Ezreal edition!
Current patch notes:
Ezreal edition!
Current patch notes:
Other urls found in this thread:
should talon x kat be canon
What support is freelo atm?
isnt real
your mom when she supports this dick lol
Can someone make a NA vg game tonight at like 8pm EST
I wanna get comfy b
xth for Camille
Nautilus (if you're not autistic)
If you get autifilled support, go Annie and build full AP
Why is it that cass can't wear boots
But velkoz, nocturne, xerath and nami can?
Because cass is on the ground
Leesin 1trick here. I fucking feel you. Best adivce I can give is watch some youtube guides from heizman and practice combos with friends. Eventually you'll learn what exactly you can and can't do
>its the 4 man group that goof around and laugh when they use summoner spells for no reason epsisode
Good junglers right now?
Why can Skarner not buy six boots and wear all of them?
Don't disappoint your father by loving her, user.
Lee Sin
Damnit stop banning Camille I just want to play her in a shitty normail.
>Riot won't tell me whether or not they'll be a cute boy champion anytime in the future
Damn it Riot. Just pander to my dick already.
Asking again. Source?
>People still banning Camille after 2 weeks past.
Damn, guess she is overpower.
ur meme is shit
Why are you disobeying Father, user? He just wants you to find a better girl.
why are you forcing this shitty meme here?
go die in a shallow grave, cunt
Guess you haven't seen the Mordekaiser one the other user made in the last thread or two.
for anyone who might concern here's the most updated list of champions to get a VGU (Visual Game Upgrade) eventually
as it says, champions not mentioned will most likely be considered after everything on the list is done
>wake up at 10am
>do some shit
>start erp edging at around 11:30 am
>finally finish and blow my load
>its 10:50pm
fug i forgot about daily win
xth for being cummed inside
that one was good, unlike the ones you're forcing
>muh father
stop lewdposting
>spend 12h fapping
i don't believe you user
take ghost and rush cdr boots
Guess we found your new father, user .
This one is going to be good.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Dunno man from what I have seen she's like Fiora, works as long as people have no clue how to play against it.
kat is with garen faggot fucking live with it already
i think he spent 12h writing erp dialogues...
garen isnt real kiddos
Post songs while you chase your deserved Penta
Why is kayle/morg like that instead of the set out like the rest?
Does it mean those are the ones they're working on?
Did people even bother to figure out counters against her? Thought Riot post counters for ever new champs before their release.
So is Kat, my nigga.
>tfw wasnt flat out denied
heh not bad
probably because they will be done together deepest lore
They said they will update them together since their lores are tied, wouldn't make sense to work on them separately.
I'm ready for Fiddles to be good again
Since lore wise they are close. Who knows they might give Kayle and fallen angel skin and Morgana a angel skin.
there is a difference between edging and fapping
I'm not the gay guy user, i just don't like your shitty meme
exiled morgana is already her angel lore skin
well she's pretty mediocre, in fact every I seen her she was feeding, or doing just fine, but nothing outstanding.
I think its probably a habit too, or more like that she's so bad that people will underperform with her, and nightblue's fault too, he makes shit champions look good while stomping terrible players.
so? to me edging implies that you only take very short breaks to calm down a bit and then continue.
I want to massage Janna's ears!
>tfw chasing my penta
>it gets stolen
cool image
>no cute spider waifu champion
>decide to ult early on karthus because fight breaking out
>kills one instantly
>drops jungler to mow the rest of them down with defile
Felt bad. Penta if I had ulted a literal half-second later.
gifs are far more effective than static images, but i doubt you can embed images(at a decent quality)
>tfw no adc gf
I met a really nice grill who plays adc though! Let's hope the meme can change to
>tfw adc gf
cmon guys atleast post some music
I love Lissandra!
OK you know what.
Elise is exactly like your spider you post.
your spider was some slutty schoolgirl turned into a spider.
Elise was just some slut that can turn into a spider.
Shut up. take this (You)
How sensitive are her ears?
Could be. Just give it some time since people are trying to be decent with her.
Don't worry, user. I'll try not to post so much of it.
>berating Best Waifu because of some shit poster
And here's YOUR (you)
I don't think so, it feels like no one gives a fuck about her, they just ban her out of habit.
when is riot gonna kill off amumu?
zac is literally just an upgraded amumu. think about it.
>started reading lolg between games/while dead and shit
>a week in
>already want to neck most of the regulars that post literally the same shit every fucking day
is this normal or am I developing autism from reading the same shit everyday while raging my ass off in ranked?
Well, guess she'll be the only champion to be permban in normals then.
ur mad
>lissfag getting this triggered
oh my sides
Alright /lolg/, you made the worst decision in your life being born doesn't count and decided to play one champion until you die, or League dies out.
Who do you choose, and why?
are you jill?
What counterplay was available to the lux here?
that's normal, these threads are filled with degenerates stuck on low elo, the ones who actually try and have any form of discussion get ignored because "MATING PRESS" or "I WANT SYNDRA TO STEP ON ME"
master style u are so thirsty jesus my man
who is master style i'm from euw
not missing the q
dodging the taliah knockup thing
gtfo as soon the wall indicator appeared
even flash was up
By not being 2 levels and I assume an item or two behind.
Garen because why the fuck not?! Besides, bromance for life.
>the same pic in the op again
Ezfags please leave, or at least stop spamming
What parasite infected Riot's brain in season 2 that they decided to make LoL as aggressively shit as possible?
have another (You)
on me
you know what? it's the holidays and i'm feeling generous
first 6 gets a nice, fresh (you)
>play champ thats free
>enjoy that champ
>want to get the champ
>6.3k IP
>have like 100 IP
she could have thrown her e on the end of the wall for easy hit
she could have backed off as soon as she saw the indicator that tali is coming
she could have dodged taliyah's w
she could have ulted down taliyah's wall to force her to hop off
she could have snared taliyah before she hopped off her wall
I like Rengar but I don't like jungle
Can I play rengar mid?
>get to max level on account
>played bunch of champions while on free rotation when I leveled the account
>have to spend all my IP on runes
>nothing left to spend on shiny new champions
>not a single free hextech crate from rito
>overwatch players got -FIVE-
feels like shit desu
can someone redpill me on grasp
3% max hp damage and recovery every 4 sec sounds extremely nothing unless you're a 3000 hp guy, and even then it's like only 90 magic damage/recovery
plus if it takes more than 4 seconds to kill someone he's most likely someone that won't even notice the extra 90 damage
>Get absolutely demolished in lane
>Still win
I feel dirty
raging (and getting tilted as fuck to complete the shit show) is probably what's losing me most games that someone isn't so bad that I'd rather lose than carry the shitter
I'll go back to watching shit on youtube then, fuck this kind of retarded posting and low quality memeing like , and >press R on the wall path
>press E on the wall path
>press Q on the wall path
>not get hit by literally every single skillshot
she could even have just fucking backed out when she saw the wall path, but If that lux was good she could easily kill that Taliyah by hitting full combo if she isn't very far behind
it's for in lane trades, stack it up on minions then trade when it's up
>enemy laner gets a kill by abusing that
>kill him seven times in a row after
Top could work but not mid
Thanks for the (You)!
atleast you admit it
What's wrong with rengar mid ?