We made it to a second thread edition
>New patch notes
We made it to a second thread edition
>New patch notes
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Carrying is baseline. Thrumbos and humans haul the same amount, but since Jensen has enhancements then he gets to haul more since I believe its based on manipulation or another stat.
Nice glad someone made a new one.
oh well, I'll still train any elephant I can get my hands on.
long live /rwg/
1st for comfy snow cabins (I really wish you could hide power conduits)
Oh, don't let that bad news hold you back. Currently training a warpack of grizzly bears whenever the natives get too uppity. Would love some elephants myself but I haven't had much luck with traders and I don't have the right biome.
Though, come to think of it, I really wish you could craft leather pouches that you can put on work animals and such. It would certainly help haulers that want to bring in a season's harvest of corn but need to make about 15 trips of about 75 units each to complete it.
Mods, mang.
Wait, really? Didn't know it existed for that.
I'm usually too afraid to make my buildings out of wood past the first year. It's a shame because they're pretty『comfy』.
Been working on avoiding square-shaped buildings recently because muh aesthetics and found this new style in bedroom making. It does not give a room bonus but it looks nice and comfy, not to mention that they interlock well with other circle buildings of the same size (it's basically the same area as a sunlamp).
Was inspired by the subreddit, by the way. I just really, really liked how his base looked.
It would be cool if they added squatters in the game. Squatters would be junkies that you have to remove before they take over your map by reproducing and building shacks. You could harvest them though by arresting and enslaving them. please make this into a mod
That base is a clusterfuck if I've ever seen one. I usually do something similar for trading stockpiles or very occasionally indoor farming.
colonist pregnancy added when?
colonist rape added when?
children added when? child soldiers added when?
hmmm... where to settle...
That patch of green near the center with all those communities looks comfy. All the bonuses of being in a temperate biome while having nearly year-round winters and great trading/raiding locations.
Favourite biomes /rwg/?
Arid shrubland is pretty comfy but it isn't much of a challenge, tundra mountains always bodes well for excitement.
Are you a barracks builder or an autistic village builder? I myself like to build a village for my pawns.
Since almost all of rimworlds mods are either on the workshop or are on tynan's official forums I doubt that we'll even get a place for mods like that.
>tfw we'll never get a raider playthrough with pleasure and labor slaves and forcefull conscription and indoctrination of said slaves' children
What are good mods right now?
Full autism village maker here. Considering a cold desert start next, though the simplicity in temperate forest biomes make them my favourite.
It's possible we may get slaves in the future. The game already plays with the idea of slavery through the buying and selling of prisoners
The game of thrones mod for CK2 introduced a "visit chambers" button for captured ladies and got no real flak from that (it was pretty fun to fuck around, literally, and deal with all your ass-hurt vassals). Though considering that we'll never see actual animations for anything sexual aside from Sims-tier hearts and shit you might as well just imagine your depravity when you captured that knocked down tribal girl and "convinced" her into cleaning your base for you.
Efficient Light, Prepare Carefully, Quality Builder, and A Dog Said... (animal surgery :3) are some pretty good lite mods.
Expanded Prosthetic and Organ Engineering is pretty god-tier, though it adds quite a lot of strong features into the game. If making robocop is your calling then DL this one.
Madskills is underappreciated, it removes skill decay. Skill decay is ass, it pretty much makes combat skills pointless since periods without raids drops their levels quick.
>cassie rough and haven't had a single raid in 10 days
is there a problem or is this rng luck?
Anyway, how the fuck does comms trading work? I have a skill 12 social colonist use the comms, but I can't offer 300 silver or 600 silver to trade with another faction.
Is a caravan supposed to come near my home tile for me to be able to trade?
I never fucking see caravans on the world map
Also does rimworld have an expanded slavery mod?
What year are you on? Caravans randomly enter your map, the more friendly factions you have the more caravans you should see. The comms building allows you to offer silver to improve relations (about +15) with every faction but pirates/raiders for 300 silver and with 600 silver you can call in a specific caravan (general goods, exotic, slave traders to offload your unwanted prisoners, etc.). Trust me, the 600 silver is worth it if you have something worth selling.
Rarely, a merchant ship may pass by your planet and give you an opportunity to trade goods. You need an orbital trade beacon on your stockpile to trade with them, however. I suggest the mod "More Trade Ships" in order to see them more. It's kinda OP, but it's not like you're getting free shit and I really like managing an active economy.
So far, the world map is mostly for your own use. If you have nearby settlements with passable terrain you can set up your own caravans and trade goods. Since you made the journey you can mage HUGE profits but it's pretty tricky to manage since your caravan can get attacked and the journey may require tons of food for supplies.
Oh, and I asked what year you were on because raids scale with wealth and I find that raids only start becoming a concern once you start moving past the "we discovered agriculture and shiz" chapter as a colony (unless you get hit with bad RNG or are ill-prepared).
I usually play on the tryhard highest difficulties, so I see more raids, but I imagine 10 days is around the max-average of "bad things not happening" for a colony. Just wait and see.
i settled on the south pole and everyone froze to death within minutes.
Friendly reminder that you can use sleeping spots to trick pawns into "force firing" at ground spots. Useful for making your friendos with incendiary launchers suppress fire onto chokepoints instead of them tracking that melee tribal rushing your line and setting everyone on fire.
That doesn't sound comfy at all!
What is a best way to deal with centipedes armed with inferno cannons?
no, it was really sad, actually. they were all from the same family. Sel, Bob and Scooter. When Scooter died, our pet warg Manic had a mental breakdown.
I hope this makes it better. On our first night, and things are looking comfy as they've ever been. We're also not on an ice ball.
so comfy!
>that campfire and cave combo
That's pretty good. Makes me wish your caravans could set up camp and forage for food all Oregon Trail style.
>sims-tier hearts and shit
From what I hear the sims games have a rapidly growing adult modding community. Didn't even know sims games could have comprehensive sex mods until like eight months ago.
In either case I'm more interested in more extreme playthroughs with raider colonies. The standard mood debuffs and RNG dictating what colonists I get make it impossible for me to do something like slavery or anything to do with cannibalism. It would be interesting to build a cannibalistic colony with buffs to eating people and debuffs to eating anything else and cause all sorts of mayhem all over the planet. I think I saw some talk of some cosmic horror cultist mods in the last thread so I'll probably check that out.
Spread out your pawns and keep them in cover. Your snipers should be able to outrange them so keep them safe, if you're lucky they'll do massive damage to their weak spots.
Centipedes armed with inferno cannons (or anything in general) have terrible accuracy so you have to fight them in large open spaces so their chances of doing damage to you is minimal. This is also why you need to spread your pawns out, not only do you get a flanking advantage but a clustered firing line is asking for a wipe. If you have any rockets now is a good time to use them (grenades are strong too but it means putting that pawn in danger since inferno cannons are somewhat accurate in close range), mechanical pawns can't bleed out but shredding their sensory parts makes them inferior in a fight.
While not necessary, and perhaps overkill, turrets are amazing against mechs because they're not immediately set ablaze when hit by the cannons unlike colonists so they make great distractions while your firing lines pound the pedes. This is why it's always nice to have walls or blind spots near your defenses so that you colonists can hide behind them and "reset" the pedes aggro onto the turrets.
Centipedes can never catch up to you by the way, so a "fall back" area is always great if things get too hot, literally.
tl:dr inferno cannons wreck groups but are actually bad weapons themselves. The cannons do a bit more damage than the base pistol and are very akin to the standard molotovs raiders use.
It should also be noted that ranging the centipedes counters them 100% of the time regardless which weapon they have equipped. The scyther snipers are intended to counter this but, due to their speed, end up engaging your colonists WAY, WAY before the centipedes even arrive. If you're fighting scythers and pedes at the same time then things are going to get MESSY.
I'm hearing nothing but good things about the mod. I'll probably considering adding it into my next playthrough or the playthrough after that one (I want to try a frozen desert colony but I think a dark, swampy map would fit the cult one better).
>Have colony with 9 people so far
>Only two can fight
>the rest have the no violence trait
Its basically one ex super soilder my boy shazz and his husky saving the colony
fuck do i do this is suffering my poor husky just had its right eye shot out
get him an eyepatch?
>tfw always used to focus on the pedes instead of the much deadlier scythers
When you first see them tank the shots that they do it's easy to panic and focus on them instead of the real threat. The truth is that centipedes are generally shit and they move so slowly that if they spawn out of one of the crashed ships their forces are frequently split allowing you to deal with the scythers before ever having to engage the centipedes.
Personally, I think the game needs a few more sentient threats like new types of mechanoids, especially for later game colonies.
we survived long enough for a name!
>only 2 out of 9 can fight.
That's honestly pretty poopy, friendo, but it sounds like you can have a lot of fun here.
Your colonists can't fight... directly! I would suggest becoming the engineers that your colonists' pacifist-nerd god wants them to be and start pooling your resources into making traps, turrets, and IEDs. Have your colony's defenses as automated as much as you can make it and have your gritty soldiers go around making sure any breaches are secured (and to protect your pawns from being captured and running down fleeing raiders).
As an added bonus, you can disable your colonists from fleeing when near enemies and prioritize them repairing walls and turrets mid-combat if you have little hallways that the engies can run between behind the defenses.
Honestly, I think filling your base with nothing but turrets, walls, and IEDs sounds hilarious.
Any sort of name that denotes suffering at an extreme level. How about Insectoville for all the bugs you'll have to deal with?
b-but we haven't seen any bugs!
Is there any way to get a big mountain to dig in without randomly generating worlds for 2 days?
I named my faction "Overworld"... and my town "Valleyville" because it was in a valley...
I usually go with something that fits my "ambition" for the colony. If it's a research outpost I might call it "Outpost Thule" for example. Though since I prefer creating little towns I tend to give them Pokemon-esque names like "Lonely Lamplight."
Personally, I would name the site something cute like "Hearth Home" or "Pyre's Den"
I hope you don't mind reddit but they have some good seeds, and there is no shame in using someone else's seed!
The last one is the one I'm currently using and it's picture related. There's quite some mountain areas to the north and west you can dig out and the natural valley protects your base if you haven't fully moved into your mountain home.
Looks sweet. That valley looks defendable as fuck. I just hope there are no hidden surprises just behind the first layer of stone.
Shame that there are no geysers inside but whatever, I will go big on solar and wind.
I would love a creature similar to the geth from the Mass Effect series. They would basically be like raiders with cybernetics and the inability to bleed.
It would also be cool if there was a random event where a "rogue" AI came and joined your colony.
They are cute. I went with "RAID" for the faction name, because bugs, and "The Hive" because of the honeycomb layout and I'll jump at the chance to make an Alpha Centauri reference.
how defensible am I?
Geysers are random! I believe... The geyser near the center of the map is there in my game but I also have two others inside the valley. So if you want to be a cool dude you can keep spawning new colonists with the map until you get proper placements though between getting good colonists and geyser locations it might be a bit tedious.
I won't spoil much (mostly because I've settled in the valley and only explored a bit of the mountain) but there was an ancient danger somewhere west in the mountain. Though I imagine that's also random, too.
Good luck!
>new mechanoid siege units
>they're MLRS quadropeds
>all their rounds are incendiary
I need this level of eternal suffering in my life
If you plan on defending from the inside of your cave base your outdoor power generating and agricultural assets are going to be in severe risk of a righteous torching by tribals and raiders.
yeah, i realised maybe 45 minutes in that i completely forgot about power. I haven't played this game in quite a few months so I'm more than rusty. This thread made me want to play again.
I like the name, "The Hive" makes me think of either a popular bar in a sci-fi setting or some villain's bustling lair.
Tunnelworlds and Hiveworlds always fascinated me in Rimworld but we know so little about them. I kinda wish they were inhabited by altered/modified humanoids that look like bug people so that I can fulfill my fantasy of playing a literal ant-colony simulator.
I'm a bit worried about infestations, they can be a pain for mountain colonies. I normally build inner killboxes, usually not that large, just to maintain some level of control over my base just in case an infestation gets out of control. Though usually having open areas is enough to combat the bugs.
I recognize that portrait...
>ant person image
>ss13 flashbacks to bay
Jesus, when will the ss13 mod incorporate bay species.
Meant this (you) for you, that's usually a sign that I need to go to bed.
In the first year of my colony I had exposed wind turbines that would sometimes be targeted by raiders. It was a bit costly to repair but it sometimes made raids easier since it would split the raiding party. In terms of food you could double down and use the ((fair and balanced)) tilling feature that vegetable garden has. I would be lying if I said I didn't use it, I really like having a lot of animals so I need lots of space for my haygrass :3.
Practically, I would set up a perimeter wall facing the west side of your base (large enough to protect those two geysers there) so you can set up farms behind it and turbines facing into the sea.
Myr girls are a cute.
This is pretty much all I'm hoping to need when defending my beachhead from attacks. There is a three-tile thick granite wall just above the geothermal room that serves as my perimeter. It's not as defensive as you think it is, it's mainly to keep out predators and small attacks, but it's served me well into year 2 moving on 3.
I'm hoping to put a fridge and maybe some beds inside my star fort so when I get a raid where the raiders "set up" before attacking I can set my pawns into the fort zone where they can eat meals and such and avoid some crankiness.
Turret spots not yet determined. I actually have not built a single turret in my colony yet.
It's artwork from Fenoxo's Trials in Tainted Space. It's a lewd RPG with simple gameplay elements but it's pretty charming and worth a look for some of us pervs here.
The artist is Adjatha, according to the wiki.
I'm now terrified of bugs. Never dealt with them before but people keep talking about them.
Also, I'm thinking about how to defend. The only ways at my base are the beach to the east and from the northwest, meaning the higher geyser is going to end up being my main defensive outpost, if that's where i have to defend.
WELP, knew I had deja vu
Bugs are about as dangerous as large predatory animals. The scare is because they can spawn on you and they can explode in population when not taken care of.
They TRY to spawn in dark areas over areas that are lit, so a common meme is to leave tunnels away from your base in the dark so there is less chances for an infestation in your base. They are not a major threat when dealt with patiently and coolly. Avoid fighting them in small spaces and try to lure them into a firing line in open rooms. Luckily, the buggabears aren't too smart and you can lure them one at a time if you're lucky. Your layout with the large rooms is actually pretty effective against infestations but you should consider non-linear rooms too. You don't want a infestation to cut your base in half because they are blocking a major artery.
Try to keep an eye out for the hives that spawn when the infestation event procs too. It's entirely possible for hives to spawn in a single room AND for a forlorn hive to spawn elsewhere where you least expect it.
If you can funnel attacks towards the choke with the shallow water then you're golden because of the movement penalty and exposure to gunfire. Though I also suggest keeping an eye out for that thin strip of rock to the north of your base and the building due west when sappers show up. Especially the western building, though you can use this predictability and lay some traps around there and some sandbags.
damn, that's some really good advice user. thanks.
right now i can't find any steel so i'm kind of stuck, and i'm going to see if i can split the two subrooms into bedrooms efficiently. they were originally meant for hydroponics but i can't build anything without steel. so things are kiiiind of beginning to go tits up but we'll pull through i'm sure
Steel management can be annoying, luckily a single vein or two can keep an early colony going for a while unless you're actively making steel furniture/walls. I'm not looking forward to my hydrophonics project myself because of the component cost, luckily I have some good soil tiles that has kept my colony going for a few years now.
Looks like you have some open veins around and outside your valley area if you haven't mined them already.
>but I imagine 10 days is around the max-average of "bad things not happening" for a colony.
sometimes the RNG just doesn't want to do anyting
>sometimes the RNG just doesn't want to do anyting
Yeah, had randy giving me nothing but droppods and caravans for a year and then spammed raids and manhunter packs, the infestation directly after a boomrat pack was enough to seal the deal.
is rose wang a goner? i can't get to her
background: it told me a space pod had crashlanded and there might be someone who survived. after accidentally killing marty's ex-wife who attacked us i was hoping for a new crew member but i'm pretty sure she's marooned out there forever.
That's a really unlucky pod landing.
I don't think there's anything you can do since making the area traversable would take too much time
>still not on sale
After playing for several versions normally with a hefty amount of savescumming, I tried playing with permadeath. Immediately I was shown I was shit and had to figure out asap how to be efficient, I ended up getting my first win recently in v15c on ironman. But now I can't ever go back, the pain feels too good
You have to be careful with what mods you use too.
I only use Expanded Prosthetics & Organ Engineering and would recommend it to anybody, though I don't know if you lads think it's cheesy
On the long run losing bodyparts and shit is a major problem, and the prosthetics in the base game are too basic. This way you can still have functioning guys if you just invest time and a large amount of resources
They said it won't be on sale anytime soon.
Balance is a mess anyway right now. If you play vanilla you simply cheese everything with turrets anyway, so I don't see where epoe would be cheesier.
Is this game worth $32.99 Canadian?
Keep in mind that this is the yearly salary of an average Canadian and is equivalent to $3.50 American.
Thanks Trudeau.
Just download it to try it out
I eventually bought it for about 20 european monopoly moneys
>Start as tribe because extra people is nice and for the change of pace from being a spacer.
>Immediately get pirate raids and sieges, don't get hardly any guns because I can only kill the melee guys before the group runs.
>In the meantime, buy some chickens from a trader.
>Several weeks in, Chickens have taken over my base.
>Have to plant a ring of haygrass around myself because they eat the grass too fast.
>Confine chickens to haygrass fields because they keep eating my pemmican.
>Notice every raid afterwards, the pirates focus on the thousands of chickens surrounding my base instead of my tribals, who are now all equipped with great bows.
>15 man raids come and I take no casualties beyond hundreds of dead chickens.
>Have to have four cooks working at all time to keep up with the demand for butchering dead chickens.
Yeah they work on pretty much everything except caterpillar mechs and humanoids with long-range weaponry/explosives. Another one of my favorites, the trap corridor:
Because of the AI even smart enemies will always try to go around instead of breaking down the doors, while your colonists can just go through. Can destroy entire raids on its own
So you can raid other settlements now
Too bad that building the spaceship is much easier than building a strong enough force to wipe outposts
Lastly the bunker:
Make a dark room and knock holes in the wall, make sure to add a build roof zone over it. You can have colonists shoot from behind the walls - your guys get a large cover bonus, enemies get a penalty because of the darkness, and you're unaffected by the weather. You can win straight up shootouts with caterpillar mechs with this
Those two combined with turrets have carried me through the game
these two are both great designs, i'm gonna implement them asap.
This is 2cheesy4me
Tame carnivores that prey on the chicken for extra defenses and less butchering
Will tame carnivores actually eat other tamed animals though? I guess I could get some wargs to try and take care of some of the population.
I tried taming rhinos and elephants, but after two in game years they're still not able to be released on the enemy. And really, all the meat is fine, beyond my inability to store all of it, I can at least load it up on muffalos and sell it to nearby tribes.
Yeah they don't, you'd have to somehow un-tame some chicken, but I don't think thats possible
I really only liked imagining a huge pack of wolves feeding on a giant orbiting ring of chicken
Is there any point to wiping out nearby settlements? It just means some raiders further out are going to attack you since there's no good way to clear the entire map of other settlements.
I was hoping killing nearby pirates would cause their raiding frequency to go down.
You can also have a two tile wide corridor, and place traps alternately so as to leave a path in between. Colonists are smart enough to always avoid the traps, but they are invisible to hostiles. That way you don't need to use doors and don't risk colonists setting off traps when rearming a corridor, but it's less efficient
Does the frequency stay the same even if the pirates attacking you are from halfway across the world? If so that sucks
ffs can someone be so nice and link me the mod that disables the retarded "50% to kill instead of down npc" thing?
I wasn't aware of a mod like that but if you want to down NPCs just lure them into melee and beat them unconscious with fists, highly unlikely they die this way and they can't shoot from up close
Personally I just use traps as a few tiles wide moat in front of my firing position, with a door to allow for injury-free exiting of the base
you fucking lazy ass
I was clubbing this one bitch for the last 30 minutes (25 of that was loading)
Fuck that.
thx m8, i was looking for it just didnt knew the right keywords
Doesn't any melee weapon increase the chances of killing them by a lot? I don't recall anybody dying from getting fisted, not when colonists fight among themselves either
Right now there's none other than for "fun", and that's why I 'd rather play something else for the time being. The "victory conditions" are weak. I wish there were domination type victory conditions and the building a fucking spaceship should be much harder, especially now that there's more shit to do
According to the mod thread there is a 2/3 chance of scripted instakilling a downed pawn that isnt a colonist/prisoner.
Weapon doesnt matter unless its something unnecessarrly oversized.
>Tucked away little cave alcove by the sea
That's pretty damn comfy user.
Undertale mods when?
Keep it in your yiffing general