>A dollar is supposed to signify labor. If you aren't actually doing labor and you're getting money for free, where does the value of the dollar come from?
Welcome to the communist party comrade, keep up that study of the labour theory of value
>A dollar is supposed to signify labor. If you aren't actually doing labor and you're getting money for free, where does the value of the dollar come from?
Welcome to the communist party comrade, keep up that study of the labour theory of value
Ironically, capitalism will fail without UBI as automation climbs. This is the big catch for the greedy and shortsighted conservatives- will you go down with the sinking ship because you're too arrogant to accept the creeping reality or will it take seeing the system finally collapsing to realize that helping others actually helps yourself?
I dunno man. I mean everywhere people who don't work are going to get welfare, and it irks me that they get it and i don't, despite me being the productive member of society.
Having said that, I'm no a monster, so I don't want to take their welfare away from them.
the solution? Give me the welfare alongside my wages. Hey I'd love the extra cash and more cash into the spenders in an economy is always good
Lol. U just made Trump won and u gotta get a fucking job. Stop taking all my taxes faggot.
I do. After seeing all the money the gunmen the needs piss away while I have a plate in my foot and work overtime. Then respond to Republicans taking over by burning all their free shit. Fuck em. U plan for your shortcomings or suffer. If u die broken and alone it's because u are a cunt and nobody likes u. Fuck social programs and fuck the left.
Death tax property tax income tax sales tax I'm fucking done.
To anyone here without a job. SUCK MY FUCKING DICK.
I could see something akin to UBI working as a standard for people who are either medically unable to work (as it's not exactly right of us to take great grandma out back and shoot her for being too old to make Johnny Billionaire a little richer, nor is it right to let her be homeless and miserable for it), and for people who are actively working but are below a certain annual income (as they are working, and therefore not a leech on the system who just wants free shit, but aren't making enough to gain a foothold beyond mere subsistence).
Then again I think the concept of temp labor should be de-privatized (or at least more regulated). It should be a service where companies file for how many workers they need and, assuming those temps pass the minimum standard requirements put forth by the agency during their trial, they are mandated by the agency to hire those folks as full employees. The unfortunate fact that many places never hire temps even when listing themselves as "temp to hire" essentially screws the majority of folks looking for steady work through these systems.
That way someone who's looking for work but struggling doesn't get shit on like he was the same as some layabout who just idly passes the odd application in and forgets to check on it to shut his mom up while mooching off her income.
You do know that every country has a social safety net though, right? Even your precious US has welfare.
The commies won, my naive user.
central banks inject "made up" money in the economy over time for muh controlled inflation.
instead of giving that made up money to the banks, you give it to poorfags.
that said, it still wont work since banks tend to use the made up money for smart investing and poorfags will just give money to strippers and buy frozen pizzas thus giving rise to the fast-food strip clubs across the globe
What happens when I put money in stock that pays dividends?
I get these checks for thousands of dollars and I did no labor weird right?
you have no idea how money works