Tree of Savior General /tosg/

Previous thread: Migo is cute! CUTE!!!

>Latest Patch Notes:

>Latest Q&A

>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam(Nexon)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>Cards List:

>Extra Stat Points

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute/Orsha/Fedimian, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (Cats)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
cute (Merigolds)

Other urls found in this thread:


This will be the last thread.

Comfy is now recruiting again.

If you're in Telsiai or a SEA player considering to migrate to our server, join us!

Everyone is welcomed to join, no requirement besides being active.


i hope so.

If it isn't, will you kill yourself?

You make your Miko yet son?

How do I get the new practo cube recipe?

Where does all the shit drop that is used for 315 weapons?

Only daughters can be a migo. Silly fake mom!

>he isn't a Miko yet

D-do I get to be the standing one or the one on the ground if I join?

Yes! But it made me rethink my life.

>aias changed from "final block rate +2" to

"final block rate +8%"

uhh... what?

they changed all shields to have + or - block rate % now

>afk somewhere
>come back and see faggots posing around you and taking pictures
>typical day in the guild

Well to answer your question it could go either way


When will we be able to make more than one thing at a time with magnum opus? Why can't IMC fix this?

cute still has a few spots open. Players of any level welcome, no requirements outside of being semi-active and friendly. We dabble in both pve and pvp for the sake of enjoyment. If you're looking to be part of a group of friendly folks who help out one another and others alike, be sure to whisper Merigolds or Majiene for an invite!

What's a good rank 1 class to compliment a pure support Priest/Kabbalist? I was trying to decide between Krivis, Bokor and Oracle.

I will join you guys soon enough

I hope you are still around in half a year or so!

Oracle is the best, Krivis can be usable if you're spr for zalcai but oracle is still stronger overall and probably the best 1 point dip in the game.

migos are so sexual

I take it petrification on Merkabah isn't worth it then for Bokor?

Nah that's mostly just a meme, if you're going support kabba 2 your wheels will mostly be for def buffs and damage null anyway.
>Green Loftlem - Fixed the monster's dead parts not spawning when the monster dies
>Green Cockat - Fixed problems dead parts not appearing properly.

game F U C K I N G saved

I'm surprised I haven't seen any X out! Y in! meme ever since miko's release.

Krivis plays well with priest. With all the buffs they give, Daino is nice for not knocking off other buffs. Zalciai pairs great with Monstrance.

cute is here to stay, despite what some folks say. See you then!

even better
>Fixed issue where the cleric circle 3 costume did not have its exclusive animation working.
>Fixed visual clipping issues with the Archer's Sailor Costume (F)
>Fixed the visual clipping that occured when wearing an Armband with the Lancer Costume
>Fixed issue where wearing a Hair in with the Firm Noble Wave & you begin to craft an item, the character's bangs
>Fixed issue where the costume icon that the player looked at didn't reflect their gender.
>Fixed issue where the cleric/wizard players could hear their footsteps when riding on companions.
>Fixed issue with the companion not making any attack sounds when equipped with a one-handed bow.
we back to 50k players soon!

With the new cata buffs, what's a good cata3 build to go with?


s3 as always lol

pure pve? maybe the good and old pelt 1 hop 1 (Evasion, defense, taunt, C block, one handed spear masteries, finestra and stabbing). followed by dragoon c2

In case people were curious as to how fast a lv 15 cartar stroke goes now with the quick charging attribute, here you go. This is with 0 stacks of DoV.


and fluffy

>buy materials
>oops they're untraceable you can't team storage those lol

What is the point of this mechanic? Why does it even run that check for team storage?

I mean for the skills. Leave 1 for steed charge, Impaler. Then max everything else?


anybody able to help?

I haven't played this game in forever, but I had addons in the game before I left.

Now after all this time I'm back, the game updated, I hit the "load addons" button, and my game crashes.

Naturally I figure the addons are outdated, so I just delete the entire addon folder just to get the "load addons" button off the screen so I can play and worry about addons later.

The "load addons" button is still in the game and it won't remove itself.

Any help to get this button out of the way?

full uninstall+delete game and reinstall

use mod manager in OP after that

delete data/SumAni.ipf
If it doesn't automatically patch it back then verify cache integrity

For the people who were curious, Agny doesn't do anything for Druids transformed into monsters that use fire pillar. Sorry to disappoint!

Ok, so I'm going to make a Swordsman now which one should I go with?

So much for drake hearts being expensive. Agn``y''(sic) recipe will drop even more soon too.

nobody said they will be expensive

i sold two for each ~500k at first day tho

Mostly laughing at

Koenig. I explicitly told you not to do it. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING.

oh haha, what a idiot

recipes will be ~1m soon, not much profit to be made after day1


koenig-chan a cute, no bully

Hi! I'm LeSwaazlipantom here.

I made over 50 million selling agni recipes the day it was added.

probably Krivis for Dainos, everyones getting so many buffs that Dainos is crucial

Bokor 1 does nothing, Oracle is nice too but you really almost never deal with status effects in PvE. I'm assuming this isnt for PvP or GvG since not even Crimson runs a full support priest in GvG

I don't like this idea, you can buy Daino scrolls and any PvE content where you need them you can get them. You can't buy 30 second magic immunity and free 5% chance to nullify damage.

the load addon button isnt in the addon folder, you should just do a fresh reinstall

I mean if you want to just buy a lot of fucking dainos scrolls then be my guest. Everything a Krivis can do is scrollable but you're chucking more money than a Taoist does at that point.

We're talking about spending a little over 5k every 3 minutes and only while you are doing ET or Uphill. Anyone that is at the point where they're doing that stuff is not going to go broke, you might lose silver equal to 1 of your 3 290 rushes.



>68 million exp to get to guild rank 20
>20 exp per talt
>3,434,014 talt required
>17,170,074,000 silver worth of talts

I'm glad the gooks thought that over!

>17 billion silver to get from rank 19 to rank 20
>assuming a full guild of tryhards (40)
>every single member have to fork out 429 million silver worth of talt

See it's not so bad

This would've made a lot more sense if guild leveling up system is something like RO, where you can set taxes on members where a % of the EXP gained goes to the guild.

As it is literally hundreds of billions of silver to max a guild level is ridiculous.

>Keep getting teamed up with some rank 5 shitter from orsha
>Doesn't even use his absolute-cancer skills
>Has the balls to whine about other team members

What's the rate of getting arde dagger?

Is the 200 fire attack on agny good for melee/archers too?

Hunter got nerfed, friendo.

The koreans couldn't be bothered to make character-bound and untradable two seperate properties.
Heaven forbid they do something that makes sense.

should i fucking bother with kabbalist number stuff

>reduce level
iirc removed from bosses where they were most relevant?
poor man's swell, though it does have more chances on roll and can combo, still a lot to invest on it
>double chance
no idea how it fucking works

Migo Inquisitor OP

What actually happened there? My best guess is something like:

>Wheel deals damage
>Kagura adds second damage line to wheel
>Second damage line triggers wheel damage
>Wheel deals damage
>Loop gets continuously faster

It's literally the same as the fire attack from an arde. But it can be upgraded.

It's a necklace that gives you 200 damage (around +300 if you fully upgrade it). If you want raw damage, it's probably the best necklace in the game right now.


Pyro Linker is the new elememe.

I'm a bot now, mom.

>fully upgrade it
There's an upgrade cap now?


I once walked into a fireball that was hidden behind the TBL starting zone wall.
It hurt.

Pyro linker was the old elememe pyro 2 linker ele3.

It's only got 6 potential. Most people will never get it above +10.

Just play the game? Every dungeon, mission and ET party is now 4-5 Pyros shitting out death balls that disintegrate everything in half a second flat.

I've only seen one agni pyro all day actually.

>When [Disenchant] is used upon an enemy, it increases the target's debuff level by 1.

What did IMC meme by this?

>new big patch for a certain game
>devs give out 80$ worth of shit for free when less of 20$ worth was announced and expected
>IMC still greedy as fuck and games is getting more senseless grindy every big patch while still not fixing some gamebreaking issues
I hope you have fun guys, because it's getting harder to give ToS another chance

So what pyro skills do I up, balls obviously but is the rest just whatever or is there a cookie cut build for it?

IMC gives out like 80$ of TP every week.

But the GvG system is flawed and exploitable too

>le play the game meme

fuck oFF

What actually happened is that pears deal a small aoe splash damage and so can be spread by the wheel. Since the pears got activated and the wheel was there you get the result of a fuck load of burst. It's semi hard to set up sometimes but does nice damage too. Also because wheel and pears are all physical skills kagura does enhance them

Any good builds that make use of druid 2 besides taoist? I like playing around with the animal forms a lot but don't care for the lycan much.

As a Pyro you got two build options.

If you're Pyro 3 you can get Firewall, otherwise you don't. (You either get Firewall to 15 or you do not get it at all)

You will always max Fireball and Fire Pillar.
If you get Firewall you max it, then put a point in Flame Ground, Hellbreath and Enchant Fire, and the rest into whatever you want because honestly it doesn't matter what else you get.

If you don't get Firewall, then you'll max Flame Ground and put spare points into whatever (not Firewall). All you need is Fireball, Flame Ground and Fire Pillar maxed.

Fire Wall has more potential single target burst damage, while Flame Ground is more sustained AOE damage.
Both have their upsides and downsides, it's up to you to decide which you prefer.

Thanks lad, appreciate it

Ah I see, so this would work even for non-Miko inqusitors just at 70% less damage?

How many of these TPs /tosg/ get?


whips out dick

Whats the best way to make money lads

Give me a rundown of what you have, anything is okay except chinese silver selling.

Buy it. That or make like 20 alts to run shit daily.

The game is designed in such a way that earning lots of money fast is just not feasible outside of getting lucky drops.

Most of the guilds get it and the rest are in crimson. It's only FP and guildless /tosg/s that don't.

Sell saalus blessed shards.


did they fuk
