Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Other urls found in this thread: ROG GL502VS-DB71 15.6


>going linkens on medusa
rtz such a retard

based solomon

next esports when

>dee two gay has actually reached 1 thread per day level of dead
I thought it would take at least another post-TI to reach this level, jeez

Christmas just ended, we're all hungover

better donate him to tell him that you massive fucking autistic cuck

So, what did you get for xmas?
I got this: ROG GL502VS-DB71 15.6

>MKs Raper

Someone will say Monkey King is balanced.

a scarf and a cookbook
normies should fuck oFF


keep off the grass

i mean the weed

stop smoking weed LOL

cause you're dumb for buying that

>"gaming" laptops

>/d2g/ is literally filled with teenagers

Is storm spirit back? I've had nothing but success on him, obviously you don't pick him into a lot of stuns but he seems to be really powerful right now.

>press Q
>double kill in a 1v3

okay how do dotards defend this one

Heroes with roots totally fuck him

I just want you retards support to learn one thing. Just one thing.

Stock up on sentries against most invis heroes(only exception is BH and maaaybe Nyx). Don't buy Dusts. Most of the time they are honeypot detections that are mostly useless due to other traits of invis heroes which any decent player can abuse(Slark, Dispelable; Riki; Ult; Weaver, Invoker, hihg MS). And in every start of a team fight just plop down a sentry. EVERY FUCKING TIME. Now you're on your way to 6k.

t. 6k support

Offensive heroes got a buff when they reduced experience for levels and talents enabled people to snowball a little bit harder..

just pick zeus retard

Or you could buy Atos which roots for 2 seconds now

some clothes, a nice leather duffel bag, and a bottle of lagavulin 16

gaming laptops are fucking garbage btw

7.00 killed Dota

what about my aghanism in the recommended items

Man I sure love how 4k turned into 3k because of all the shitters buying 5-6k accounts and tanking into 4k to ruin more games before they fall back into 2-3k.

I know 4k isn't even that good but it's still something like the 15th percentile and it hasn't degraded because of mmr inflation-- it is literally bought/boosted accounts.
I can go into the dotabuffs of people I play with and there's always 1 or 2 guys with 60+% wr on Russian servers with a 40% wr on US servers

Just fucking do seasons, reset the mmr, fucking anything because I know if I climb any higher the problem is just going to get even worse. I'm about to actually quit the fucking game because of this

Linken's is objectively the best build.

The build is

>Damage items

Building shit like Manta Style on Dusa or other tank items is fucking retarded and makes certain she does no damage and contributes nothing to the teamfights.

just buy a gem and stay with your mid or offlaner sents are a ruse

>not picking slardar or BH against invis heroes

MoM is godly on medusa now it was decent before but now it lets you shred the enemy with no effort.

2k support player here i bought a 6k account and im still 6k
who knew that having competent team mates makes winning games as a support doable
i should be forced to play a pos 1 or 2 to climb mmr

>get LPQ and muted for hurting peoples feefees

hey maybe if words upset you so much you should get better at the game so people don't perpetually shit on you :^)

i never get shittalked, and do you know why?

because i dont play like SHIT

The problem with those heroes is that the invis heroes have to go visible if you want to track them

>manng sppr

if you don't play like shit why is your mmr so shit?

>some ill-tempered nutcase is typing all game complaining about our team instead of playing it out like a sane, driven person
>report him and send him to his tardy containment center

MMR should just be done away with entirely

And shittalking doesn't make people play better, you retard. More often than not it makes them play even worse. You are literally putting your team at a disadvantage if you shittalk.

I go full /pol/ almost every game and ive never once been muted or received low priority in my 2000 hours of playing

>play two games of techies
>get LPQ

Thanks Valve.

yeah and you I bet you still ruin a fair share of games, you play support luckily which has the least impact on the game so you could jerk off afk and still get carried by your team.

Your mechanical skill is probably garbage and is the main reason you do lose your games, I guarantee it

Also prove it. you're probably one of those unranked only shitters that buy an account on continue only to play unranked and pretend you're a 6k player

well did you win?

proof or get the fuck out

Nice patch, doturds.

>posting my purchased account on Veeky Forums
good joke
Get off your high horse, you and I both know climbing MMR as a support isn't as easy as climbing MMR as a pos 1/2. You can't impact the game as much, you're only as strong as your carries. What good is buying smoke or warding if your team doesn't coordinate or look at the minimap. That's why I bought the account, at least when I say, wanna smoke I'll get a response rather than empty silence from the AM farming the enemy woods while all 5 enemies are missing.

Once again

if you actually give a shit about being told you're shit, why not get better?

because its easier to report for having your feefees hurt

yeah you haven't bought shit and you don't understand crap about the game

climbing with support is actually way easier than climbing with a core

shut the fuck up you are just a shitter making excuses for yourself

Slacks and Purge hit 5k playing only support. Slacks is fucking garbage and Purge has like 3k tier lasthitting/ mechanics ability.

"Woe is me" like every other account buying cunt or shitter stuck in 2k

>lycan has been my free win hero for the last 3 years
loving it

Regardless, f you don't understand how important morale is in a team game then you have a big problem

Slacks mained techies
Purge is primarily a support player but he can competently play all roles

How to ability, talent and item build of dog of rax-taking

Ever since blink lost mana cost, earthshaker has been nothing but free wins.

Slacks mained Omni, which is to be fair a free win hero

Do thirdies celebrate Christmas?

And? If you actually watch Purge play anything that isn't support he feeds and gets outplayed in his lane.

The only exceptions is SURPRISE when he's playing unranked stacks with Blitz and others. And slacks spammed omni like a shitter, you idiot. You know nothing of this game outside of 3k

Best creeps to dominate:

Pushing: troll summoner

Ganking: little satyr, troll summoner, big centaur

Farming: big satyr, red ursa

Cuckport: ogre mage, big wildwing

Teamfighting/lategame: alpha wolf, little satyr

Any questions, dotards?

>If you actually watch Purge play anything that isn't support he feeds and gets outplayed in his lane.
I suggest actually watching the person you're ripping on. Purge isn't no Fear or teezy, but he is about equal to the skill level of 4.5k+ carries.

>gameshitters have to deal with accounts buyers now too

>climbing MMR as a support isn't as easy as climbing MMR as a pos 1/2.

You couldn't be more wrong. Any retard can carry if you give them the game on a silver platter, LITERALLY all they need to do 90% of the time is rightclick the enemy hero

I agree. 80% of players in my bracket are core only autists. I'd rather support than force it onto some kid who plays one support game in fifty.

No, go watch his recent Slardar game (which surprise was with a stack in unranked). He makes 3k tier moves and feeds in lane when he clearly sees 3 charging him, just general things an offlane player would anticipate he completely avoids and again this is in fucking unranked.

I can go cherrypick webms of him missing last hits in an uncontested lane all alone in even his most recent videos. All he is good at is support (least mechanical role in the game).

Stop sucking his dick. Everyone that ever got into this game and used Purges guide later realized as they got better how mediocre he is at the game.

Buying an account is great, I don't have to spend weeks in the trench and can enjoy some decent dota, getting a 50% winrate with this account I'm p sure that's good enough for me, means I'm in a 5k level. I'm okay with not being able to break 5.2, but fluctuating between 4.8k and 5.2k

if i played legit id probably still be 2.7k, takes WAY too long to grind if you calibrated low.

>I can go cherrypick
But that's what you're doing.
You're cherrypicking bad games and not looking at the average.

He's above average (hint: average playerbase is 4k) not shit like you claim for him to be.


>I can go cherrypick webms of him missing last hits in an uncontested lane all alone in even his most recent videos

PSG level?

>buying accounts is bad
Jesus did reddit invade the general or something s mh

>I'm so badass and rebellious Lol!

average percentile is something like 2.5k, you mong. Yeah he is above average in mechanical skill which is like 3k.

Remember when he did play cores in addition to support and he was stuck at like 4.6k for the longest time ever? And try to find a game of him playing a CORE in a RANKED game and not getting carried by his team or missing an absurd amount of easy last hits

>I'm so bad at this game I can't climb to at least 3.8k

I played my friend's account once and he's 3.3k. You literally get paired against people that try manfighting storm at lvl 2, like people that just cannot lane in this game at all without feeding. Climing out of 2k should only take 2 weeks tops

2 weeks vs 15-30 minutes of finding a trusted buyer and setting up a transaction

Just ignore it, its a hot topic on reddit so redditors want to discuss it here because noone seems to care for it there.
Noone cares about account buyers, people just like to use them as a new boogeyman for lost games.

So you pay money to inflate your ego by lying to yourself?

Good job, do you also stand on the scale and take -40 lbs off because "the scale is just a number bro, it's not even accurate because it doesn't considerate my metabolism, not fair"--that's you that's how you sound


>Is a racist
>Plays Abdul Ismail's Game


They did seasons.

It proved how bad seasons are.

>cram everyone into seasons
>4k stomps until they're 4k again
>5k stomps until they're 5k again
>2k and 3k get completely stomped as 4k and 5k player calibrates and 1v5 3k pubs

I mean if I'm still in the 5k bracket after buying the account 2 weeks ago, I'm pretty sure it means I'm 5k. Because If I wasn't I'd be lower than that~

Bruno Carlucci is Argentinian and therefore white

>morale matters when you've got four teammates who have died 20 times in 20 minutes

yeah keep lying to yourself.

Nothing is more pathetic than buying a virtual account for a videogame you aren't very good at just so you can feel good about yourself. I'm sure you will have a pleasant future with that mindset.

>game measures all sorts of different stats like GPM, XPM, hell, even APM (actions per minute)
>doesn't use any of these to measure MMR, just uses a draconian win/lose system

good stuff

The deal is if I was bad then I would fall down to my "true" skill bracket.
I'm not going to farm 2 weeks at the 2k bracket, I don't care if you did it. $160 to skip 2 weeks worth of grinding is worth it. That's like 16 hours of minimum wage lol
Don't know why you get so mad at account buyers m8, maybe you're just looking for an excuse to blame loses on like this guy said

Bruno being Icefrog would make me the happiest fan of Dota ever. He's such a lovable guy.

Even if he isn't, Dota's lucky to have Icefrog and Bruno. They're both amazing.

Win/Lose is the most accurate way to measure MMR.

Nobody cares about how much it is, it's just pathetic. You're pathetic

>Icefrog has been confirmed from 3 separate sources on being named Abdul Ismail
>But here take a look at my rumor that literally comes from reddit about some Argentinian statsman that gained popularity during dota 2 for creating his own dota 2 stat website and working for a british drunkard for peanuts being icefrog


If you're 5k why couldn't you carry 2ks?

not really

since it opens the door for account buying and boosting

imagine how quickly account selling would die if you lost MMR the equivalent of losing 4 or 5 games in a single game because your overall ability took a sharp decline.

so fucking what? they belong there then.

Your hyperbole doesn't mean anything.

If you want to shittalk your team when you're getting fountaincamped then fine, but don't do it when your teammates are making mistakes just 5 minutes in.

Is that suppose to make me feel bad? I'm pathetic for wanting quality games?
I don't play pos 1 or 2.

>since it opens the door to account buying and boosting

and having a 5k player who can 9/10 get good game stats boost your game isn't or a person who can just inflate stats by farming the enemy team?

No you're pathetic for lying to yourself. Seriously, enjoy that outlook on life because I know lots of fuck ups with that mindset.

Here's your (you) goodbye :^) enjoy your bleak future

Icefrog has been confirmed to be Bruno.

You shouldn't let yourself get so emotional over others wanting to play quality games my friend.
I like how you say I'm lying to myself when I fully understand I paid for the account -- however if I was really "2k trash" my account would have tanked already.

I can't tell whats more annoying. Account buyers or complaining about account buyers.

23 minutes in: why didnt you take my suggestion

37 minutes 45 seconds in Bruno is called icefrog and kicked off the cast


>complaining about people complaining about account buyers

Don't do that

The latter.
The former is annoying but bad players will always be bad players, it's their money to burn and if they're really bad their MMR will drop accordingly.
The latter is just complaining for complaining sake looking for an escape goat to blame their losses on.

didn't he get hired way after "icefrog"

How is Sniper this patch? That talent tree looks really good for him, along with the aghs upgrade.