thicc edition
>Deck lists, news etc:
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thicc edition
>Deck lists, news etc:
>Arena Help
>Open Tournaments:
>Deck Tracker:
Other urls found in this thread:
>ded game edition
>no Christmas freebies
Fuck you'd at least expect a hanukkah gift from these jews
every edition is a ded game edition
This triggered me
How did team 5 yet again make the worst meta yet?
>3 releases in a row that force archetypes
Grossly overstatted 1 drop
The bulk of the cancer revolves around these two cards.
How do I win against renolock?
Do I have to play pirate warrior?
securing lethal by turn 6 is required if they have Reno in hand. Other wise applying pressure and maintaining board control is how you do it
Beat a Reno with Hunter earlier today by using Hunters Mark to remove his Mountain Giant and Kill Command and Hero power on turn 6
Either aggro the fuck out of them or outvalue them with JADE or use their weakest Reno Mage.
>maintaining board control
The only way to do it is playing hunter with shitton of sticky deathrattle minions. Nigga got too many boardclears
Seems like I will be playing nothing but face hunter for next 3 months.
>didn't play around 50 damage from hand/ through taunts
Wow, guess I'm just shit then.
Nerfing yog was a yuge mistake
Might be coming up on my pack legendary soon, would it be better to get Whisper or Mean Streets?
No. Nerfing control warrior and then creating the best aggro decks in years was a mistake.
Every expansion got it's own lego timer.
oh damn it, really? What a waste
Hearthstone playerbase is at an all time high. There's no generals because Veeky Forums contrarians went to play the less polished game with waifus.
I was waiting 3 months for a lego once, not knowing that and opening packs from 3 expansions switching everyday.
More like creating Jade decks that instantly killed the gimmick that was Cthun decks. Team 5 really never thought this through when they created an expansion with a mechanic that killed off another mechanic within the same fucking cycle.
C'thun warrior is still viable. Rogue have also some potential.
This expansion killed only druid and priest c'thuns, other classes were never good with it.
>Cthun warrior is still viable
Lmao. Cthun warriors aren't even on the fucking meta list.
>pirate face warrior can win any matchup
>pirate/dragon midrange warrior can win any matchup
>pirate face rogue can win any matchup
>pirate face shaman can win any matchup
>pirate jade midrange shaman can win any matchup
>this is all ladder is now
sweet expansion blizzard you fucking faggots
Turns out having 29 cards does increase your winrate by a significant margin
By worst did you mean better than ever? Look at the data. Shitfaggot shaman isn't even as bad as it was before the expansion. Everything is amazing right now unless you're a hunter player (paladins can play meme decks for fun.)
Playable in this meta (5 viable decks that require skill):
Miracle rogue
Dragon priest
Jade shaman
Shitfaggot hand vomit warrior
Shitfaggot hand vomit shaman
Last meta (3 viable decks that required skill):
Yogg druid (RIP)
Miracle rogue
Dragon warrior
Shitfaggot hand vomit shaman x10000000000
Shitfaggot hand vomit hunter
Shitfaggot hand vomit warrior
Shitfaggot hand vomit warlock
Shitfaggot hand vomit mage
I think its objectively one of the best metas, if not the best but psychologically it feels terrible because 4 of the top 7 decks use the same Patches type opener shits. If you are playing control for some reason you are confused, you see a Jade Druid you autolose which pisses you off.
Renolock is so much better than Renomage it makes me sick.
However you are correct that there are more deserved victories this expansion and game feels more solid and healthy then for a long time. People just seem bummed because they can't play their style or they think there are too much aggro decks and pirates I think.
They should increase the deck limit to 35 or 40. The reason aggro is always so unbelievably dominant in every meta cycle is because they draw too consistently.
You were playing versus a deck that had to survive with several "dead in hand" cards until it drew all of its combo pieces. It was able to beat you out with limited resources until the game progressed to that stage.
You're not necessarily bad, but either your opponent got lucky or it was a bad matchup for you (if you're a slow control deck).
Sorry, senpai.
A taunt-heavy C'thun warrior is still possible and it feels good to make the facefaggots stall out and rage but it is weak against every deck that isn't a facefag deck.
The slow memerogue that eats big minions with that one destroy a minion card and then spits out C'thuns isn't viable. It happens about as often as summoning that 30/30.
Renolock has the best matchups vs all decks by in terms of matchup mage is favored against lock.
>dragon priest is just an overstated zoo deck
>5 decks are identical
>jade is free win against anyone trying to play control
>renolock is the only control deck that works because it has zoo like minions, reno and a combo to beat jade
>4 different decks to do well, wow such meta
>getting slow rolled by meta decks in casual while trying to finish a quest before reset
The reason aggro is always dominant is because answers in HS are total shit compared to the threats. HS has aggro cards that are comparable to Magic, but its control cards are laughably weak by Magic standards. Where the fuck is our four mana complete boardwipe?
The prevalence of renolock makes it fucking tiresome too. If zoo was viable it would be interesting because you'd have to guess what to mull for. As it is If you see a warlock, it's a renolock 99 times out of 100, and some meme non reno demonlock 1 time.
It doesn't even beat Jade a lot of the time unless it draws the nuts and Jade bricked the whole game.
The real mistake was designing a card game with very few ways to stop an opponent from doing things. It naturally leads to uninteractive decks with one linear gameplan.
>Miracle Rogue
>Jade Shaman aka """""Midrange""""" Shaman 2.0
>Dragon Priest
>try playing control
>nothing but jade decks
>okay I guess that means I should go aggro
>nothing but pirate deck coinflips
>back to control
>all jade decks again
Well that was a good waste of 4-5 hours.
Fuck this game is shit. Why is it okay for them to choose what decks you play against instead of a normal, random matchmaking system?
The meta does suck in that you're pigeonholed into using meta decks. You can't win with "fun" decks more than 30% of the time anymore it seems. You get overrun instantly or eternally outvalued unless they draw poorly. The game is decided by turn 3.
There are zero (0) decks in
Memestone that take any skill to play.
You should stop playing this shit game user.
Join me, it feels great.
>5 viable decks that require skill
Nothing in curvestone requires skill except combo decks that are mostly gutted by now
>20 minutes without a single post
I can't bring myself to craft Patches
Is he really worth the dust
nigga it's the middle of the night in the part of the world that matters. stop refreshing every 5 minutes and do something productive
just queued into a reno lock playing both jaraxxus and elise when I was playing control shaman
think i contracted aids
>I was playing control shaman
>think i contracted aids
sounds about right
What the fuck.
>Playing "control" shaman
>Just aggro with jade cards
>Blame others for having cancer
I have a 80 gold play a friend quest, but I have no friends.
anyone want to play me?
Post your tag and server so that someone can actually add you.
babaganoosh 11901
If you're on EU, add me FrIkY#2960
Server as well
not sure. americas? sorry, a bit new to this
Guess someone else has to help. I EU
it's lame burgers can't play with eurofags
it's the elemental list, got to 3 with it earlier in the season
anyfin paladin actually seems decent rn, won like 8 games in a row at legend with it
what's the most honest deck you can play?
Midrange Hunter
Pirate Warrior. Lets everyone know that you're a braindead sheep.
what is a honest deck
A deck I won't feel bad about winning with. ie pirate cancer or netdecking
>yogg druid
That deck was literally recommended for the average player to rank up. It was autopilot. Mulligan for ramp. Cast spells to clear board. Cast nourish. Kill them with giants. Kill them with malygos. Slam yogg if you're losing or out of cards.
Even raven idol, the only part of the deck that required choice, was literally "pick spell mode, pick burn" unless you had fandral out in which case you removed the illusion of choice.
It literally puked spells unless it had time to hold living roots and moon fire to otk people.
Oh snowflake decks
Kun Aviana meme combo druids
Reno Mage
Reno Priest
Handbuff Paladin
Control Warrior
>>Control Warrior
Yea, you won't ever feel bad about winning since you'll only be losing.
Have 1k saved up for that game and the 6 free packs.
Not a single legendary or epic card.
Nice i sure like to go on with that.
>pre release
>everyone shitting themselves over this card, asking why it only costs 1 mana / why it reduces so much attack
>post release
>it's unplayable
What happened?
"Priest is gonna be op" is a timeless meme
Thisone: it's both HONEST and HONORABLE, but only REAL MEN can play it.
>it's unplayable
no it's not? it has synergy with a few of the new cards like potion of madness
I'm but a lowly scrub but I had fun playing 2x of those into shadow word horror when the ladder was just a billion Jade barfing Druids.
It's also okay in a pinch with Book Wyrm/Cabal Shadow Priest if you don't have a shadow word death
Pint-size + sw:horror is a serious board clear. Also works with sw:p and changing their minds.
currently 13-1 this shit is insane
Yes, everyone knows how the card works. You're saying exactly the same things people were saying pre-release, yet the card is seeing no play now.
cause dragon and reno priest are plain better than control priest and midfucker shaman and tempo mage are gone. people always make assumptions based on the meta they are in and forget that things will change when the set arrives.
very nice game
just hellfire him
Before rise of shaman every update there was 'SHAMAN WILL BE PLAYABLE, I WANT TO BELIEVE', and it realyy happened. Someday priest will get something.
I hate jade golems
deck list?
Why would you ever play hellfire before abyssal enforcer in that situation?
using second forbidden healing instead of wankerflame because i don't have him
Anyone online on the NA server that I can spectate?
I run two weasels in deathrattle hunter
Is it worth including Patches for a class with no weapons as a Bloodsail Corsair synergy as a replacement for Swamp Ooze? Zoolock specifically.
The upside is potentially better tempo and a stronger play against non-weapon classes, the downside is that it doesn't guarantee weapon destruction and has one less card in the deck. Then again I could run both with how prevalent weapons are this meta, but that might be fucking the larger scheme of the deck.
You're better off adding Oozes to your deck. Don't bother with Patches unless you're a Shaman, Rogue or a Warrior.
what website did you get this decklist from
went zero and three
Looking for someone to trade Play a friend! quest with (160g each), online atm. EU: BestMageEU#2304
Fuck off, faggot.
I just killed a Rogue by turn 4, as a Pirate Warrior. Wow.
that is not even remotely close to thicc
why do people love overusing words to the point they mean nothing
why is amaz so incredibly unlikable
I'm playing reno mage, but i'm losing to rank 18 scrubs. what the fuck
he isnt