Was hunting and eliminating Witches justified?
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Is removing a cancerous tumor justified?
Only if they were actually capable of anything. It's odd that something as innocuous as (((witchcraft))) was purged if it's generally agreed that it isn't a real thing.
But then again, lets not turn this into /x/
Yes it was in principle, witches are real and need to be killed. See Leviticus 20:27 and Exodus 22:18 for reference. The problem of things like the Salem witch trials though was that they didn't get a fair trial - which per the Mosaic covenant requires two or three separate witnesses - see Deuteronomy 19:15.
Now I'm not arguing whether the Salem witches were actual witches or not (although some of them probably were), but they weren't really proven guilty the way the Mosaic law commands.
Of course. Kidnapping, murder, poisoning, spoiling wells and burning fields; of course you kill the people who do that.
You know early Americans were not Jews, yes?
The Puritans did establish a theonomic form of government based on the Old Testament, they did however commit an error during these trials.
Christ, witchcraft? Were people delusional then?
They did attempt to establish basically a one sided covenant with God, but it was not the Old Covenant.
If you want to see a trial with dozens of errors, read about the trial of Jesus Christ.
Just deceived.
We haven't seen any witches in the US since then, so they must have been doing something right.
Not true.
>We haven't seen any witches in the US since then
Now that's where your wrong senpai
She's a demon, not a witch. She just gets in bed with witches.
Most of the accusers were a group of sluts who had too much fun and got afraid they would get caught. Everything could have got better if the courts didn't listen to a bunch of brats.
If witchxraft were real and those convictes people were actually witches who were trying to hurt people around them then yes but I doubt it honestly.
Well they turned me into a newt.
Yes. Witches are in league with the devil.
of course
they were the proto-feminist
A newt???
If you're a newt then who was phone? Anyways, are there even real witches in the world? Not those fake Pagan Wiccan shitter.
Nah I think of the scold the closest thing to modern day feminists
If there was enough evidence to suggest a woman is a witch (presuming you don't assert a priori that witches, at least ones that can actually work magic, don't exist) then, depending on your ethics, it would be justified to eliminate her. The question is whether or not we see their evidence as sufficient, which we generally don't, we see most witch trials as basically mock trials and kangaroo courts.
are you accusing this woman of witchcraft
what exactly is a witch Constantine
do you believe in spells and magic
>Not burning minions of satan
Papist scum
She's under investigation.
Of course eliminating witches is justified
A witch turned me into a newt
The Swedish witch trials were hilarious
This little bastard ruined hundreds of lives and kicked up a storm of hysteria with his lying
So witches are fine as long as you're not a Jew?
I believe the Devil exists if that is what you are asking.
Well that's not quite what I asked I asked if you believe in magick
Is magic real?
No you fucktard.
How did God create the world then?
>mfw goduck mods deleted my shit and gave me a warning for saying religion is a mental illness
and yet this cuck is allowed to post
Say you. Magic is everywhere. You just need to see.
That's because he's giving an informed answer and not shitposting, you sodomite.
I believe the Devil and God and bend the laws of reality, although the former can only do it if the latter permits him to.
>witches are real because my magic book said so
Umm let's see. Witches don't actually exist so yeah no it wasn't justified. It was mass psychosis allowed to flourish.
It seems crazy but it ultimately boils down to "You can't LARP what I don't like LARPing!" and you're dead.
Since witchcraft isn't actually real then no you mongoloid
................................I got better
Witches are an observable phenomenon.
Witch spotted
>Itt: Witches and witch apologists.
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post.
Maybe I'm too naive to think like this but in Crusader Kings 2, in the newest DLC you now have the option of burning "witches", who you are never sure ever did anything, when the black death hits. If you refuse to burn any witch the peasants get upset, and may revolt as a result.
In the resulting revolt, as the ruler you would have to kill thousands of peasant to end the rebellion, something that could be prevented by a single death.
Maybe the real life situation was like that, and the rulers had to chose the lesser evil?
>rape 12 year old girl
>tell everyone she is a witch
>other girls chime in claiming she cursed them (not me her!)
>burn her at the stake
>this whole thread
You can't fool me, witches.