Economic growth!
Economic growth!
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is this what deng xiopeng did
Why did Palpatine's face melt while Luke's didn't?
And why did Palpatie need so much power for the clone wars when it was the Jedi that did all the work?
Because that's his normal face, he used Sith magic to make himself look like his look as Chancellor.
Luke didn't get his own juice directed back at his face.
Why was Anakin fucking braindead when it came to intuition?
Why didn't they send like 25 Jedi to arrest Palpatine?
Why did Anakin buy into the lie that the Jedi were trying to overthrow the Republic when he knew completely well that this was not the case?
Why didn't he just kill Palpatine the moment he told him "lmao I actually don't know how to save Padmé but thanks for the help killing mr. jackson"?
Why does absolutely nothing in any of the prequels make any sense at all up until Mr. Jackson dies?
in before reactionaries start posting about how the empire were the good guys
This however is amusing
Mr. Jackson absorbs sense.
I too watched mr plinkett's review.
The system doesn't depend on unlimited economic growth. If there are few good investment opportunities then America's good wholesome citizens can just as easily spend their dividends on luxuries or very long term investments.
The reflection of Palpatines lighting back onto him basically destroyed his 'mask' and revealed his true face, which was heavily affected by dark side degradation.
Also Sidious didn't release his full power on Luke so he could torture him.
Anyone who may explain why exactly the trade federation chose to attack Naboo? I know they were pissed about taxation but why single out that planet?
Clearly because Sam was the true Sith Lord, the Dark Side physically manifesting itself and clouding the vision of the script.
I'm pretty sure the script actually appeared in the movies a couple times.
Darth Scriptious, we might call him.
Easy target to make an example of.
Though they didn't want the Republic to know about it.
Wouldn't the treaty they wanted her to sign just become unlawful because they used force for it?
They weren't pissed about anything. The idea was that Sidious, who hid himself as senator Palpatine from Naboo, manufactured a crisis by bribing the Trade Federation to blockade the planet, pretending it was an issue over the taxation of trade routes.
The absolute retardation of the Trade Federation and their sloppiness in hiding the invasion while still maintaining a strong bureaucratic control over the senate prompted the need for new leadership, as absolutely nothing was being accomplished in regards to the obvious invasion. Palpatine received a large sympathy vote by the senate and was elected chancellor. This put him in a position of power that he needed to take over the galaxy.
And also because they're movies with shitty, uninspired scripts and shitty, uninspired directing trying to compensate for these deficiencies with insane production values.
>Bribing the trade federation
Where do you get the money needed to bribe a gigantic organisation based on monetary aspects?
And I don't remember him saying anything about Bribing in the movies, there was just something from the senate where the senate talked about the crisis coming from taxation.
>And I don't remember him saying anything about Bribing in the movies, there was just something from the senate where the senate talked about the crisis coming from taxation.
That's because it's not in the movies, that's shit which they had to flesh out in supplemental material because George was too busy shoving Jar Jar Binks in people's faces
It was heavily implied, why else would a complex trade franchise with immense wealth begin taking orders from a far away hologram in a cloak? They have nothing really to gain but everything to lose.
Of course, I could just be making excuses for shitty script writing.
earlier today I realized that muslims interpretation of god reminds me of the force.
does this seem inaccurate?
Great post
For the OT I guess, for a Sufi outlook on things. The prequels with the whole prophesy of the chosen one and miraculous Force conception seem more like a blatant and terribly ham fisted Christian reference.
>This is America