This thread is dedicated to my extremely fertile wife, Orianna!
This thread is dedicated to my extremely fertile wife, Orianna!
Other urls found in this thread:
how does that work she is a robot
xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for ONE MORE GRAVE
fourth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR
fifth xth for HEAVY AND METAL
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>tfw no Jinx gf
i want sid to come back
Someday I am going to tell my grandchildren about that time I counterjungled a nutcracko so hard it made him want to kill himself.
I want to massage Janna's ears!
post your favourite voicelines
>have mid anivia vs kat
>anivia feeding her ass off
>keeps saying "kat sucks"
>team starting to flame her
>instead of joining in tell them her ratio is good, just a bad game
>team does meme "we can win"
>we shutdown the kat
>get baron
>manage to shove lanes
>we actually win
Maybe being toxic is why I lose so many games. 17 games left in chat restriction.
Also ZZrot janna
>counter jungle on ivern
might as well just tell your grandkid you owned a computer
All of Tahm's dialog, desu.
Easily my favorite:
But also tied for 2nd two slightly edgy but still cool quotes:
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results: bad host didn't put up bets edition.
Is there a lore behind the project skins? They just seem out of nowhere without context.
WARNING, INCOMING UNPOPULAR OPINION: ADC's aren't weak, Support players are just bad.
ADC's are the slow, it's a luxury if they have a single blink, and most of them rely on (mostly) standing still to do most of their damage. Yet CONSTANTLY I'm seeing these shitter Supports COMPLETELY ignore the main source of DPS on their team, then flip out in allchat because Caitlyn couldn't outrun Ghost-Udyr who just walked through her entire team.
I don't even play ADC, but holy fuck I can understand their frustration. Seriously, any Support who outright refuses to peel for their ADC should get banned, that shit is like the Jungler not taking Smite.
For reference I'm talking about low elo (Gold and lower), I'm aware that Support mains actually start getting gud in the higher elos.
Watching summit1g, dyrus, and doublelift play normals is much more entertaining than watching them be tryhards on rank.
Pick your poison, round 2.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +5 on NA.
why is Sona so perfect?
So far its "What happened if Viktor won and someone resurrected champions thousands of years later as cyborgs"
But what do I have in it for ME?
Claiming Jinx, cutest AD.
i cant flex q on main i need a better win rate i need a team that logs on once a day i dont want to wait all day for one flexq game. nobody i know who is doing flexq gives a crap or is online. its so stupid to where im teaming with anyone who that can workout a few games and doesnt require a block. it takes weeks/months to do this and getting a single day off is unlikely to the point i would be sorry and really mean it
Oh so it's alternate universe shenanigans like other skins? That makes much more sense than idiot me trying to figure out how the heck is this relevant to the main characters.
>tfw no adc gf
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3 on NA.
How's Azir?
Or better question how is Azir in really low elo?
Veeky Forums VS Veeky Forums IS UP ON NA!
Come join and have fun with your friends as we relax and have a good time
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>How's Azir?
Same as always, hard to play but also nerfed relatively hard. Unless you plan on really learning him you'll have a much better time learning other champions. This isn't to say he's useless or the worst champion ever, he's had better days though. (His late-game hasn't been touched at all)
>Or better question how is Azir in really low elo?
Lower-elos don't understand how to close out games so you're pretty much guarunteed to hit your power-spike. Higher Elos (sometimes) also can forget to close out games but not nearly as common. If you can survive or your team doesn't shit the bed before you get the core items, you're golden.
Don't you mean in?
is it ok if i main soraka
really enjoy playing her and seem to do decent with her for my elo (low gold)
would really like to climb to plat at some point
i don't play her exclusively but i'm far and away best with her
vg vs vg bets
Main whoever you want my man
you shouldn't need strangers on the internet to justify your choices
>Some brave soul was willing to pick Zed in a Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums
I'm rooting for his dumbass.
Don't you mean in?
i mean it's not so much that i need validation that it's "ok" to main soraka but as a support main i'm just wondering if soraka's in a decent enough spot to main
if my team needs a tank i go nautilus or something and if my adc prefers i just go sona, so i try to be flexible with my team
Good morning lolgen
Time for work, some shopping, reading a bit, watching some animu, playing legolegends and other vidya, f-fuck you all:^)
How many GALLONS of CUM can Orianna hold in her ARTIFICIAL WOMB?
Btw I always play Sona with a mage ap build, the rare moments where I build her as full support I actually outperform myself - but playing like that is for cucks...
Can I jungle with Tahm Kench?
My gut says Red will win but I want the Zed to win.
bout tree fiddy
xth for Camille
How do I build simian of many jukes if I get fed while in jungle?
Lucian Jungle?
he didn't say the pavement ape of gun violence user.
Today you can cuddle your partner, but refrain from having sex!
but she's literally made for breeding, Riot even confirmed this!
>No justt cuddling after rigorous baby making
>Zed vs Shen in mid lane
Shen is gonna need a lot of JG help to make his way into late game.
Then the Kinkou will trump the Shadow.
If Morde likes heavy metal, would Sion be a death metal kind of guy?
I want to bury my face in Poppy's abs and annoy her.
Is Kindred asexual? I'd be fine with cuddles and hand holding.
Yes, Sion gets down to death metal.
Morde = Traditional heavy metal
Sion = Death metal
Karthus = Black metal
Taric = Glam metal
Yorick = Doom metal
Vi and Jinx like mallcore and try to fit in with the people above but are false as fuck
Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone for thrash
death metal is a meme
yep, but he's also into a bit of screamo
Losing feels a lot less bad when you give the enemy team tips on how they could have won even harder.
i think renekton would fit for thrash
>Also ZZrot janna
zzrot is routinely bought by supports, so?
Sex as in masturbating in front of your screen while imagining it actually happening - while also your parents cry watching you?
Which League girl would give the best leg-lock?
Camille or Kindred hands down
Jinx is clearly into punk
Vi is probably into either german techno or house
I came back to LoL a few days ago and only played support because I will get wrecked in another role.
What are the easiest champs in each role I can start branching out as?
probably close between ori robot legs or drag form shyvana
>Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone for thrash
Jarvan? Mundo? Miss Fortune even?
Kass and Thresh might like Groove Metal though. They seem like Rage against the Machine type of guys
>Taric = Glam Metal
Perfect pairing
>elo so low that you win the past 5 games because no one on the enemy team wanted to be support or jungler
Op has great taste.
Everything about Yorick makes me rock hard.
but Sona demands many children!
>Camille Support
>she gets a stun and gets her carry fed
>spends the rest of the game roaming and getting everyone fed
Does anything about Camille need to get nerfed?
Adc isnt weak damage wise but they are weak because they are voulnerable and team reliant. This has been the case forever.
>Literally just Jhin breathing heavily
>Still god tier.
Jhin is Classical and swing.
Tahm Kench is Blue Grass.
Morgana would be into trashy grunge shit.
Unironically, I don't think Ekko would be into rap.
>losing to camille support
Instead of nerfing Camille maybe you should just quit.
This is one cute af picture user. Top notch shit.
Claiming Ms.Fortune, my main
>Have a suspicion my support hates me, doesn't talk to me or anything
>We just silently duo
It's not like I'm that good either. So confused.
Pic related hands-down the best.
Does your support play Sona?
>play safe
>Camille can stun across walls and tower dive
>she can also secure her own kills in case carry can catch up
>If Camille is losing lane, she'll just roam & gank other lanes
Ha. Nah just Lulu and Janna mostly.
For every game I dont hard carry im going to jerk off and not hydrate afterwards
Udyr needs buffs first, so does Xin.
Camille is useless when the enemy team has a lot of knock backs.
Scratch what I said.
It's Draven for Thrash.
Jinx looks kinda ravey to me actually