World of Warships Admiralty /wowsg/

Under construction edition.

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>Mostly updated guide (Awaiting German DDs): (embed) (embed)

>5.16 LIVE

>2017 Preview

>Christmas Missions for NA + New Year Medals

>Christmas Luckboxes (Chance for premiums or show love for your favourite /wowsg/)

>Leaked info on new Premiums, including Musashi and Mutsu

>Graf Spee and Tier 6 camo+ship missions (Missions are not for EU)
WG EU addresses the outrage:

>Statistic tracker - Stalk your favourite /wowsg/!:

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully_ranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[BOTES] on NA Contact Precisionista Full At the moment
[BOTES] on SEA Contact Benisquare :DDD
[HOTEL] on EU Contact Rex1121

Last Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:,Ammiraglio_VB/

summoning meaning in life

Kaga for first

Hotel: Literally, the QTest.

The number 12

Your welcome

To unlock all ships in game of course tovarsch )))))

Cute botes.

The Kawachi and Miyogi seem to have such godawful stock grinds that I'm thinking it might be faster to grind through their modules in co-op. Thoughts? Would that be potentially less painful?

Skipping them entirely?

wait until you get the stock Fuso

Playing QT botes with nice people who also like botes.

All jap BBs have awful stock grinds. Stock Fuso is basically Kawachi in T6 games.

Keep free XP to blast through that shit as soon as you buy the ship.


show us her penis

>French BB line still not announced

>thinking it's going to happen before RN BBs

Just stop user you're only hurting yourself

>not saving free XP to get past stock hulls on ships

Don't waste your time unlocking modules not needed to progress.

Stock Kongo is fine.

I gotta save it for the Missouri

>RN BB line still not announced

>Soviet BB line will be introduced

I can't wait.
I'd love it to come before the RN BB line too just for sheer comedy value.

You know I have seen other BBs have the same thing done to them, this is not special to this one bote

Too many paper ships. Maybe after they split battlecruisers.

I know, it happened the same way to my full hp Bismarck the same day. still funny tho

Lmao so this is the dude sperging over anons playing with friends while at the same time begging for divisions in the Veeky Forums chat every day? Let's hear your explanation V4L.

Please stop this, he might kill himself.

He had a breakdown cause he was being bullied by wavebave.
He dindu nuffin.

Aww man. I hardly have any free xp.

Do it in co-op you retard.

>play ijn cv t5
>get decent damage every game but get destroyed by the occasional as bogue

>decide to play as bogue to see how to fight it
>feel like cancer
>shoot down 20+ planes each game



Be a good boy, dindu nuffin. Oh papa dindu ~ nuffin. Oh papa dindu niffun ~. White cop must have planted something.

do people actually play co-op unironically? what's the point?

sekret documetns. cant show u yet tovarisch ))))))))

Yeah I do to get necessary modules/be done with low tier ships.

What of it?

hello i am a professional funposter and id like to show you my latest magnus opus

thank you for your time

I always though Co-op gave lower exp than random battles did, so it seemed just like a waste.


Not him, but it does. I do find it fun though.


I guess some people don't want to wreck their winrate/wtr because of STATS.

I heard some unicums play without modules and upgrades because they don't want to spend the credits.

No it's pretty good.

I -am- a bit impatient, and that seems like a lot of free xp. I'm just trying to get to the CV line, so maybe I'll do that, I guess. Thanks, user.

If you don't have more than 300 100% XP camos at this point, you must be doing something very fucking wrong and you can squeeze out 1500/2000 XP after modifiers in co-op without doing anything at all while alt tabbing.

It's called being financially set for high tiers :^)


thank God I already bought all the ships that I need, Now I can just watch the credits grow and just worry about paying the premium consumables.

The design is so god damn boring.

I hear if you gloat hard enough 3 times, he will appear


I haven't hit a citadel once vs a New Orleans, fucking typical that I finished my grind in it once they buffed the armour

>letting a Mogami burn you from full health in a baBBie




T-22 a fat liquid shit

If you want to link your replays here I'd be happy to see wtf you're doing to get such an atrocious winrate (no offense)

I mean really 41%, like goddam

I gave him advice, some of my replays and he didn't bother replying back or even say "thank you".

T-22-chan is cute! Cute!!

Might be more open to criticism now, idk

Genuinely interested in seeing his play because he's a literal detriment to his team, it's like impossible to get below 45-46 percent

she's fat and her dad was a fishing trawler

@ original poster

Stop being a trainwreck and git gud; you don't get abs like mine by being a slouch.

No he added me and I gave him advice, he just signed off and is back to whine some more. 41% is literally troll winrate, you don't get that even if you're a bot.

>Graf's Pee in both teams
>some guy in my team asks why people buy a free boat
>our Graf starts shooting him

>impossible to get below 45%

Hi :^),Ammiraglio_VB/

It's real, i even met him in a random battle.
He was in the enemy team fortunately.

I have stared into the abyss.

DD's and Cruisers are such shits I hate them, their rate of fire and fires leave me alone stop bullying me in my BB!!!!! it's not my fault I'm slow and fat!!!!

[muffled genuine laughter]

fuck off autispara

I want to make Spooping_Mako my sexual slave

>tashkent refuses to enter caps because he doesn't want to get outspotted by the enemy IJN DDs
>akatsuki says he's spotting and so he drives right past all the caps and gets caught between several cruisers
When will Wargaming add a feature to let a bot take over your ship as soon as you realize the battle is lost?

>Mako is dogshit with cruisers and destroyers
>Mako never gets set on fire when he plays baBBies because he lets him team be his shield
>Mako wants to nerf baBBies and buff cruisers and destroyers

Bought a collection of U.S. Army-Navy Journal of Recognition (from 1943) a few days ago in a used bookstore. Among its contents, it features a two-page spread of Duck. Since it's from 1943, the information contained is the best that military intelligence had to offer at the time, i.e. it was hilariously wrong.

>capable of great speeds

Mako doesn't play anymore kiddo

Why did he quit?

damn, that's neat as fuck

I have just about enough gold after santa stuff to free XP Missouri, is it worth it? If not I could use it to skip the rest of Izumo and get Yamato and such.

Why not wait for a free xp event?

Slay is on vacation and Lunatic went back to SEA.

/wowsg/ is too shit to div with Mako apparently.

I have in the past, but I don't really see them doing it again though, it's an effective 30% off their gold take for Missouri.

>implying that you actually do have great abs

>people complain about unicums that do actually div with /wowsg/ when people like this exist

>Make post
>People start calling me a name of someone that I am not

This thread truly can not be saved.

At least i can see my feet if i look down.

155mm -> 139mm Captain nerfs made them buff Kutuzov.

>That security prem will never get worse

I doubt Missouri's going to be the only one of its kind. Surveys after its release kind of hinted at it. Musashi's likely going to be sold the same way, and the Black has been sitting around forever despite being a Fletcher clone. They're already being really generous with free exp and I don't see the events stopping. These new years camos give nothing but it.

If i were a bote, i'd have sex with unicum anons, EU ones are preferred due to their bigger sizes and elegant charm.

Why would you wantt worst Hotel for?

>EU ones
>EU unicums

Ficki Ficki!?

It's okay raptor, maybe bluenicums will get a handjob or something.

post your stats kid, I want to laugh at you harder

Y-you too!

>He doesn't elite every ship out of principle.

likely we will also see a german and a bong equivalent of this as well

fuck, we might even get richelieu like this

>won't post his stats
>will never post his stats

>fuck, we might even get richelieu like this

Jean Bart and Rodney will get this. Mark my words.

Doubt it for Richelieu
She'll likely be the tech tree ship with the Jean Bart as a regular premium if either of them, maybe with US AA or something as a gimmick.

What is this thing and what is it doing on my team?