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Hey you! Yes, you!
You can do it! Believe in yourself! Know your limits and keep going over them! Finally managed to hit that flashbang into headshot on that Tracer? Great! Now reach for that headshot without the flashbang! Finally got confident enough to talkt to that stranger? Great! Now gain the confidence to make that stranger your friend! Able to run 5km? Go for that 6km now, friend.
Never give up! Never surrender!

When the fuck are they gutting Tanks so this dogshit excuse for a game can be playable again.

When will I find a mercy to make my bitch

Who likes cosplay yuri?



How do we fix Ana? For Starters we give her 150 Health rather than 200. What other changes?


Tanks don't need gutting, Ana does

t. I'm the highest ranked Overwatch player on Veeky Forums and you better listen to me or else

Not when they put on so much makeup it makes her look like some weird fuckdoll

>play mystery heroes
>team whines at me for suicididing to roll a zarya when the defenders roll 3 Zaryas

Best fixes to Buff winston? Also any tips for winston?

That'd be interesting. The one thing that concerns me is that weird device from McCree's comic. That thing did not look normal. Maybe it's something AI/omnic-related, but I hope it wouldn't go any further than that. One thing I prefer about the lore here over that from other Blizzard titles is that the problems the world faces are rooted more in basic human frailty and cruelty instead of some kind of demonic/alien interference. If it all winds up coming down to aliens, I will be disappointed.

I sort of want them to gut her rate of fire but massively increase what each shot heals. She's supposed to be long ranged support, not just a better mercy who is favoured in a 1v1 with a flanker.

Make grenade not amp healing, just heal for 125 health

Remove tranq and replace with another skill

sleep lasts half as long

grenade healing on impact and healing increase gets gutted

Redhead needs to lay off the make-up.

Mystery heroes is RAW RNG. You have to hope you get good teammates and good picks.

>most bullshit slenderman hitbox

>be Reaper
>shove my Shotgun literally down her throat
>she takes like 40 damage and then just grenades/sleep darts me


Tanks need to get toned down.

If your playing mystery heroes, the whole point is to not give a fuck about what hero you get, and even if you do kill yourself you still have a 1 in 23 or so chance of getting her. Suck a dick and have fun

I'm going to do my best! Thank you for your encouraging words, ReinAnon!

When's the Genderswap Event?

>posts on Veeky Forums
>is unironically this picky

Come on, bro. Makeup or no, you'd still do them.

Is it possible to be a good hands
Also who tf would ever buy young hanzo skin

>be roadhog
>finally get the 90 degree turnhook to work perfectly on an Ana
>yank her almost inside me
>blow her fucking head off
>she still managed to get her grenade off and I go purple

Well, I mean they are probably gay so....

Nah, not cute just made up to the nines

So i bought this game at launch but have only really started playing for the winter event, did I miss much? Was it buggy or broken this summer or fall?

so are they getting their baginas out or what

Omnics are pretty much the lynchpin of most of the conflict in this universe, so I'm sure it's something to do with them. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of magical element involved though they might just handwave that by saying that of COURSE sufficiently advanced technology is going to appear to be magic to an ignorant observer, but I like that they've stuck with a mostly "normal" sci-fi setting.

>when the other team has 3 zaryas on defence

Nope, just get playing


>posting on Veeky Forums means I'm ugly, or have low standards IRL

Aren't you projecting a little much there.

To be fair, Emily is wearing a bit of makeup in the comic.

I love her!

took me one and a half hours to complete the weekly rewards again

now it's time to go to bed

Meh. I want see them smash their vagoos together

I want Zenyatta to be shitting out honest-to-god magic
Not some "Oh they're just hard-light projections with some nanoboosting feelgood energy waves" bullshit explanation you see in these kinds of settings

Same with Reaper being a literal ghostman and Genji/Hanzo having actual magic dragons
Leave the science shit to Sombra/Symmetra/Zarya/Winston/Mei/90% of the fucking cast

>raw RNG
>every game is enemy team rolling 3 D.Vas, Ana, and Roadhog while we get winston over and over

My fucking ass

Convince me why I shouldn't just buy the Nutcracker skin right now with 3k coins

A moment to enjoy some peace and quiet, probably just a moment though.

Because you might get it in a box. Wait until the last day of the event.

It means you're a stuck-up nerd that thinks he deserves more than what he actually deserves.

Why would anyone do that?

You'll get in your next loot

>Wait until the last day of the event.
And have Blizzard end the event early again

No, I love her!

Fug the smug

I'm putting my money on God AI who roided up Mercy's healing technology.

Well, Hanzo and Genji CAN apparently make giant technicolor dragons appear... And Zenyatta is able to float even though he doesn't seem to be equipped with any kind of levitation device... And Reaper can eat souls. Maybe there is some kind of juju at work here. But I doubt it would get any kind of story focus, since we otherwise seem to unquestionably be in cyberpunk territory here.

Whatever. The metaphysics of the Overwatch world don't concern me nearly as much as its people. I was under the impression the entire point of the story was getting the gang back together with maybe some fresh blood and giving the bad guys what for after they've run amok for years. That's what I want to see.

She is my waifu

Reminder you're a reatard if you grind Mystery Heroes considering No Limits is literally just Quick Play 90% of the time.

>not liking fuckdolls
Dayum nigga u white or sumthin?


Aren't 3v3s faster?

Like this pic actually raises a few questions too. If McCree and Reyes were both Blackwatch, how much did they get work with the rest of the main squad? How old is Tracer here? Why was McCree allowed to bring a fucking cowboy hat to a medal award ceremony?

I agree. Fuck her. She's garbage.

So how are you all post-christmas /owg/? Everything up and well? Same as usual? Eh, don't worry about it.

Well, usually i don't like to end on sad notes, but, please, let's take a moment to remember those that aren't with us today

>There is no incentive to win in quick play
>No limits meme mode has more reasons to win

>play with friends that still haven't ranked but aren't very good at the game
>consistently end up with 6+ minutes of objective time since the entire team run off chasing kills and I end up pushing the cart alone
>they have shit fit that I'm not carrying them
>no offline option so I can play without them asking to group every 30 seconds

kill me

> Play Mei's Semen Slurry
> Win 2 rounds, one enemy left in final round
> Someone disconnects so the entire game has to reinstance and we won't get credit

Who the FUCK thought this was a good system?

whats the point of jerking your ego off if youre just going to black out your name

>play as le cancer arrow man
>tfw it's so fun

Pretty sure Tracer is perpetually frozen in her mid-20s because of the whole time thingy.

Wrong. She's mine!

>Quick play matches people with similar rankings

So what's the point of quick play if it's the same shit as comp but with a different name?

Why are you still friends with them lol
If they treat you like that literally just tell them to fuck off.

Sombra a cute. CUTE!
>tfw people will scream, bitch and cry if you pick her though

Chu said she ages

Am I good?


>have two friends
>one is chill but not that great at the game
>the other is angry all the time but better at the game
>play with them both together
>angry one loses his shit (not at me or chill) on mic, blaming the team, putting it on everyone else, raging like a retard
>chill guy gets passive agressive because of it
>they end up hating eachother
>could play with them both, but individually
>they both want to team up in 3 stack though for "reliable team mates"
>have literally stopped playing OW
Considering a smurf to be honest.


They scream and bitch because, cute as she is, she's utterly fucking useless
Literally any other hero would be a better pick

I want to hug the smug.

t.fly who got caught in the parlor

have fun and not worry about muh score or picking heroes that are not in the meta

Some of their pre-fight banter suggests that Reaper trained McCree, so his contact with the rest of the group was probably only a bit more extensive than Gabe's because Jesse is a lot more charming. Tracer joined when she was around 18, but if you go with the idea that the Slipstream accident rendered her incapable of physically aging, she could be anywhere from 19 to 21 here since she's 26 now and Overwatch I think disbanded five years ago. As for the hat, I like to think McCree just has a complex where he can't be separated from it or else he gets anxious and can't perform optimally.

Like this

I find it's easier to carry in random heroes than in other modes. Being able to play anything gives you a huge advantage vs Genji/Widowmaker onetricks. Staying alive is also much more important

Everything's great over here, Zenpai, thanks for asking. No worries, man. It's important to remember the loved ones we've lost this time of year.

Only cuz she's stinkin' it up with her GARBAGE.


My stomach is swirling and I feel like throwing up.

Thanks for asking, Zenpai. Bless you.

May they rest in peace and tranquility.

That barely even looks like Elsa.

Anna's better, anyway.

>Blizzard releases an animated short or comic where Sombra discovers the shadow cabal that really pulls the strings in the world
>Next character announced is an assassin-type from Israel.

76 aged like 20 years in 5 years. Must have been stressful


Random heroes show how retarded maining a single hero is and how shit people really are when you take their main away.

It's good training desu


Can you get votekicked in comp or something?

Unrelated (I promise), but can you play shit in mic (in whatever game mode)?

>Why was McCree allowed to bring a cowboy hat
Because he's McCree.


10/10 voice desu
Can I be your healslut?

>don't play as Zenny
>Play as Zenny
>Usually win
Fugg, how do I git gud with other characters, namely the more offensive ones

Yes, quite well, thanks. I got a complimentary Christmas ham the size of a toddler from my workplace. It's probably going to take my family weeks to finish it off.

I haven't lost anyone this year (yet), but my grandmother's Alzheimer's isn't getting any better either. She was so happy to see us all. I'm resolving to call her more often. Best of wishes to you and anyone who reads this.


Fareeha Amari

Because people care less about team composition which is more fun

Dumb bimbo

Cute brown girl

Mystery picks a side to win then distributes characters accordingly. I refuse to believe this fucking dogshit game mode is anything otherwise. Every fucking game is a fucking steamroll for either side and no middle ground.

Every single fucking game I'm in is enemy team rolling two D.Vas and Ana. Every fucking game for every fucking round. Oh and throw in Roadhog and Reinhardt with them constantly. Anyone who believes Mystery is random needs to be shot.


I never really considered this and it explains a lot of the shit I've seen.