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Spam Edition
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Tevos a best
first for shill biodrone cuck reddit kaidan talicancer xeno immigrants you need to go back mating tubes and gypsies
I like the femtur
OP's a bitch, but I still like Jack
She aignt
Double threads are against the rules.
Delete this shit you idiot
your face is against the rules
the rules of nature HA got him
image limit is reached. it's normal to make a new thread then. rather let the old one die.
i hope she's an interesting character
and also a romance option for both Ryders
Claiming thread for best girl.
That's fine, you immigrants stay here and will hopefully get banned. The rest stays in the old thread and goes to a new one once the bump limit is reached.
Do stay away from that one as well
>a FUCKING bird
banned like your face got banned from being human looking HA got him
more like a velociraptor
a sexy velociraptor
>Claiming thread for best girl.
I get the release date isnt set yet, but why are we getting such little information?
Even on imdb they only list 5 cast members. wtf is going on?
Bioware is confusing 'keep them wanting' with 'erase hype with lack of information'. it's a pretty fine line, but they're nowhere near it
The same reason they're coy on whether it will be a trilogy or not, EA slashed their budget so they cant afford the big boy voice actors, I mean for the main characters they got two nobodies from Octodad, and Kurgan is their dad
who the fuck is Alex?
Alex is a bitch.
>EA slashed their budget
for real? damn
>and Kurgan is their dad
Here we go again.
Well, see you guys tomorrow.
Then delete your stupid thread, you idiot. Now this thing will be at image limit before the other one is at 750 posts
Clancy Brown.
aaw man. well Clancy Brown is cool too, although all I hear when he talks is Lex luthor
Why is this posted so much?
I didn't fucking make it you cunt.
Stop thinking you know who people are on a god damn anonymous website.
Then stop bumping it like some simpleton
This is the new thread, get fucked.
>you immigrants
I'll have your head for this.
Yeah, enjoy your new thread that will be even faster at bump limit than the previous one.
Newfags sure are smart
Enjoy yourself in the previous thread I guess, then.
The old one is getting close to 700 posts thanks to that retarded german. It won't last another 3 hours
Youre retarded if you genuinely think that
>retarded German
not me
not that anyone really cares
>posts kaidan cancer
>not retarded
I wasn't referring to you.
Kaidanposter fuck off
Or at least bring some straight shit
So triggered
These homophobic posts are not appreciated in the new BSN!
Why are you doing this, again?
You need to work on your b8 bro
Don't use a minor character for bait
The threads are better when imagelimit is reached. And seeing as this thread got made way too soon anyway I thought I'd do some work to make room for proper discussion before people migrate.
What? Kaidan is anything but a minor character!
>The threads are better when imagelimit is reached.
No they're not. the next 100 posts after the limit is reached people bitch about you or whoever is posting faggot drawings and don't discuss shit, as if their was anything to discuss.
Then the next 400 posts are nothing but people calling each other immigrats and retards
Better get to discussing ME then!
What if both of you are right?
Lots of people don't Virmire Ashley, it's stupid I know...
I try, but nobody gives a shit.
tali's alright, but I can't get past the fact that she's basically the bubble boy
still can't believe there are human beings who find birds with exoskeletons attractive
you guys know you can't even cuddle with that thing, right? her skin is hard as rocks
>implying peace was ever an option