Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Stop posting pictures of TA!

what did you get for xmas /d2g/?
heres what i got PIC RELATED

why this song makes me sad dotards? its a happy song

Nice UI dotards

Nothing on Pet Sounds is happy

because you have no GF

>7.00 is the patch that finally killed clq

Give me 1 (UNO) (ICHI) (ONE) legitimate reason why I should open up and play Dota.

>Radiant side has heavy advantage over dire
>Retards like Slacks are 5k mmr which puts the ranking system into question
>All the shitty problems that are present as a result of 7.00

but its not just this certain album

i literally have zero girl friends so there is no one i could imagine being with

Now that Atos is actually good, who the hell do I build it on?


There actually is none
I haven't felt the urge to play since the patch and I use to be literally unable to go a day without playing
I'd like to thank 7.00 for helping me kick my addiction

because fun > ladder climbing and massive meta change = meme builds

>implying every board isn't just a bad version of /a/ /r9k/ or /pol/
i dont find this guy funny really, if wasn't for that mission impossible part i would close it.

dota wtf is better at all levels.

>mk is still cancer
>lol just ban him
>he somehow gets through banning

but what does your image have to do with your post

The voteban thing is such bullshit, everyone should be able to remove 1 hero from the pool without any RNG

>vote to ban hero that ends up being nerfed for reasons everyone saw coming
>stays in pool because HURR RIKI OP BAN EVERY GAYM

fuck MK. He isnt' even dominating like release Centaur was but he was way more annoying

speaking of dota related "youtube channels"

what the fuck is with the abhorrent gameleap shilling? There are some videos out there that are labeled as "le funny dota moment" but is actually >50% an ad for gameleap at the start and end?

Also wtf is with a lot of these video makers putting random pornstars and hot girls into the thumbnails? Is this 2009 youtube or something?


Everyone else is posting Lanaya so why not?

>-200 MMR in half a day
This is my life now

Invoker is officially worst hero of the patch

Shitter here, MK is basically designed from the ground up to be played how retards play the game. He was literally unbeatable after first release because of the lifesteal bug, which accidentally made it viable to go ham for the entire match like an autistic lemming. Now he's hilariously easy to deal with because people only wanted to exploit the bug so they try it again, feed and go back to PA every match.

? not even close

Still easily the strongest level 2 hero in the game.

Invoker would have to be worse than Kunkka, Queen of Pain, and Broodmother for that to be true


How to fix mk :

>1. Jungle spawn reverted from 30/1/3/5... to 30/1/2/3
>watch mk get rekt by "Real" carries
>sven is back


Sure, but this doesn't matter much in my games where most players are too stupid to survive without a bunch of levels. It's how I climb, actually, just pick Silencer and win lane ezpz.

I'll admit the game is a lot more fun now if only because at least half of the players are finally picking different heroes now that they can't idle farm for 45 minutes. The Peruvians are literally incapable of not playing agility carries, though, I'm probably the only person on /d2g/ with Ursa in every game.

>There actually is none

Actually the new map highlights Radiant's advantages even more than before, planting a ward on the dire side's jungle reveals half the open area and gives a major advantage over the dire jungler as well as revealing 3 or more pathways, while in roughly the equivalent spot for the radiant you got a bunch of corridors and trees blocking most of the jungle ways

Hell, even the radiant jungle bounty rune is surrounded by trees and you have to put a place in a very specific way to reveal it while dire's bounty is inthe open

I swear to god All Pick "random hero" button isn't random at all. I random 3-5 same supports constantly or Dark Seer & SPirit Breakre

>skillshot teamfighter/ganker
>buffed BAT and best talents
>memepusher in games where less time is spent in lanes

yeah tbqh they are better

invoker was always a hero for 2ks that tried too hard

Anyone else really enjoying farming MMR with Icefrog's latest bowel movement?

>Valve: we're having trouble attracting civilized countries to DotA, the only people playing are dirt poor Russians and Peruvians
If there was only something they could do about it.

>6 slotted pl can't even half health our level 16 omni with greaves and a shivas
why do people even pick him

>5k MMR Pudge loses ridiculously to a 2k MMR Meepo mid
>Cyrillic name
>No steam pic
>Private profile
>Anonymous on dotabuff
Jesus fuck, why don't they even attempt to hide the fact they purchased the account?

Pudge mid is a fucking relic from a shittier era of the game, report people who pick him.

>look through past 30 games
>i actually have lost EVERY SINGLE ONE on dire side, without fail

>enemy is hitting ancient
>has us seriously on the ropes
>they get wiped
>we're all super low
>they mass buyback and TP to their megas
>they die again
>push mid while one ally stays to draw aggro
Describe a win condition more boner-inducing than this.

>muey estupido itumos es caca
>team de mierda
>ptsm bobo asco cyka bylat



Bumping this

>our beloved dota gets btfoed by shitty gook csgo clone

Is the huskar nuker build just a meme build? I would really like to try it but I don't know the exact logistics. Like what is the actual build and what lane do you go into?

Also, what can be done about the PA and slark madness going on right now. PA is critting people for like 900 once deso comes up.

Her ult doesn't feel all that RNG anymore. It feels like it happens way more than what its listed as. Honestly, they need to just remove RNG from hero abilities. No one likes not critting and people don't like always being crit either. What is the medium?

Slark is just nutty in how you have to play against him considering he can kill most heroes 1v1 quickly and spamming sentries ruins support wallets.

Like invis heroes are the only heroes in the game where you have to spend cash all game to deal with them. Its not like you buy an item and you are set. You have to spend cash all game on sentries.

>a billion gooks are playing a shitty FPS and not dota
how did valve fuck up THIS hard?

What are some brain-dead heroes for a 3.3k offlane shitter to help climb? Been using a lot of Tide.


Still an unbelievable sum of money considering the lack of effort and development valve put into it

the dota 2 gulag

>still no region locking because theyre scared of losing beanerbux and putindollars
>no advertising
>Dota kiddies spend more time shitalkin the lolbabs instead of playing/talking about thier own game outside of echo chambers
>Valve pocketing all the cash instead of using the ridiculous sums to make a better client and more ingame features thats NOT hats

tl;dr bad mismanagment and even worse community


>Nyx Assassin
>needs a big mana pool
>doesn't rely much on autoattacks because he's a nuker
>his abilities scale with intelligence
>is somehow an agi hero

dotards will defend this

I just played against unfair bots as jungle pugna which actually worked and I managed to get a 7:30 min midas in the jungle. Then I took all the towers got my aghs and died after taking their min tier 3 at 20 mins. Then the PA bot got a bkb and their pudge landed hooks. And before they broke our base at 35 minutes, I had to ragequit before I lost. I feel utterly humiliated. Fucking bots. PA and pudge are OP.

can't defend that desu. Same with veno. They should be int. You can say the same for wisp.

>your team chooses two supports
>figure were going to have a duo offlane so choose wraith king
>its actually a trilane
>for razor
>slark gets free farm from minute
>tell your teammates this
>">relax you're doing fine"

wisp generally builds str items towards late though

What is Purge MMR?

But only for the regen. Just because he likes regen doesn't he should be strength. He's a blue ball of light that only casts spells. He should be intelligence because they rely on spells the most.

His valve mmr is 5k but his real mmr is 4k.

"he should be buffed because then he would be stronger"

what the fuck

why does every other game have this stupid fucker in it?

do i spam monkey king or lone druid

When I logged in today I got a splash screen saying it's the last few days I can buy the Fall 2016 Treasures to get some cosmetics. But won't I be able to buy these cosmetics from the Community Market after this season is over, anyway?

because he is a retard slayer

he's easily counterable, and if you completely fuck up his early game, his mid and late game are ruined since he wont be able to catch up

Yes but then Valve only gets 25 cents not the full $1.50

Pugna and necro both have free ghost scepter and heal+damage nuke. They're basically the same now. Wtf?

Goddammit, Gaben.

Just get a talon afk a blink echo deso and wreck slark because you have a free life ult too.

Is clinkz a safelane core or a mid?

What's the difference?

Radiance octarine or dagon eblade on necro?


queen of pain feels like one of those heroes you could have the fucking game of your life on and still die 2-3 times

Fuck you support cuck

>and if you completely fuck up his early game, his mid and late game are ruined since he wont be able to catch up
no, not really, thats why he is so strong in pubs, is because he loses the 2-1-2 aggro offlane and then uses dark pact with shadow dance regen to farm the entire jungle

someone needs to support, man


meem item


super expensive and lots of the time bloodstone is better. Its okay but if you manage to build it your prob at a point where you dont need it


can be gud but only if you get a blink too and tp out as soon as you pop the carry


was good with old damage increasing ahgs

not sure how it holds up now

you shud prob just stick to shiva's and mek/pipe

>Crossfire is still alive and is the 2nd highest earning game in the world last month
How the fuck

grinded to high 5k
barely even plays solo ranked anymore anyways
i think he's realized he can't hit 6k or something, like jesus fuck just watch this stream he's 3/4k tier

Is the fall pass worth buying before it expires? What's the appeal?

What is his issue, really? I feel like he's pretty knowledgeable about the game.

Knowledge does not = gameplay ability.

I'd also like to know this.

Dagon and eblade hang together. And stack with your skills and shivas for tons of magic damage.

Radiance can be stacked with your aura for tons of tick damage and octarine allows you to heal from that. It also reduces your deathpulse to 3 seconds if you take the -1second talent and aghs ult to 18.75 seconds which is absolutely amazing.

im not a support player those items are just garbage
Only one potentially viable is dagon

>there is still supportcucks complaining about gold in the era of free gold 7.00

90% of the things he says are things that 2k players already know. That's not called knowledge. He's a meme like slacks but a serious meme. and he knows it.

how do i play him now? sidelane support who roams?

t. shitter from a shittier era

>teammates do trilane/double offlane for literally no reason
>enemy team gets free farm or anally ravages your safelane
>teammates never rotate, gank or otherwise acknowledge anything that happens outside of their lane for 15 minutes
>and even after that they never use chat
>they are all grouped together in a party
>they blame you for the loss


No they're good. Radiance octarine is the tick damage APC build and dagon eblade is the burst APC build.

go ahead and build that shit

dont cry when you get 2 shotted so fast your ebin "super healing" doesnt even matter

>picking lose king in almost 2017

You roam from level 2 and land your hooks on heroes 3 times your networth and solo kill them because pudge is bullshit and that's why jerax won boston using him.

abysmal technical skill
constantly takes a commandeering position telling people what to do but makes just as many terrible game losing calls as good ones, if not more.
gameplay knowledge is pretty shit too, he "seems" pretty knowledgeable because he has 100% confidence in what he says all the time. But he's CONSTANTLY wrong about almost everything. He'll say a number then look it up 5 minutes later and go "huh i was wrong oh well"

No he's good and comfy too. You just have to build him like lifestealer to 3 shot supports and QoPs.

>SirActionSlacks is a human being on planet earth

I bet he cries himself to sleep. Clowns don't enjoy life. They just pretend to.