Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Confirmed: Tanukana wants her new boyfriend to be good at fighting games
This is Ramlethal according to Capcom players.
Would a PC version of KoF14 save it, or is it too dead to be saved at this point?
all niggers look the same to me
have some actual qts i found on twitch earlier this morning
Brown elves a best.
going back onto your main after losing on a sub for a week feels so great
more of her pls? cutie
They look like hookers.
Or to put effort in them
You still have a chance user
look cuter than the tekkenslut who looks like nishikawa from tm revolution
I want to be Eliza's servant desu.
merry sniffmas
>so this is the power...of platinum Bisons
>someone says uriens stuff is all safe
>contrarian comes back to mention how unsafe his special moves and his shitty overhead and full TC are
>doesn't mention he has a +2 ob overhead and low and his mp/cmp are both plus
probably couldn't believe someone would do something so stupid
I love this artist, but I wish he would draw more Lili desu.
it's the power of this retarded game that it nurtures behavior like that
sfv is the biggest trap a new fighting game player could fall into because it teaches you nothing but terrible habits
Lawd have mercy, how can such sexiness exist in a fighting game.
Tilted as fuck
bisons in general play like they have no concept of sf5
all of them mash throw and just full screen headstomp or sweep even up to diamond
what about SFV nurtures the behaviour of pressing buttons when you're minus?
urines reset game is so dirty. how are you even supposed to block that
You have to mash mediums to win neutral.
the fact that it's so easy to get away with when timing meaties properly is difficult because of the netcode and microstutter and superfluous input lag
>he doesn't need a crush counter to set up that launcher reset thanks to aegis
>he can start it off of overhead or low
>he can side switch you or fake side switch you in the corner with headbutt after a knockdown
>pretty much 99% of his stupid mixups have two options that need to be blocked differently
Why did they make him so unga?
In nearly every case, you don't.
If they don't do a re-tune before the season hits I honestly see every top 8 being filled to the brim with Urien, and Rog.
Tin-foil hat theory is they added and allowed all this shit for spectators only. His buffs for S2 made zero sense when the top 3 got hit hard and he got crazy buffs for literally no reason.
Bruh was already top 8 material. He didn't rep because late addition and the top people were good enough to contest him and had more experience.
Game is shallow and dry (medium punch, medium punch frame trap, dash throw or jumpin for huge damage, shimmy shimmy)
Combo variety is shallow and dry
Game is more random, anyone can win at anytime
The better player doesn't win more than other SF games
Graphics are butt ugly and inconsistent for a nextgen game using the latest unreal engine
Every character plays the same except for guile and sim
No Sagat
Footsies gameplay is ass
6.5 frames
Any whiff punish you see in SFV is by accident, not by reaction
Online is trash
Offline is trash (thumbs up if you're ready!)
Watching is boring more than half the time
Playing is either boring because of repetitive gameplay, or infuriating due to netcode or gameplay mechanics
Ibuki rework is lame
Juri rework is lame
Akuma has a dan fireball
A good Rashid isn't as hype as a good El Fuerte
Top players like Daigo cannot truly use their decade of fighting game skills or express their personality through gameplay because SFV is shallow
SFV gameplay is similar to a turn based game, you block all day or eat throws and crush counters until it's "your turn" much like hearthstone
Fireballs suck
Anti-airs are retarded
Akuma looks retarded unless you pay money
Ken's face looks retarded
Mika is still retarded
Season 2 Balrog is cheap
Striving to constantly play solid only results in not being the best, because sometimes you just have to turn off your brain to win in SFV due to the nature of the core gameplay
The game is only played because of money, and because casuals don't know better
What's your excuse
im playing the hardest character/hardest working character in the game
I don't play fighting games because I'm focusing on uni and I know that if I begin playing I can sink hours upon hours before I notice
which kof would you recommend me to try
which one is goat? 98,2002?
>A good Rashid isn't as hype as a good El Fuerte
stopped reading there, surprised i even made it that far
kiss redditboar streamfaggot shitter
>Mika is still retarded
and how !
the hell?
that's no leilei
this is leilei
Show me a match more hype than Pepede' Seth Vs Pongo's Seth with Rashid. I'll wait.
lolis fighting game when?
i'll wait for you to end your fucking existence
I didn't read his post, but I just read yours.
Did someone really say El Fuerte was hype? Man fuck, these sf4 faggots are the worst. This is what El Fuerte reduced Daigo to do.
Watch this and tell me you're not disgusted.
Both but 98 is more easy
he got outplayed there, there was hardly any ambiguous fuerte bs
Possibly if it had crossplay.
ye el fuerte was extremely dishonest and stupid beaner.
rashid is a filthy sandnig but not as bad
Thanks, combofiend. I knew you couldn't defending your game but I just wanted to make sure you couldn't.
Footies? Nail biting matches? Skill? All the things SFV doesn't have?
a reminder that SFIV is combofiend's game as well
I didn't mind fighting against El Fuerte cause he sucked until they gave him Q-Bomb that shit is stupid.
His mixups do little damage and are punishable if you guess right anyways. Q-Bomb is the only thing that made him retarded.
>tfw mirror matching against Karin
>they know how to block qcb.p>
>I don't
Ibuki, right?
Studying is easily compatible with playing games unless you have tons of hobbies and go out with friends all the time.
Nigga watch the video. YOu call that footsies? You SF4 fags are delusional.
only USF4 is
he should be shot for greenlighting red focus
and nerfing Juri in the console release
I just like to focus on one thing at the time, and I completely devote myself to it. It's always been that way
Isn't that Jojo's daughter?
How do you survive without eating?
*charges up v-skill*
*teleport behinds you though the power of latency*
>nothing personal, kid
*takes 1/3 of your life in one chunk*
>damn, I'm so good at playing this hard character
>I can't react to 200 frames of startup
Stop playing online until your parents get off dialup.
I usually eat a big meal in the middle of the day if I don't stop for lunch. It's not healthy, but with my methods it doesn't take me a lot of time to prepare for an exam.
Are you actually getting hit by juris vskill in neutral?
how do you get raped this hard by the worst character in the game
Is this how far Jurifags will go to try and justify being bad? Juri is on the top half of the roster, you're just bad. Don't delude yourself.
Juri's V-Skill has to be the most predictable and easy to block V-Skill in the game (hence why she can dash cancel it but always be on front), also it's extremely unsafe on block.
How do you even get bopped by her V-Skill?
that shit plays like a fucking smash character
>jump cancel spam
>throws throws throws
>spazzing aound the stage
>laggy Juris
>laggy Rashids
>laggy Bisons
hahaha you are never getting out of bronze
>most predictable and easy to block V-Skill in the game
i dont play sfv
Does the alt version of Karin's Christmas costume remove those shitty arm things above her gloves? They look like shitty tattoos to me and I don't like that on my waifu.
Just the hood I think.
Wow, did you manage to hit silver despite playing the hardest working character in the game? lmao, never change jurifags
red focus is based
same i only play real games like gundam battle assault 2
at letting you combo into your Ultra easy for that epic comeback :^)
no that's not how it works you dumb 09er
What do you call SFV?
It's unga bunga dash and mash
Unga bunga dash and mash is better than whatever the fucking hell that Fuerte match was.
blazblue is the best fighting game out right now and most hype to watch.
Why aren't more people playing it?
because its not on PC with crossplay
What am i looking at?
delete this
t. Daigo
You don't understand the footies, spacing, and skill that went into the match you just watched.
You are literally a 16er
High Score Girl manga and Daigo's manga being plastered around Akihabara train stations.
Character designs hella anime and have no themes that filthy gaijins can relate to
No PC version, minor factor but still
Feels like a fish out of water until you understand all the defensive options
Anime community is the worst
>Faggot ragequits in unranked
I want to know the psychology behind this. Who of you does this and why?
>not preferring unga bunga dash and mash over unga bunga dash and splash with a splash of flip flapping twist and mash
kys sf4 apologists
God i wish you would see the kind of fucking shit we have to block in guilty gear, look up chipp and bedman mixups
I lost and want to turn the game off quickly so I get do some other things