What pisses you off on the road

What pisses you off on the road
>people that pump/hit their brakes when literally nothing is in front of them
>tailgaters, particular when they can pass you but don't
>new yorkers
>people that don't pass or drive slow in the left lane
>people who turn slow as fuck

Name some of yours

>california plates

>people who complain too much

>people who stay stopped at signs to read directions
>people who drive under the speed limit on two lane roads and refuse to pull over
>people who block roads waiting for a parking spot
>people who are looking at their phone when the light turns green, screwing the cars at the end of the line

>fuck you too

I drive 5 over in the left lane because I'm not going to sit behind semis or mess around with switching lanes every other minute to pass them.

Is this wrong?


as long as you're not impeding the flow of traffic behind you ala not moving over to the right when you can when a car who clearly wants to go faster than 5 over comes up
you're a cool guy then

Some of yours, plus some new ones:

>people not using their turn signal
>cops driving like assholes (rolling stop at a stop sign, not using turn signal, etc.)
>people that pump/hit their brakes when literally nothing is in front of them
>people that don't pass or drive slow in the passing lane
>people using high beams all the time at night

Lame troll attempt. But to anyone who does this, learn to switch lanes and quite being huge berginas.

Especially when they roll through stops while crying about how drivers don't give them any respect.

>People who get all pissed off when I pull to the right and stop completely when I see an emergency vehicle as opposed to just slowing down a little or ignoring it

Like, nigga. You dont know where that things going. It's two seconds, chill.

>Illinois plates

Stop lights and/or stop signs on highways/freeways/interstates.

They do that because people are fucking retarded and don't understand what yield means

What is it with new york license plates always being attached by a combination of rusted out/broken screws and voodoo

fuck the north, and do your own goddamn plates

t. lube tech in the south

They literally never take out the screws

I brought a car in NYC once. Took like 20 mins to get the fucking screws out. One wouldn't come off at all we had to break the old plate out

>people who turn slow as fuck

>have a bunch of shit in my car because i actually use it for stuff instead of "just goin for a drive lol"
>dont want stuff in the back to break/spill/destroy my car depending on what i have
>people are mad that i take 10 seconds to turn

Motherfucker put that shit in the basement

>people who come to full and complete stops for SAFETY
>people who do 40 in a 45 for SAFETY
>people who aggressively pass on the right and weave between lanes because they're coming home from work and they're PISSED because their boss is fucking the cute office girl they had a crush on and Chad is cucking them again just like in high school

I counter the last one by positioning my 2003 Suburban in the middle lane and causing a 20 foot long, 5,000 lb 45 mph roadblock that only I can open and close. I carefully speed-match the cars to my left and right to make sure any gap is way too sketchy for "I bought a BMW 135i so now I have a license to be a cunt at 6 o'clock on a Sunday evening" douche and I open the roadblock for cars that deserve to come through.

Once my transmission finally dies I'm going to go buy pic related and be an even bigger asshole to people who feel the need to take their narcissistic problems out on the rest of us

If you lived in my city, you'd already have been shot.

Only people who drive the speed limit or slower in the far left lane. Anything else gets a "Come on man" at best from me, but that one thing pisses me off.

My Crown Vic (RIP) got shot at by some kid with a BB gun but it wasn't related to me being a cunt on the road. The hope is that I can get a nice PPV Tahoe, Caprice or P71 Crown Vic that I can spook people with while driving and put the fear of god into them


Why would you buy that car it's utterly fucked

>BB gun

Live near the border so we get a fuck load of mexicans that don't know how to drive
We also get snowbirds and if you don't know own what a snowbird is they are people between the ages of 60 to 100 who all come down here for the winter because they can't deal with there's anymore, my town is kinda small and in the winter our population fucktuples with all old bastards who don't know how to drive
>Canadians who don't know the difference between kph and mph
>lol what are turn signals
>has to come to a complete stop to make a turn
>snowbird who drive 5 under even though there's a row of 10 cars behind them
>old women who drive there husbands f450 and can't control or see out of the truck
>dumb beaners who don't know what stop signs or right of ways are
This happens alot and makes me cringe when ever I'm coming onto a cross street
>chugging along at 45
>cross street comes up with a stop sign for traffic entering the road I'm on
>usally a fat mexican bitch comes up to the stop sign at mach 1 and slams on the breaks and sticks there car into oncoming traffic
>2 weeks ago I had a bitch do this but took up my entire lane
>I had to stop with 3 other cars behind me
>do like a what the hell gesture
>she gives me the bird and trys to go
>I cut her off and continue down the road

>not securing your load
If cornering at normal speed is all it takes to spill your shit you deserve it

I like to drive five or so miles under and always come to a complete stop at stop signs because I have time on my hands, and know it drives other people batshit insane. The more you honk the longer I check to make sure the lanes are extra clear and it's really really safe to go.

I hang back and then follow people like you at a distance.
Once you park, I wait until you leave the car, then piss all over it. Sometimes I rub dogshit under your door handles too.

>time to change lanes
>speed up a little to get in front of person
>they speed up to block
>blinker on
>they pull up next to you and motion for you to get behind them
>for the past five stoplights, they have accelerated at an unreasonably slow pace, and only catch up to you by speeding like a madman until they have 1.5 cars worth of following distance
>for the past few miles, they have slowed 5-10 miles per hour for gentle curves
>yeah right fucker

I have passed on the shoulder because of this shit.

No you don't. You think about doing it, fantasize about it, even write posts about it on Chinese lead paint toy discussion boards, but you never actually do it because I'm just a harmless slow person, and maybe you feel a little guilty about the thought of being a dick to me. After all, it's not like I'm some douche in a beamer tailgating you, right? Those guys are way worse than somebody like me. That's the kind of guy that actually gets shit stuffed into his A/C vents.

I like the look on your face when you realize that the double yellow line isn't a magic spell and you can still be passed

Yeah, I do.
Smell your trunk.

Never bothers me, man. I get a laugh at the beet red, grimacing face of most people that pass me like that, though.

>pissing on cars for not doing a cali stop

assuming you actually had the balls to do that you're a fucking faggot. I'm not getting a ticket just because you have to get home before your tendies defrost

Smells like car, man. You did get me to spot a bit of rust creeping on the back hinge though, so much thanks, I appreciate it. Probably wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.

Yeah, the world is a reddit rage comic and you're the star

It's not. People who do that pass you calmly and smugly (before becoming paranoid about you having a dash cam and going to the cops over it). The only people raging are the ones who are too pussy to pass.

>thinks going the speed limit gets him a ticket
Just ride a bicycle, loser

>speed limit

talking about the no-stop stop signs you insist on, is english your fifth language or are you retarded?

>I like to drive five or so miles under
read the post dumbfuck

Most cops are older guys and will let you off if they see telltale signs of driving stick

Come on, man. The majority of people who pass are pissy, and the majority of people driving slow also get butthurt about people passing them "illegally". Don't take sides, we're better than those kind of people, just having some harmless fun on the road upsetting the thin skinned on both sides.

>People who park and leave headlights on, especially at night.

Secure your cargo, matey

>carrying dogshit with you everywhere

>Uber drivers who roll stops and expect everyone to fucking wait as if they were chauffeuring the queen
>Uber drivers who take hard lefts at obvious high-traffic intersections
>Uber drivers who think it's okay to stop in the middle of the road and put their emergency lights on to let their passengers exit because their Waze map put them right in front of a store in the middle of a busy street
>Uber drivers who drive in the opposing lane to pass others
>Uber drivers who don't cry themselves to sleep for being such pathetic failures that they needed to sign up as guinea pigs for a company who isn't willing to represent them or back them up if they get into a pickle
>UBER drivers, any and all
Christ, self-driving cars cannot come soon enough. That will be the only way UBER redeems itself to me.

>PT cruisers
>Smart cars

Secure your mum before she implales her arse on my dick

>manualfags are this delusional

>emergency lights = I'm allowed to do what I want

I did and I agree with that part.

Shitting on people for stopping at stop signs however is pure faggotry

The nice thing about new Yorkers is the plates are on both sides of the car so you can hate them from a distance

>merging onto the highway going well below the speed limit

These people should be interned.

>quebec plates
The hell are you doing in Florida? Fuck off

>at 4 way intersection, waiting for an openining
>turning right
>car coming from the left
>doesn't slow down, doesn't turn on blinker
>suddenly turns onto my road

>now have to wait for 20 more cars to pass because fuckers cant signal

This happens all the time.

>horse riders, especially ones with "POLITE" jackets
>horse boxes
>people who do 40mph everywhere, usually while towing a horse box
>people who speed up when you pass them
>that guy who tailgates and tries to pass when you're in a queue two miles long

no, it's not wrong. just be mindful of your rear view mirror and make sure you move over if there is someone behind you that wants to pass. i travel in the left lane all day at whatever speed I'm comfortable at but I move over instantly if I see someone behind me

I live in Massachusetts and we have some pretty unconventional roads. At certain intersections, the outlet is large enough to accommodate two lanes even though it's just one lane. So what happens is people naturally form two lanes: one for people turning right and the other for turning left.


Except what these dumb fucks don't realize is by pulling up to take a left, they block the line of sight for the people trying to turn right. Those people need to be able to see to the left to check for oncoming traffic. What makes all of this so much worse is that the people taking a left usually have to wait a lot longer than the people taking a right since most of us can right on red or don't have to worry about traffic in the other lane.

Of course literally no one has the foresight to understand this concept which is why I've lost almost all faith in humanity. Fuck all the stupid pricks that do this shit.

Also fuck everyone that inches forward at a red light in anticipation of it turning green.

Moved there in 2004, had our minivan stolen from the hotel in the first week. Fucking Mexicans lol.

>people that pump/hit their brakes when literally nothing is in front of them

Just because people pump their brakes doesn't mean they are brake checking you.

Defensive drivers pump brakes going downhill so as not to have too high a speed at the bottom. It also results in cooler brakes. Speedy drivers pump their brakes harder at the bottom of the hill.

>Also fuck everyone that inches forward at a red light in anticipation of it turning green.
Some people do that to help everyone else out. When I come up to a light, I leave a big gap in front of me. If in a left lane, I check to see cars fit in the lane length behind me. Just before it turns green, I begin inching forwards to use up the space in front of me. By doing so, all the cars behind me are already moving forwards by the time the car in front of me is already moving forward. This helps increase the total number of cars that moves through the light. Remember, if all the cars are totally stopped, it takes time for them to start moving. Some distracted drivers (cellphone) wait as much as 2 whole car length before starting to move. So my inching forwards puts a stop to that.

Before complaining, think about "good" reasons (instead of "bad" reasons) why people do such things. You might get a "eureka!" moment.

>I stop completely at stop signs and molest children

>you dick

>Hey, stop giving that guy shit for stopping at stop signs!

>What pisses you off on the road

Sluts that don't put out.

Muh nigga, let me guess az or colorado?

Third guess, texas.

>take 10 seconds to turn
yeah I don't care if you have 7 newborns and a thousand eggs, I'll fucking push you through the turn if you try that shit. Learn to pack and secure your load, faggot.

>people who stop on on-ramps

>I'm only pretending to be a useless chickenshit idiot!

Dubs speak the truth,
fuck the Belgians

>I get mad at people who obey laws and drive sensibly

Wow man, maybe check yourself into an anger management course.

>People who honk if you hesitate for even a split second to make a right turn on red
Nigger I will sit there and wait till green just to fuck with you if you do this. I am not obligated to turn on red so I'm not even violating a traffic law to fuck with you here.

Usually this happens when I'm creeping forward to try to see past a tall truck/van or traffic coming from the left is cresting a hill & you have a smaller window.

Is it really such a big deal to come to a complete stop? Cops are dumb assholes and will sit somewhere that they can see 15 stop signs with 2 sets of binos and a spotting scope, then slam through 47 stops signs, 8 u-turns, and run over 4 elderly toddlers at 730km/h just to write you a fucking ticket for stopping for 2.9999983 seconds instead of the required 3, even though you can see 400km both ways and there is nothing coming.

I hate people going under the speed limit when there's no reason.
>OMG 2mm rain fell, better go 60 through this 80 zone
>OMG I'm stupid let's just go 10 below for fun

I also fucking hate how dumb people are with blinkers
>let me just use this thing like, half the time
>let me just flick it on when I'm halfway through the turn
It's literally the easiest thing ever, you move on fucking finger an inch or two and BAM! blinker. Most of them even turn themselves off after you turn.
It's not fucking difficult.

>people that don't follow the right order at a 3-way stop with 4th direction right-of-way
I have seen what trains do to cars and trucks, I will total your fucking car if those rail guards start to drop and I'm stuck on the track because you can't comprehend the three KEEP MOVING signs right in front of you.

>people who stop on train tracks



Please someone explain this to me, I have seen it happen multiple times for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Nothing ahead of them, no hazards, yet they still stop and sit on the tracks. The fuck has to be wrong with your brain to reach such a decision?

My town currently has about 15 000 foreigners, city folk and foreign city folk in it... send help

Please tell us some of your experiences from them

Bus drivers

When I'm at a light waiting to turn left and there is a car across the intersection without any indicators on so I think their going straight then when the light turns green they sit there for two seconds and turn their blinker on and turn left. Fuck those people.

>morons who make right turns from a traffic lane instead of pulling to the shoulder first
>uber driver fuckheads who think it's OK to double park while waiting for a pickup

Not many noteworthy stories.

It just all gets... worse.
There are traffic JAMS in the town, which is a big part of why I would never want to live ni a city. People seem to give much less shit about using indicators or giving way, they drive faster than the locals and they tend to get stuck ALL THE FUCKING TIME

>guy in the middle of the start of a local mountainroad waves me to a stop
>I can see his Mercedes GL with its rear wheels & ass in the ditch
I just went up the road 30 minutes ago, and I've gotta get back up now to pick up a coworker
>proceed to drive perfectly fine up the hill in my RWD Merc

This one happened a week ago at about 6:15 AM. I had just arrived at work and I was unlocking some doors, putting on the lights and whatnot
>its the local tow truck company
>hey, this is Benz, right? Bossman told me to call you as you'd be the first man at work
Uh, yeah... what do you need?
>well, there is this guy who has called us, in need of a tow
Ok, do you need a keycard or something?
>not quite. We kinda need a snow groomer or something similar

That guy was stuck, in the slopes, about 200 yards in and completely dug into the ground in his Tesla...

>women who flip you off after almost merging into the side of your vehicle because their too stupid to shoulder check.
>Slow drivers who try to block and honk when you pass them
>People who yell at vehicles telling them to slow down(protip it has the opposite effect morons)
>People who merge at the end of the lane thus slowing everyone else down.
>People who don't let at least one vehicle merge Infront of them because their special snowflakes and rule the road.

>people causing a long line after them without pulling over letting them pass
>people driving without their headlights lit
>people not using their turn signals correctly, or at all
>cars stopped at the side of the road with their headlights lit. at night
>cars pulling out infront of me when there's a long clearing behind me and then doesn't attempt to accelerate quickly
>people more focused on their phones than the many tonne heavy potential killing machine travelling at high velocities
>people waiting to get onto the road not keeping to the side so I can get past if I'm going the other direction that they are
>people braking heavily or softly when the speed limit is lowered
>people scared of the speed cameras driving slower than the speed limit
>people not bothering getting up to the speed limit on the on-ramp
>people braking BEFORE getting onto the off-ramp
>when there's a queue people stopping their car infront off other roads blocking them

That's all that I could think off now.

>People that brake for no reason
>Quebec plates
>People that pull out in front of my bright, loud muscle car and then go slow
But mostly the Quebecois. Those people need to be gassed.

>200 yards

Did you get to speak to the driver? Did you take pictures as well?


I wasn't the one to pull him out, one of the snow groomer drivers arrived while I was on the phone and he was heading down there anyway so it was much better that he did it, coupled with the fact that I can basically only drive a snow groomer, I don't know how to properly use the winch or anything

If somebody tailgates me I just cut the wheel and swerve a bit, almost if you could imagine someone falling asleep at the wheel and jerking back awake.

They back off, FAR off, 100% of the time, every time

>dutch people with mobile homes
fuck off, cunts. yes, we have mountains, no need to get wet about it and treat it like mecca.
>luxembourg plates
mostly snobby bank and insurance faggots who think their company cars have inbuilt right of way

>people in general who dislike the act of driving, view it as a dumb neccessity and would rather be driven by someone else (selfdriving car, bus, etc)
Well dont pollute my roads with your shitmobiles and defeatist, meta-busriding attitude then. Get a bus pass.

>countrys that have a speed limit

>>People who merge at the end of the lane thus slowing everyone else down.
in very specific situations this actually makes shit faster.
The problem that for every time a proper zipper situation is called for, 10 other times some faggot uses the zipper excuse when its not applicable.

wahrlich grauenhaft. nicht wahr, Hans?

>300 yard long empty left turn lane
>slows down 100 yards before it starts

Colorado detected

> pull out with plenty of time onto double yellow road
> quickly accelerate to 55
> childless milf fucking blows by me on double yellow at 70
> we're in double guardrail no shoulder section
> she almost head ons three approaching vehicles
> hits 45, 35 speed reduction at 20 over
> has to stop at red light behind pickup
> I pull on to shoulder approaching light, stop next to her car and yell what the fuck is your problem
> proceed forward on shoulder next to truck
> he lets me go at light
> watch as she pokes her bmw over the double yellow, around the truck for the next mile

I had to turn left but damn I never wished for a chunk of sparkplug so hard

What are modern cars

Even my 93XJ does this

does this happen?
on like a highway onramp?

>i'm horrified

>I counter the last one by positioning my 2003 Suburba
And this is exactly why I keep push bars on my Expedition. If you want to play stupid games, that's fine, I'm down. I have zero issues pitting you...

>Defensive drivers pump brakes going downhill so as not to have too high a speed at the bottom. It also results in cooler brakes. Speedy drivers pump their brakes harder at the bottom of the hill.

That's not defensive driving, that's just not being completely stupid. and speeders just go fast at the bottom of the hills, fuck braking, no wear.

Around here people brake as soon as they crest a hill even though it's the same flowing traffic they've been behind for the past several hills. Nobody in front braking, the only thing I can figure is they are repeatedly surprised there are cars in front of them, sometimes a block away. This happens on every fucking hilly road all the time and sometimes you can see what they see which is how I know nothing is happening in front of them.

So you pull onto the tracks before it's clear?

You are legally required to here if nobody lets you in and you reach the end of the ramp.

Boomers who drive 45 in a 55 and continue to drive 45 after it drops to 35 then stay at 45 when it goes back up. Makes me fucking rage.

>by pulling up to take a left, they block the line of sight for the people trying to turn right
that's like every fucking intersection and parking lot pullout where i live, stop being a pussy