Elementalist Lux edition
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Elementalist Lux edition
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I want to go swimming with Lulu.
How many GALLONS of CUM can Orianna hold in her ARTIFICIAL WOMB?
>trying to climb
>have to play because my life has no purpose
>just trying to keep the gun out of my mouth
>wins are completely joyless because my team is so bad I hate every second I'm playing anyway
>unwinnable games over and over
This is the most frustrating shit, I don't fucking understand why I'm in this elo. I know what to do to win games but my team is so clueless I have to type literally every small map movement to tell them what to do. You can't fucking win this game solo, especially when you're getting matched against gold players with Bronze players on your team.
Every fucking game the enemy team is constantly making perfect rotations to pressure objectives, while my team is just standing around in middle accomplishing nothing. I tell them exactly where they need to move when the enemy is doing this but they're fucking bronze so half the time they just don't fucking listen.
I don't get it. Why am I getting matches like this over and over? I haven't had a match with a feeder on the enemy team through the entirety of my current match history, but I have had one at least every other game on MY team.
I don't fucking get this. I'm not saying I'm even Plat level but I at least understand the basics of the fucking game, why do I have people on my team who don't even know how to defend a tower?
>inb4 nice blog
I;m coming back to League for the first time since Season 3. Which streamers on right now actually talk about the game like Saint used to do?
Also, Which champs in my pool are still good.
Twisted Fate
btw whats the current meta??
Would you take her hand?
None. Trick comes close, but he's just straight up memeing 90% of the time.
>no champion immune to knock-ups
Explain this, lolbabs.
I mean, sure... but wouldn't she miss it?
xth for mommygfs
Only after knocking her up.
whoever you are, user, you can be knocked up
Not "take" take. You certainly knew what I meant.
I want to comfort Riven for all the hate she gets. :]
Top Urgot with Super Triforce is the next big thing, I tell you now.
Saint, he is literally streaming right now
a-are you offering me her hand in marriage?
i want Riven to kill me
That's a good girl.
A dead Teemo is a dead Teemo. Ahri can have that monster for all I care.
Pretty okay blog, desu.
>gold garbage
>place bronze in pretend ranked
>enjoying each and every game immensely, regardless of outcome
>keep finding new champions/roles/builds I really like
>dozens upon dozens of things I could've easily done better every game
I'm just dreading the day this sense of wonder wears off, like it has for every other game.
Who are some mid laner that can also jungle?
I just threw a free as fuck game. I got first blood when we camped the enemy jungle seeing if they would come in.
Then I got another kill but after that I started playing like shit missing everything and just playing bad in general.
Or maybe it wasn't free since mid fed worse than anyone else, but still. I fucked and It's annoying as shit whenever i lose and it's directly my fault.
I want to cum on root's face
you misunderstand the picture
she is about to resurrect teemo and to rule with him together as his queen!
for instance diana, kayle, akali...
Probably not thinking of a few.
i dont understand the perspective here
why is that girl so strong?
what the fuck is happening in this picture?
Mating press is always done the same way every time I don't get it
>ywn impreg Diana after she gets finished killing gurofag
>>Game starts
>>Our jungle malphite literally walks into each lane and feeds on purpose
>>"Fuck this game....its fucking stupid. the only way to have fun is to just troll every once in a while"
>>he chooses to stay bot because I told him to quit being a bitch
>>somehow manage to get super duper fucking fed as Draven
>>Proceed to single handedly demolish the enemy team
>>Troll malphite has a change of heart because now we are winning and stops feeding
>>Victory screen
>>Get accused of being a smurf by both teams
>> Enemy team says Draven damage is BULLSHIT
>>Malphite apologizes
>>Everyone reports him anyway
>> He gets punished
Whats one of your highlights of S5?
/lolg/ tell about your story when you should have dodged but didnt
Xth for the breast waifu!
>He isn't a big-dicked ugly fat guy
Enjoy getting NTR'd lol.
Is there an addon for lol that gives a circle around my champion with the auto attack range or best would be some abilities range, for example I would like to permanently see how far my R can reach so that I never cast it in a bad way.
Swain, Naut, Orianna, Cait, Ezreal, Twisted Fate, and Vi are all decent picks, vi and naut being VERY strong currently
current bans are rengar, yasuo, vayne, leblanc, syndra, and cammile
other champs to watch out for are twitch and kha zix
I'm actually considering making a Karthus OTP account that I play in whatever roll I get with Mid primary Top Secondary.
I don't know how I'll manage to make Karthus Support work, though.
Yea. But they can get you banned.
Just use smartcast with indicator.
I want to kiss a cute boy!
she used to be someone famous
;) and i know who
Lulu is the cutest!
I just want the range no auto-bot anything, just to have the range displayed - like you get a circle around when you buy rapidfire canon.
that shit ain't got nothing on this my man
I tried it after playing around with Middle, Top then Jungle. It's pretty lackluster, but definitely more of a thing than Karthus ADC.
>decide to try karthus support for first time
>notice adc has rito name
>helped to get first blood because nobody knows how karthus works
He also seems like a pretty okay champion to play exclusively right now.
I wanna cuddle and protect lulu!
>Decided to play some ranked and climb
>During selections top and jungle trade
>kinda iffy because most of the time people just end of feeding but let it slide
>new jg picks Xin with smite and tp
>Support takes zilian ghost heal
>now I'm getting very nervous
>Ends up a shit stop and we lose
God damn at an shit game. Just int feeders and poppy feeding the enemy jax. This was the first time in years I've lost my fool at the game.
>lvl 7 jungle yasuo in my ranked game
am I going to lose lolg?
Dodge before you regrette
I'd assume the way I'd play Karthus ADC is the same way I play Karthus midlane. With AP. No reason to try to meme his auto attacks into doing damage when Karthus already has high continuous damage output.
Would probably work best with either a passive support or a heavy damage support that can lock down the ADC and win lane for you. But I haven't tried that cause I won't meme some memes just yet.
Oh boy
>Get mid, which is a role im decent but not comfortable at
>tell people that i cant mid and ask if they want to trade
>''sure user, i'll trade with you''
>goes Yasuo
>mastery 7 yasuo in my bots game
>feeds like ten kills to cass bot in mid
>blames everybody for not helping him 1v1 a bot
The Mastery system was a mistake.
Yeah, I played a couple Karthus/Cassio "ADC" games in the depths. It was fun, but definitely not something I'll be doing again.
>karthus ADC
>with that slow as fuck archaic aa animation
If only. I just played him the same way I'd play the "normal" mid or top Karthus.
Keep in mind this is all just down in Silver and Gold.
>he doesn't buy catalyst on ezreal for maximum sustaining
>he doesnt then upgrade it into righteous glory for maximum engage potential
>he doesn't build philo stone and four HoGs on gangplank so he can stay in lane and deny minions all game
I'm fairly convinced that Xin is just unplayable and everything he can do warwick does better
paging summoner Merc Treads who cried about vi being able to kill dragon at level 5 and said "do it with ivern and i'll send you $20 next time you stream" when i told him every single champion in the game could solo dragon at level 5
>theres a Jap challenger lee streaming and his name is yareyaredaze
this dude is fucking based too
Really though, a day with these would be pure heaven for me.
buy yourself shoes already and spend as much time with them as you want
Planning on leaving a sticky surprise in those, user?
can't find the fucker, whats the channel name?
you mean like a cat shitting in the slippers
why he nose so big
Fuck it I still have time for regrets in my life.
kayle rework when
Not sure if of interest, but if you only own Karthus the free Hextech chest at 6 is guaranteed to give you one of his 975 skins.
Grim Reaper, anyways.
worst name i have seen in a long time
There a full list for this shit for other people?
Yeah I was remembered when I realized with a new account I won't have my shiny Karthus skins (most notably Pentakill)
>ywn impreg Lux
Feels bad man.
Who wouldn't? But I'd make sure to fully enjoy it in all of its amazing glory before hot gluing it.
Those are boring and wouldn't nearly be as amazing as EleLux's boots.
>YWN be leglocked by her
>no Doom Slayer champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Xin hasn't been usable ever since they removed sated
Make a new account and use "Kárthus"
Delete that furry.
She used magic.
I'm not sure. Haven't seen any skins worth less than 975, though.
>Jade Fang Cassiopeia
>Grim Reaper Karthus
>Frostfire Annie
>Bewitching Nidalee (Aurelion Sol only Champion owned. No 1350 skins, apparently. T.T)
Also heard of a few others
>Gladiator Draven
>Blood Moon Kennen
>Headmistress Fiora
>Ravenborn Leblanc
I don't know if any of these are guaranteed or even possible, though. It's fun making new accounts and getting the free skins. Coming up with the name is the tricky part.
i still love you
no you don't
The closest thing to RIP AND TEAR would be Skarner in URF mode.
You literally face tank and perma-stun everything.
*whips out my dick* this one's for you
For the sake of science and curiosity: Does anybody else remember what was in their free/promo hextech chest?
>975 skin
>some orange essence
>random ward skin
Everyone tries to play tryhard champs in URF.
They've never thought of Skarner.
I've had people screaming BULLSHIT because of how busted he is in it.
Woah woah woah, at least ask her on a date first.
gl comrade