/pdg/ - Payday: The Heist, PAYDAY 2, PAYDAY 3 and Scarface General

Just fucking ace that inspire skill already edition

Previous attempt at getting the bugged Thundersnow achievement: >Workshop Manual

>Upcoming Payday 2 Tournaments:

>Extremely Franktastic Guide on the Mechanics of PAYDAY 2:

>Skill/Weapon Stat Calculator:

>Breakpoint calculator

>Old Skilltree Guide:

>Perk Deck Guide (slightly out of date):

>Stat Ranking and Breakpoints (extremely fucking out of date we only keep this here for console plebs):

>Weapon/Armor/Damage/Pickup Spreadsheets (not up to date):

>Weapon Skin Checklist (totally up to date):

>Big Oil Engine Calculators:
// NOTE: Nobody cares what the pressure gauges say if they're using the calculator


>Latest Updates Here:

>Steam Group full of shitters:

>Mods and Lua:

>Weapon skin previews

>Daily Dose

Other urls found in this thread:


Payday 2 shilling memes


second for scarface stealth a shit

Third for overdrill done

If I shaved my head bald and said I had Alopecia do you guys think I could get Georgia to have sex with me

Hello heisters! New side jobs are out!

Today's Daily Side Jobs are:
- Full Measure (halloween_2)
- Target Practice: Submachine Gun (smg_100_kills)

And today's Safehouse Daily is:
- Nose Candy (daily_candy)
Brought to you by Jimmy.

Keep those helmets flying! ;)


7 for sydney going down constantly.

you're gonna have to shave more than that boyo

Fuck you.

Every Sydney player is either based or a cheater

Reminder that Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Special Edition Upgrade is only 1,25€ right now.
Jacket is objectively the best character.

Scarface, Jacket and Jimmy are the best characters

Wolf > Sokol > Clover > Sydney > Jacket > Dallas > Hoxton > Houston > Chains > Scarface > Jimmy = Bodhi = Rust > Houston > Scarface > Dragan > John Wick > Bonnie

>scarface that low

>Sydney anywhere near top 3
She's literally shitter: The Heister

>Bodhi = Rust

>Clover and Sydney that high
>Scarface 2 times

Houston is on there twice too...


I want to force dragan to do push-ups until he cries

The only problem with Rust is that they got a TV and Film actor to voice him, so it's hard to get him to record new lines, even though Ron Perlman is a veteran video game voice actor.

Plus he fucked his leg

alright pdg pls recommend some good weapon mods/skins

I'm surprised they actually got Al Pacino to play Scarface

Al Pacino can't pull Scarface voice anymore, they got the VA of Tony from that 2006 game instead


>main wolf
>mfw that's mostly true, I always focus on killing cops more than doing objectives

>did euro bag simulator while listening to pimped out get away the entire time
has my soul been crushed enough that I can claim otherworldly powers?

Chains player at launch, then moved to Dragan, now I play as Jimmy.

All three descriptions are accurate.

Scarface was good

It sure was a good movie with great soundtrack

Kill yourself and quit using nigger words

Please proceed.

results of the mckendrick contest when ?

>jacket player description
100% accurate holy shit. I never wear armor playing him.

>it's a big bank for you,

What did bain mean by this ?

It's a little bank for you

>join a Hoxton Breakout lobby
>someone's used a keycard to shut a door

Why do they do this?

Perhaps he is wondering, why would anyone slap a civilian, before tying him up.

Stelfshitters afraid of shooting cops.

>no trigger discipline

>go down to a cloaker
>call out said cloaker
>people come to try and help you up without even looking for the cloaker
>they get downed by the cloaker
every time

Is offshore good for anything besides buying more weapon / skill slots and card drops?

At least you can stelf. Who are you?


You can burn it for a trophy.

>calling a lousy picture a trophy

6 continental coins nigga

49th for fuck the swat turrets and their unlimited health

3 people DC'ed from my game as soon as I stepped into the escape and they were there for the whole heist

just asked on /v/ if I should get payday2 during this winter's stam sale and if it is ok to play the game with nothing but randoms

they said no, should I trust /v/?
should I trust you?

no this gay game donrt play pls pub bad dlc bad 141$ no no no

Pubs are cancer in any co-op game. There is a /pdg/ steam group that is usually pretty active if you want to play with them. Some autists only play with bots because they are too beta to talk to people

Kung Bo, finally a good chinese store,

How "necessary" is the SydneyDLC?

not anymore

but anarchist good.

> - Nose Candy (daily_candy)
Is it fixed yet?

So who's the worst avatarfag now that Killerbee is gone? What does it take to become one? I need attention.

his name is kenny you fuck


just look at solar

shit up this general with shitty webms showcasing your "skill"

Kingpin is great. Just tried it for the first time. I don't know why I ever ask you shitters for an opinion on anything you all suck

Are Contractor pistols better than anything else I can get?

Basically asking what are the best pistols for concealment dodge build

Although contractor is more fun on ovk.

>mfw discovering you don't need to get out on the streets to secure the bags on panic room

quality level design/20

>tfw you spot the ladders beside the truck after walking up the long way for all the heist

>having opinions this shit
The canon best list is:
Jacket > Sydney > Scarface > Houston > Dallas > Hoxton > (Everyone else) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger



>friend keeps getting downed on overkill like a retard
>"come on, you gotta stay on cover"
>"you guys keep reviving me when there are enemies around"
>"we revived you there in the open because you got downed there"
>spergs out and leaves
I should meet new people.

What difficulty? I want to try it, but mainly playing One Down nowadays.


>lyrics don't play on break the rules for a whole heist

>Restarting the song with pocohud until the lyrics starts

What kind of build should a new player focus on first?

Armor with muscle or Armorer perk deck.
Shotguns are good.

Does anyone know the name of the mod that disables the terrible graphical blur? I'm forgot what it was called, but there's a blue line right next to pic related and it's awful.

Cool, thanks.

>first game of the day
>scarface safe

open it y/n?

that's called chromatic abberation, you can disable it under advanced settings

Can you get safes from the offshore gambling card drops?

So I just came back from a long payday 2 break. Is it true hoxhud is ded? If so, what are good alternatives for it?

WolfHUD a best.



>displaying info is now cheating
So you play without any heads up display instead?

Sell, and buy skins

MEMES, what is the biggest PD2 meme of 2016


>not just getting a mod which makes the lyrics play every fucking time
What is wrong with you people


>haven't played in eight months
>excited to have fun with my melee build again
Why would they do this?

Post your mask NOW

>mfw driving the truck of aftershock over the sandniggers bums

>customising masks


Material that lets you keep the mask's original material when?

Did chatroom just die?

Are safes worth keeping?