it's less hate and more annoyance mixed with pity
Frosty has been consistently entertaining.
Actually scratch that, Dracula, KitKat and MightyBenz are alright in my book
Everyone else can eat a bullet though
nigga MJet has a gray new Punto
yellow Punto is mines
nuh, mine's petrol
Anonymous is pretty cool, only name worth respecting.
Any other namefag or trip can fuckoff.
y-you too c-cuck
>t.frosty's cell mate
Thanks, guys. Though, I try to use the trip only when I'm giving advice or answering questions. I want to stand behind any advice I give and defend any facts I provide with raw data.
mighty benz is the only good regular trip.
MidnightLVR and KitKat are pretty cool.
Screw that Anonymous guy though.
And also MightyBenz. I only dislike Brosifine and mjet really. Most trips aren't as bad as you guys make them out to be.
Lmao bus rider
why are you impersonating me i can sue you for everything you own and then fuck your ugly ass sister while you rot in prison you piece of shit
These threads are gay.
LPG is a janitor and deletes anything fun while letting Alphonse run rampant. Top quality.
I really need to post more
>ctrl+f LPG
muh nigs.
For the active ones, I'd have to vote for MightyBenz, even if I'm a Dane. I know it's not his fault that most of my countrymen going on his roads are city retards who cannot into large vehicles.
I have a massive lust for that delicious hilux of his. Pic related.
No you don't.
I'm gonna need some proofs on that one.
On an unrelated note, I'm still looking forward to that story dump he promised we'd get around christmas time.
Fuck you, fuck your pastries, fuck your country and fuck your fucked up language that we somehow dervied ours from
I had to work an hour overtime yesterday because some DANISH fuck took the lift up 15 minutes over the time to get his kid who was stuck at the top, taking a wrong slope down and ending up in a closed-off area in pitch black darkness
shhhh just let it happen
What happened to Loop Monster?
Like i said, it's not your fault your only exposure is to our city retards. It's okay, norbro. We hate them too, that's why we have containment zones for all our dumbfucks. We're just sorry we need to let them out on vacation time once in a while, or they'll get suspicious about their prison without walls.
What parts of Denmark contain the actually worthwhile people? Is it like anywhere thats not a city?
Here you'll find decent folk in the east and the north, and along the western coast in. The middle & south are consistently filled with the worst kind of people
I got bored.
But now I have no job and therefore nothing to occupy me, and the Starlet in is a bodyshop atm, so I may continue it.
does mitsujew still post? he is pretty cool and helpful few meets back in sgv he helped me with my broken ek
Yeah, most people from rural areas are pretty okay here. Except for people from jutland. I'm certain that there was a translation error in some german documents some time and jute became jew, meaning hitler gassed the wrong people. Every nazi stereotype ever used to describe jews fits a jute.
Most people from big cities are usually pretty stuck up about being from a big city, especially if they moved there to get away from their rural ancestry, first-generation copenhagenites being the major sinners in that regard. People from mid-jutland, mid-zeeland and mid-funen are a bit hickish, but chill people. I think it's unhealthy for Danes to live in cities, because it seems to fuck something up in their heads. Whether it's driving a car like a human being, or actually keeping their wits about them when they're outside their echo box, and not doing retarded shit like forgetting a kid on a slope.
patachu, but he's b& ;_;
what happened to type-r? or oneslowgxp
You haven't been here long enough.
There are screengrabs of some old mod chat somewhere. It's true tho.
>he does it for free!
So what you're saying is that you have no proof. Alright, thanks. Have a monstrosity in return for your time.
>he makes an identity for himself on an anonymous image board
Kek keep livin the lie.
Maybe somebody will post that chat. We have brought it up in his threads, he is/was def a janny.
Gs400guy is really cool
Sure, buddy. I'll wait with baited breath for someone to get a hook on those screengrabs.
>not even noteworthy enough to be disliked here
I would just look it up on Wikileaks but I'm tired
fucking danes
I like LPG stories for no other reason than they entertain me
>current year
>not using anonymize
kek tbqh familia
You got that the wrong way round, friend.
Is Norway worth moving to, benzbro? I really wanna leave Poorland but I don't know where to go.
I've lived in Espergaerde and worked in Copenhagen for a month and by the end of that month I almost went batshit insane because of how fucking bad Danish drivers are. I coulnd't deal. Every single day there would be someone blocking the left lane, or changing the lane right in front of you. Every single day there would be traffic in the right lane going 110kmh and some faggot in the left lane going a steady 115kmh.
It seems to me that you guys are very very VERY chill and just don't give a fuck about anything which has its own positives and negatives.
Also, your speed limits suck.
Also, your language is...unique.
Would take your jobs again.
Kit Kat is cancer.
My fav is aussiemuscle
thanks bud
Speed limits have actually been raised to 130 some places, but we have a long ways to go yet. And yeah, I always get really paranoid when I get to the ringways around cities like Roskilde and Copenhagen. Cunts cannot into braking distance or proper lane changing technique. At least the police have been trying to crack down on left-lane hogs recently. But there's always a couple of cunts that don't understand that you need to overtake swiftly and decisively, because age or idiocy have rotted their brains. Our female drivers and old people are horrible and antisocial to say the least.
mightybenz, longpostguy, or vinbro
LPG is top notch
Dracula is pretty legit
everything GM is cool, he still post? I haven't been on Veeky Forums in a long time
Depends on what you're here for.
Good health care, good wages, decent roads (not everywhere), cold keeps niggers away (they thrive in the city, stay out) and more, but if you're interested in cars then Sweden is a better bet. They have much lower taxes, are much more lenient when it comes to modification and the laws in general are way more relaxed/understandable
A tie between Dracula and mightyBenz
It's a little more personal with Benz, though, as he helped me get my Echo.
Gotta be Trolly.
>no CLFag
I-I didn't like looking on Craigslist for you anyway!
I have to go with Dracula or heartbreaker for just trolling weebs to no end
mightyBenz. He has my name and address soo...
You mean the dogfucker
Didnt HB get kicked out of /k/ for being a fuckwit and a dogfucker
That was probably Alphonse
Most of the namefags in the Truckerfag general.
>dat hoof
Eeey, how're those lights working for ya? The bracket holding up fine?