Which of the crusading orders was the strongest or most effective, I've heard the Knights of Rhodes/Malta did very well but did any of the other catholic orders have interesting events or huge contributions to history?
Monastic Orders
The teutonic order carved out it's own little state in the baltics from pagan kingdoms, they were probably the most successful of all of them.
the precursor to prussia, would you count them and the livonians as the same or different?
Who has the biggest cock is always a difficult question to answer.
Unrelated, what amuses me is the people hating the French and worshiping the very French Templars and Hospitalers. Those two orders did impressive things and, some have argued, were the closest thing the crusaders had to a professionnal, highly trained and disciplined standing army (made of ze French cowards).
People forget that the Kingdom of Jerusalem was mostly ruled over by French dukes, I've always been a fan of the Teutons I'll admit I'm a prussia pro
They started as separate entities and made union later, so personally I would count them as different. (Also, different user from the one you're asking.)
Knights Hospitaller looked the coolest in my opinion.
>Which Catholic military order did the best job getting their asses kicked during a 200 year period of one military disaster after another
Teutonic Knights were the most successful but the Knights of Malta were the most resilient.
>Being this much of a faggot
The Order of St. James helped with the Reconquista.
You're the one talking about knights and Paladins, Gaylord.
He is right though. Crusaders were dog shit.
got their shit pushed in by a bunch of farmers with pitchforks
If you're referring to Grunwald those were certainly no "farmers with pitchforks" but some of the greatest soldiers of Europe at the time.
>look how retarded I am
Why haven't you posted Order Hospitallar?
Also would you count Portugal's Military Order of Christ as a Crusader order? They're literally crusader's but rebranded.
>Why haven't you posted Order Hospitallar?
He did?
>kills christian europeans
>Not knowing the Teutons slaughtered thousands of ethnic Prussians while they were there.
>Not knowing these Prussians left to Poland and Lithuania who saw it as their right to rid Eastern Europe of the scourge
>Not knowing it was Poland who created Lithuania out of the Teutons ashes, leaving nothing between them in common
This is a history board