Destiny General - /dg/
Lets see it happen then. You're on the clock.
3x nightfall?
Why do I never see sun singers running viking funeral in strikes when its solar burn?
Why do they ALWAYS have self res on?
oh yeah, its because too many fucking idiots play this game
Sunbreakers best sunsinger exotic.
Self res is only for nightfalls and raids, shitters.
Are these real?
anyone can make fakes, don't believe anything until it's announced
Probably not, but those would be so fire if they were. It's pretty much confirmed that VoG is coming back in april, though.
The only sunsinger who will ever use his super is a bad one
You only ever use it if you are trash and you die, or if you want to debuff a boss and you have no Hunter
Also, there is no reason not to use Viking funeral, gift of the sun is only good for stickies in crucible and solar viking funeral grenades are the best for PVE
the english in these are so bad that they can't be real
Thoroughly noted. I got really frilly when I saw these. Thanks guys
1 spot for VoG
But tether and vf stack... why not both?
I'll go.
Normal or Hard?
>tether and vf stack
Nope, they don't
Also, this is basically a mini tether, specially with sunbreakers, it's to make it easier for you do deal with Yellowbars and in the absence of a hunter, activate sunsinger and pelt a boss with solar nades
Except they do lol
no, those names are fucking retarded and bungie would have done better some of the perks are dumb as shit as wel
>It's pretty much confirmed that VoG is coming back in april, though.
>Source: MY ASS
A. They do.
B. Fusion grenades for boss DPS and debuff
Probably not, but those would be so fire if they were. It's pretty much confirmed that VoG is coming back in april, though.
said user from winter 2015
>last year they brought back PoE with new rewards
>the only content that hasn't been brought up yet now is Vog and Crota
So either:
a. the live team has been working on entirely new content (which is unlikely since bungo already said that they're not really focusing on any new content for destiny)
b. they're bringing it back
Well that's news to me, as far as i know, tether negates other buffs
Also, im pretty sure solars deal more DPS with sunbreakers equipped
How many people here have gotten Icebreaker?
>Word of Taken
I hope not, these names are fucking awful and people shouldn't be paid to make this stuff up.
Bungie buffed Sunsingers since Warlocks were pretty useless in raids
It stacks, senpai.
Also, yes sunbreakers do more deeps
Sweet, about time
Fucking Warlocks are useless enough on raids as is.
The only thing that proves is that the development team is lazy as fuck.
It does not confirm vog or CE are coming back.
But nice source though, you should apply for a job at Kotaku.
>I am incapable of critical thinking and must resort to flamethrowing
w o w
Any raids happening on PS4?
Got mine this morning along with a ornament
Yes and no.
They do more dps than usual due to the longer timer but fusion grenades deal vastly more dps on their own though its single target.
the viking funeral buff is easier to maintain, but that's if you just chuck a single solar grenade. if you're popping radiance to actually do damage solars are shit.
if you want to actually do some real damage you want fusions
I think noobish is still up to run one, do you have anyone else?
It sucks terribly. Don't worry about it.
These are fake. There was a post someone made on reddit a little while back with these as suggestions for updated raids
>Wrong language
>Y1 thumbnails
Fuck, thanks Sherlock.
I was really afraid we weren't gonna figure that one out for a second there.
No responses from the people I messaged so nope
2/6 of WotM (maybe 3/6 if Noobish wants in)
>Raid on Venus
>Raid on the moon
>Raid on Dreadnaught
>Raid on Earth
>No raid on Mars
Bungie please, it will seriously ruffle my autism if you let Destiny 1 end without there being a raid for each destination.
they're not making another raid for Destiny 1.
Despite knowing this, I still get on every week because of it.
I know and it's setting off my autism. Just make a 10 minute strike and call it a raid so I can die in peace.
im still here
>It's pretty much confirmed that VoG is coming back in april, though.
Coming back?
everyone and their grandma in the community believes VoG and Crota will get re-purposed and brought up to the current light level in terms of loot so that people can go back and replay them for more than just straight up nostalgia.
I'm finally free.
Yeah, I doubt Bungo would even bother at this point.
Ok well 3/6 For HM WotM
Gonna run a nightfall with a buddy in the meantime if anyone still needs to do one fireteam is gonna be set to open or just send a FR
the 12 people that make up the live team need something to do that isn't just shitting out SRL over again.
Need 2 more nightfalls 2/3 -beanbag
also friend is asking me for outbreak prime steps if anyone wants to be a dear
I'll join
>reset day
>no raid
>the game knows
Dead game
Welp time for MH
How do I get more Days of Iron ornaments without spending Silver/ Silver Dust?
If you guys are still up for it I'll do a Wrath.
Weekly radiant treasures have a chance.
old news
hopping factions is just retarded
Can someone help me with the Sleeper Simulant strike?
I only have the PS4 shitty mic and my pronunciation is shit.
>get on warlock
>still have True Meaning of War and a bounty to win an Elimination match
>oh boy, maybe elims will be kinda fun
>get sniped
>as soon as I'm picked up before I can move again I get sniped for all my health via headshot
I hope Destiny 2 has some thing where the Fallen stole all snipers and burned them in a fire.
One less poor soul in Trial of Osiris
I played ToO first week it came out, got to lighthouse, decided I hated the playstyle and never touched it again.
I thought maybe the meta moved away from "be a huge faggot with snipers" but of course not because it's the most effective.
Snipers are the worst weapon type in games.
>tfw bv will never warm you up when you have a cold and make you muffins and tea with head rubs
6m21s for blighted chalice strike with 2 worthless randoms
stop it user
>get on warlock
>still have True Meaning of War and a bounty to win an Elimination match
>oh boy, maybe elims will be kinda fun
>get shotgunned
>as soon as I'm picked up before I can move again I get shotgunned for all my health via across the map snipe
I hope Destiny 2 has some thing where the Fallen stole all shotguns and burned them in a fire.
Still need help? Party not needed
2/3 for Nightfall.
Join for happiness and joy.
Called res-snipping, git gud
Sure thing
>nightfalling with Rakish
Sure, add me
What's the easiest to get, above average Scout? Chaos Dogma?
The fact that people think this should be a thing that exists is fucking stupid.
How are you supposed to get good when you literally cannot do anything about it?
Even the best player will die sometime.
Technically dogma as the RNG pool is smaller.
i want to cum inside rakish's mouthpiggu!
>kicked for a random sub 3k grimoire
I didn't see any other posts and I joined first
Sorry but even a 3k grimoire random is better than a shitter like you.
>not trip
>nightfalls ever being difficult
How the bait has fallen here
like your k/d
>"You will fail, you will fall, and then you will get up"
Just how big are the ramifications of this fortune for my guardian?
Still around? We're at 6/6
are you still with your daddy?
How about, "You are not alone. The Tower stands with you. The City stands behind you, cautiously."?
>literally who trying to talk trash
>Sunsinger internet defence force
Wew laddie
Just got icebreaker off that. Thanks rakish.
Warlocks suck