>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Camilla a best!
>this is fine
How do you do this map without an A-Support?
Be Dondon and Mekkah, that's how
I haven't been paying attention but why the hell is Natasha a giant fucking spider?
user randomized literally everything I believe.
Jeez now I'm imaging a giant spider with Natasha's face.
This is some MGQ shit.
I played MGQ once.
It. Was. WEIRD.
Watching Bartre beyblading at everything is quite fun
Moulder and vanessa arrive.
Kyle is the little girl.
I love this guy. He actually leveled some speed
Kyle is such cute girl
If I kill Flora during Ice tribe mission, does she join me later regardless?
Kyle is Eirika now
What would Ephraim do to Kyle if he saw him parading around in Eirika's clothes?
Hug the tsun
Yes she does
Oh well, suppose we ought to watch the slaughter then?
>Seth's stats are still ridiculous even as a gentle, healing lady.
1 down
Don't trigger the reinforcement spawns like an idiot
Like you just did
He'd probably grow an embarrassing erection
Also there's a discord chat if ya wanna join us
Already did in my Rev file
Syrene Down.
I've been unable to stop thinking about Felicia for the last several days now
Sooner or later I'm going to be copy pasting a love confession to her every thread
please help
Please kill yourself before you turn into a shitposting zombie like that other freak.
Hes keeping seth alive.
Please don't announce your terrible taste in liking generic clumsy moeblob #39483920 to the world, we already have an autist that does that
I have heard the word discord thrown around a million times over the last year and I have no idea what it is
You can join the discord chat that the trips made
get a better waifu
same level up..
>Also there's a discord chat if ya wanna join us
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>Also there's a discord chat
This is how the ERP shit started a while back
How about you fuck off. This is the first step to get rid of the trips
NO NO NO, let them have their discord and fuck right off this general.
Trip back on.
What did he mean by this?
These are probably the most skilled brigands ever.
Except they won't
They'll just turn this place into a circlejerk over the shit they circlejerked about in their stupid chat
This is the same thing that happened with the fucking ERP wars
M'Lady is waiting Gale, you fucboi
>Seth is still OP as a Lady
What the fuck is this ERP war I keep hearing about?
Natasha got blown up so i had to restart.
Here is the girl(boy) Kayle with Purge Rapier.
Aren't they still posting in this thread anyway, that just seems like an extra area for them to be along with here.
You're free to fuck off with them as well, you know
I'm joking about the copy paste thing
but I am pretty much waifu'ing Felicia now, it probably has something to do with me being a loser who wants a loser waifu
terrible characterization, canonically bad at her job, I relate with that
she's comfy
nemi joins.
>God damn it son I didn't raise you to be a faggot pansy Pegasus Knight
Hell no, I ain't joining that thing.
colm shows up with a very effective axe.
Ahh right, we had that one dude that kept spamming Brady images.
Sad feels
Time to bench
A long time ago there was a chatroom a tripfag named Drill made for the sake of ERPing.
People initially fucked around tongue and cheek, but eventually some people started to take it seriously. Among them was a guy who ERP'd as Brady.
Another guy who took part (one of the people doing it jokingly) was a guy who RP'd as Shulk. Shulk tried to tell Drill and Brady that this shit was going too far and was leaking into the thread too much, but Brady just told Shulk that the ERP would continue and Drill banned Shulk, as well as anybody that agreed with him, from the chatroom.
Drill then began bragging about his ERP in the thread and soon the thread was getting constantly derailed with stupid shit like "hurr durr we spitroasted Maribelle last night" and other crap. At this point Shulk had had enough. He (as well as a few others) began regularly raiding the chat, spamming it and ruining the ERPfags' immersion.
During this process Shulk confronted Brady, and got Brady to admit that his girlfriend was only okay with him ERPing because he lets her sleep with other guys.
Shulk asked "So you're a cuck? And you're proud of that?" to which Brady agreed that yes, he was proud of being a cuck. Shulk and friends took this and ran with it, spreading the word that Brady (or the guy ERPing as Brady) was a cuck. They also continued to raid the chat every now and again, which pretty much ruined the chat.
Drill got mad at this turn of events. He began shitposting at anyone getting sick of his ERP (or tried discussing games other than Awakening), calling them "grandpas" and telling them to leave. He also started to get mad at a streamer named ZigTotalWar, since he doesn't play Awakening and his streams distract from Drill's ERP as well. This ended in Drill accidentally exposing how much he samefags and getting run out.
The chatroom died shortly after, and now we've moved on from it. The cuck thing stuck with Brady for a while though (the character, not the person).
Sad Part2
This was a great fun time somehow. It was quite fun to fuck with Bradyfag
he throws a blizzard
There's literally nothing wrong with being a cuck
New fag here. Got awakening. First time emblem player. Do I go casual or classic? I already set difficulty to normal
Could Ross beat Canas?
Classic. Normal is already too fucking easy, and Casual makes it even worse.
I always wonder if we're actually the worst general in Veeky Forums or if there are actually worse than us.
Was that shulk guy the one who kept sucking Xenoblade Chronicle's dick every chance he could, until he got told so hard he never posted again.
it wasn't for me, I actually like Brady as a character quite a lot.
/feg/ after Awakening was so cancerous it was painful at times. Reading about this shit every now and then almost makes me wish I had stuck around to experience it.
Does classical also kill off the important side characters?
that's easy, so fucking easy I cannot fathom anyone ever actually losing a unit on Normal so go with Classic.
Hard might be a little too much for a newcomer early on, specially chapter 5, but it's the standard difficulty the game is balanced around and it still gets very easy at around mid game.
Don't rely too much on Frederick.
>I always wonder if we're actually the worst general in Veeky Forums or if there are actually worse than us.
Personally I frequent the EO general and yeah I would say you guys are definitely up there, although the "worst" may be a stretch.
I don't know what you mean by that, but if their death is mandated by the story, they will die no matter the difficulty.
We'll I plan on playing fates if I like this. Should I go hard casual?
>I always wonder if we're actually the worst general in Veeky Forums or if there are actually worse than us.
You can't get worse than /feg/
Nobody ever brings up the worst thing, because everyone has repressed the memory of the circlejereking about Tharjafag
Rennac is gonna carry this run
I mean if they die in fights do they die for good. But I'm guessing special characters don't die but units do
R.I.P Gale
Me too. He's my fav child unit. I always make him Chrom's son
Don't summon him
Because kyle isn't
>Should I go hard casual?
Never. Play. Casual.
And it depends on how skilled you feel after Awakening. Especially in Conquest, you'll want to go Normal/Classic.
Yes, in classic, if you cause a unit to die in battle, they'll stay dead.
I'd say go Hard/Classic and reset a lot. Resetting is part of understanding the game since you get to sit down and think about how you fucked up and eventually getting good at the game. Casual just teaches the bad habits all around
steel axes confirmed devil weapons.
>that webm
It still hurts to watch this
Is Hard/Casual the maximum /c~o~m~f~y/ route?
Hell yes
artur joins.
these fucking bases jesus christ.
Wasn't this played by a woman if I remember correctly?
>that fucking CON
a gamespot reviewer
You have absolutely no idea. I was there in that stream. My own eyes witnessed it the whole thing. They also did Kanna's paralogue and they were down to only Ryoma and Femui standing on a pair up as he dodge tanked the whole thing and somehow left him with like 3 HP. The worst part is that it was two women and they were lewd as fuck, doing tons of innuendo with poor Silas. They even dressed Mozu up in a towel because it showed more skin.
Hard/Classic is plenty of comfy.
He has a halberd.
>halberds are eclipse axes
Fuck this useless shit.
I remember seeing a video/webm of some chick fucking up really bad but Ryoma saves everyone's asses because he's a broken ass motherfucker and I think it was at this map.
yes it's a sumary of that very stream
>choose Casual
>reset everytime a unit dies anyway
old habits die hard
I'm actually making it
Lute Joins.
Prepare your Anus Murdock
Nice, is that stream still saved in the archive? I want to watch that
AHHHHHH, my eyes.
God fucking damn.
>nice image