Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Just bought SFV two days ago
what am I in for?
fuck early ranks were fine but once people actually know what to do it keeps happening

SFV is a good fighting game!

>sfv s2

>somehow Riot plan to turn this into a fighting game

1. Cammy
2. Akuma
3. Laura
4. Urien
5. Balrog


If they could make a fighting game that utilized the mouse that would be awesome, part of the reason why these games don't do well on PC is cause they don't utilize the mouse it feels weird just using your keyboard to navigate stuff and play. And I hope this game isn't a "fighting game" but an evolution in the genre or its own thing, just some 1v1 competitive combat.

>not posting best senran

you seem lost

I got you senpai.

Flat can never be best senran.

Part of the appeal of fighting games nowadays is that they barely pander to the audience, though. The most casualized parts of fighting games are super specific shit like "the input buffer is too large". People realize that the game has a simple structure that isn't going anywhere and they see that in the way they see Mario being predictable. And when I say that, I mean everyone sees that, not just some specific group.

Changing the input method that much is, at best, going to make something like Smash Bros.

What makes Cammy good in S2? I thought the divekick nerf was a big thing?

senran fighting games when??

How do I get past this screen

Morrigan! I found out that someone in my cousin's girlfriend's family is named Morrigan! Never met her though.

you need to be taught how to play fighting games, doesn't come naturally at all, the foundational skills don't make themselves apparent, a lot of other games have easy to understand foundational skills that can be extrapolated to great depth.

She was mostly unchanged. EX Divekick can be made plus if you hit below the waist.

play cummy senrans

That still sounds like a nerf overall. I don't get why people are making her out to be all fantastic.

because everyone else who was above her in s1 got nerfed much more significantly than her

why do i want to fuck that armpit?
armpits aren't for fucking!

That diaper is retarded cammy is worse in s2 she might be top 5 but I doubt it with urien, guile, laura, balrog and akuma being so strong

The "foundational skills" of fighting games are super easy to understand. Everyone knows why Guile beat them, they just don't know the word "zoning".

Maybe because she still has her oki after HK Spiral Arrow, and reversals being stuffed by meaties.

Has anyone gotten the bbcf pc mega link to work for them? I'm getting stuck with an I/O error

But is she a succubus?

Maybe. Not like she'd go anywhere near your fat ass though.

That doesn't stop capcucks from thinking they are geniuses when they jump over a fireball

How the fuck should I know? I've never met the person. Might even just be a weird thing like "Morry-Gun" or "Morygane or something

>girl winning by spamming crush counter button as ryu
it is a prophecy

yes, do you have steam? ill talk to you there

post season 2 merk, ill start

Does anyone want to teach me how to play fighting games

Everyone keeps telling me Urien is Unga but I don't really know what to do with him until I get aegis other than just play a footsies game with his big, black buttons. What am I missing?

I only recently reached super silver so don't expect much from me

They get butthurt whenever they get hit with a headbutt or shoulder tackle so they call him unga, despite the fact those movies are unsave and uriens kneedive you should be able to aa it.

That's the thing: you can do whatever you want, throw fireballs, mash normals, kneedrop, fullscreen tackle, or just walk them to the corner

watch floe play him. mash fierce and get results

His fireball was the same as Kens for recovery, are you saying Ken could do whatever he wanted for fireball? He hardly used it because it was poor.

>Everything links/combos in training
>Nothing links/combos online

Nice false equivalence, they don't have the same properties or options. Urien mains are truly pathetic.

>tfw can't iad consistently

ill make it one day (;_;)

surely causes me to ponder

What's your impression of Akuma in SFV?

top 5, very cool character.

9 6 my nigga

Playing fighting games is making me depressed, what should I do? This never happened before.

>Went to the arcade today for the first time in years
>Beating everyone in ST
>That godly feeling you get when you make someone lose money fighting you

post 1 character you cannot beat
leave a tip with your comment
Do not even look near a corner unless you like mixups

I just don't understand sfv

SFV is a farce since killing with raging demon still has the KO voice over

this didn't happen in SF4

Train to win.

against rashid don't mash and use your v-reversal, learn jumpback tech os

This also isn't SFIV

Why would you ask for tips from people who have trouble in the matchup?


It's stub fighter more like it

fightcade anyone?

Lucky for you there is barely anything to understand. Just be unpredictable and take every opportunity to make them guess if you're going to throw and rack up those penis points

Why is playing online with wifi a bad thing? People constantly badger me about it even though our matches were perfectly fine for me and was wondering if it could be me or not

They are not used to your shit connection, you are

You ever notice how a person in the room that stinks doesn't notice?

Do you guys think EVO is going to continue to grow at a fast rate? It seems like NRS and Smash players (and 1 other community?) had a lukewarm/shitty experience and Pokken won't be back at all.

I think they're just gonna ride the "Esports hype" as long as they can because I see less enthusiasm than ever for SFV. Maybe MvCI can help but Idk.

cannot tell if baito

the Riot fighter will probably keep it going

Also I imagine EVO Japan will be huge

EVO being split up helps a lot though. No more fighting over slots in the future. All the good jap games will be in december and the shitty american games and smash bros will be in july

I just dont know how to do that. I can't open people up. I hate it

I hope they don't gut Evo for the sake of Evo Japan

It would be a shame if Evo was just smash and SF and all the actually interesting games got sent to nip land

Why has nobody ripped the entire SFV OST yet, despite Capcom jewing their OST purchasers out of the other tracks?
>released game in hat is basically an unfinished state
>add half the other tracks in later
>don't add it to soundtrack ever

In fact, why doesn't /fgg/ have an OST collection for all fighting games?

armpits are for sniffing only

>Riot fighter

Do you really think they'll allow their product to be shown alongside other games? They'd definitely go the LoL route and have Riot Fighter-only Majors. Hell, they probably won't even have open bracket events. You'd have to qualify through online shit or something.

the fgc is fine at its current size

how would you guys react if the RIOT figthing game is a smash clone?

Current size of dead. Yes that's good.

>3/8 people pick ryu

Seems about right.

Nah EVO Japan will be the real test for almost every Japanese made game. Much more weight when every games pool is stacked will Japanese killers (and the select few top tier westerners) instead of american shitters that have almost no business entering a tournament.

EVO Vegas will degenerate into an NRS/Melee/Marvel dumpster fire.

Because FG terminology and terms/notations isn't standardized.

Mainly because

-companies either make up nonsensical terms for marketing that's totabl bs and fluff up mechanics impression wise.
-Companies don't use the terms which hints a lot at bad customer communtnity relations on the devs part potentially
-the community/subset is disorganized and/or retarded such as not following Jap notation andu sing your communities shitty one, counting frame data one way where as every other game counts it another.

Japanese KI at Evo when?

Idk i hope enough good games keep getting run and enough japs like coming to vegas to get ripped and stay in fun disneyland hotels that Vegas lives

After going last year, i want to go to evo every year I can afford to now

This is mainly for going deeper.

KI to Japan is like anime fighters to the west

people are overrating the fuck out of akuma desu

his neutral is fucking awful

The Japanese really love it.
They get to do stuff they really can't do in Japan and vacationing is always a blast to be honest when either way win or lose in the end it's a win.

>unga air fireball
>walkspeed to shimmy
>fucking awful neutral
We get it you're a daiper

I really like how Capcom brought back the

>Do nothing and charge TAP

Strategy from ST.

Very fun character. Lots of offensive options, can get creative with pressure, real flashy stuff and the execution is tuned just right. Also love the new design to the point where classic now feels like it's lacking something.

I dunno but I hope Kombo Klash Japan 2017 gets more noteriety. Theres a player list on

I mean most people have some sort of standard or at least commonly understandable

>invincible reversals are called DP's usually
>guard cancels are dead angles/alphacounters

Thats what I thought till i realized he doesn't play neutral like a shoto at all

His fireball is wack, to slow to be useful and not rewarding enough. Its just a poke for certain matchups

You basically play like Karin, approach with staggers until you get close enough to framecrap/special cancel into demon flips

alternate between that and staggering > and suddenly you will start opening them up

He's all about making them respect and you have to know your SMP flowchart based on what buttons they are going to hit back with through stagger pressure

It was believable until the last bit, peter.


word on the street we're getting a balance patch before s2 starts

I just love the mane, mane.

godamn i cant stand kbrad's music i just want to learn cammy but it's so obnoxious i have to mute it

>78,390 people bought a badge for EVO 2016
are you retarded?

Helen IS the first season 2 fighter after Akuma and she's got command grabs.

This is all.

How long until good Rog players other than PR realize how busted TAP is now? He's the only one I see using it regularly. Maybe managing it is just hard? PR has the advantage of experience there I guess most players lack.