Urgot Edition
current Contest: eyosongive.us
>What contest?
Suggestion phase ends on the 30th!
Urgot Edition
current Contest: eyosongive.us
>What contest?
Suggestion phase ends on the 30th!
jews rock!
2nd for fuck riot removing public chat
>lose a bunch of games
>pick daddy Trundle in the jungle
>steamroll the enemy team
Haha, statball champions that steal stats are so balanced!
That means they probably would've done that anyway because they liked you dingus.
Kog is the cutest!
I want to cuddle Kog!
bara > femboys
Fat waifus are best waifus.
Fat girls are best gfs.
>In these hard times, we have been neutered of our only currency
>Take this, and spend it wisely, my children
League of Legends
>Post tfw you hit 2 first
tfw no (you) and it's imposiible to find answers to your posts
Breast waifu!
>both are tanks
y-yeah lvl two all i-in boyos!
Show me your face when I gank your ass before you hit 2 and then again the moment you come back to lane.
whats the most patrician one-trick
>tfw i can now combo you and you are still lvl 1
there;s a script to give them back tho
>Enemy laner is level one
>I get level 2 with yorick
>Awakening + Mourning Mist combo
>He blows his flash and still dies
>Xin into Illaoi
>Hit 2 RIGHT as she W's a minion who's right next to me
illaoi isn't fat
how long will it take me to become a competent tahm kench one trick pony
what are some things to help me along in my journey
see you all at lcs or whatever the big tourney is
autism and time mostly
Tell me a secret.
I've been incredibly depressed for years and have recently lost my will to live, yet I still keep doing everyday things. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I wouldn't want my parents to have to pay for a funeral for such a lame deat.
There are no more big tourneys, they removed them in favor of LCS.
two things i have plenty of
excellent...this will be easier than anticipated......
My libido is through the roof, masturbating 3-4 times a day is normal for me. Also it was a pretty large factor in my last breakup.
>Poppy goes AFK in a ranked game
Kissless virgin at 21
I wish he wasn't so fucking boring to play. Honestly, finding a good and fun jungler is a pain in the dick. Is Noc good? I'm out of fucking ideas.
>tfw same
>hadn't even thought about it for over a year until someone asked me if I had a gf
it's ok I guess
O-ok h-here I go
The idea that carrots improve your eye sight was invented by Britain during WW2. They'd recently completed new radar technology and were able to pinpoint German planes with unprecedented accuracy at long range but to keep the technology a secret they publicly stated that one of their anti-air gunners had been eating his carrots. It had a bonus effect of getting children to eat more carrots which were in ample supply.
Who is the new Malzahar ?
inb4 what do you mean
C a m i l l e
that's not really a secret anymore, just a not widely known fact
i'm a tranny x3
thats not a secret every redditor knows that
Met a girl on Tinder that lives close by and she's really cute and nice, texted her and she didn't respond and opened both of my snapchats without responding, I feel like I fucked something up and I feel super shitty about it, being alone is starting to wear me down.
>tfw genuinely desire to become a female and to be lusted after by men, and to let them bend me over and force me to come. Again and again, at the end of their cocks and I would let them suck, lick, stroke, caress, suckle and kiss all over me. My sweet feminine body to be used as their love recepticle would be absolutely magical in every dirty thought I have had of it. The feeling of sweet bliss with a throbbing, thick hot erection from a glistening sweaty and strong man, sliding in and out in a rythmic fashion, my tight virgin well of love being extensively accustomed to the friction of two lovebirds. The feeling of being taken, and only to have it finish with my hands being held behind my back while my beautiful breasts bounced hither snd thither, my shining hair a mess from the beautiful scene of erotic passion being put forth, my hole being intruded but enjoying every bit, and ending with a near-burning orgasm, then an even more heated load of semen being poured into me from my protector and lover, his strong seed glazing the walls of my fertile womb and giving me the gift of motherhood to raise a child with him, and to live a comforting life with him
>tfw I am a 6'4 300 pound fat and also very muscular man who lifts every day after work and enjoys straight sex quite a lot
This is normal for a league player right?
earn enough money for your funeral and leave them to them! jk, visit a doctor, it's called dysthymia and can be cured with lexapro etc
also my secret im incredibly lazy and have such a bad memory for names and faces that i should keep a list of names of my coworkers... after i once couldn't say the name of our director after working a year there... at least the guy who asked me was understanding >
I want to go pro sometime in the future, no matter what the cost
There was no specific guideline saying the secret had to still be secret.
Probably why you didn't know then right??!
That's not right at all really despite what some degenerates might tell you.
ign slut?
damn /lolg/ is on FULL "lets lie to the newcomers" mode
Can I get ONE GAME without a lux or syndra in it?
What rank are you now? It might not be a realistic goal and by 'might not' I mean probably not.
When is the Syndra nerf coming I'm sick of this bitch.
>miss everything
>just press r lol
I wasnt asking if it was right; I asked if it was normal.
Those two do not go hand in hand very often.
tfw ur dik BIGGG
no bigger than Garens
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Garen isn't real kiddo and besides I destroy garens for breakfast
Considering that's the kind of shit people bury deep, DEEP inside themselves except for the retards who make it their entire personality (i.e uggo trannies), it's hard to know what's normal user. Probs not though.
You got out skilled kiddo GIT GUD or just wait a while for when they get back to their fucking job and release the nerf that's been on the PBE for a couple weeks.
>last minion gets you over 50% fury
>hobo cunt just used her Q into the wave to try and hit 2 first but lost the race
There's no saving that ass now Riven. I'm going elbow deep on this one.
>75% OF MY HP
That's not that much. I can't even blame my own mid when he dies once or twice because bitch just has to press R on top of him and it's already a kill.
Right now i'm at the very top of plat I, which doesn't sound too fancy, but i'm just at the start of the season. My highest rank so far was Diamond II, and this season i'm planning (at the very least) master. That's why the "some time in the future" part. I will need time to improve further and further, i have a feeling that the skill difference between high diamond and master/challenger is enormous.
sorry, i want to be anonymous
I want an adc gf
xth for bridal carry
maybe play some champs that are fun to duo with then?
why is Lux so lewd even when she isnt trying to be?
I have astraphobia and get made fun of for it a lot
aww :3c
I play every support and every "support", those are my most played for last season.
baka desu
no bully
>Hit level 2
>Go balls deep when he runs up to last hit
>His jungler shows up for a cheese gank
same user, same.
can someone post the pic of the lee sin saying hes gonna insec the adc and to be ready?
wanna be my qt gf
i fucking hate junglers
toplane is cancer because of the levl 2 cheese with ease
>tfw no gf or bf to comfort during a thunderstorm
feels bad man
>Win lane
>Enemy Jungler gives lane opponent Rift Herald
Why the fuck does this keep happening to me? I thought you gave Rift to WINNING lanes???
How do you shot call in solo queue without constantly telling your teammates what to do? You can say pings, but pings can't say "aatrox, let talon have that top wave, trox push bot, morg ward our jungle, ward around baron, don't teamfight for another 5 minutes until talon can do something.". If that's not possible, I don't get how you're supposed to work as a team in soloqueue, or how you can even carry games on non carries. I play udyr, I don't understand how I'm supposed to carry games without communication. I do really well when my teammtes listen to my calls and we all work together, but any game where no one talks and when i bark calls at people they tell me to shut up, I just don't know how to function and get really tilted and start playing really bad. I'm not sure how players who's greatest strength is shot calling are supposed to gain elo in soloqueue.
You generally just hand it off to top lane if you can be bothered to get it at all because everyone else should be grouping for mid game while top can still split.
Rift is pretty underwhelming for the effort though.
>boring to play
To each his own I guess but I love the guy.
>mfw I block the path on an immobile ADC
>mfw I split a team in two
>mfw I ult the enemy tank and drop W, healing all the damage taken
>mfw auto, Q, tiamat reset and the enemy ADC/support melts
>toplaners who take offensive summoners in a skillmatchup
Also all bets on my boy Riven.
Yasuo is fine. He doesn't need any changes.
Considering the fact that 90% of 1 trick ponies that dont one trick GP suck cock, I guess GP?
>support tali
hate this meme
I know your post is about shotcalling but
LITERALLY your fault for not dodging.
are there vg vs vgs going?
just dodged for the 3rd time today and dont wanna wait forever to get into a game
Haven't been following the game much lately.
What happened to Bard? (if anything)
He feels considerably worse for me but I can't figure out what, possibly it's just the different meta or it's just me?
Such a shame, I loved feeding on him
Reminder that Aatrox is such bad character design and gameplay design that he outright gets told he doesn't exist in lore. Even Riot is against Aatrox.
>Fucking love Yorick's new kit
>Can't play him because I'm dogshit at anything that isn't point-and-click
Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.
>boy Riven
Don't be gay mang
Depends. Are you a Janna player?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
some degree of bisexuality can be the norm (see freud's theory about innate bisexuality), but gender dysphoria certainly isn't the norm... it's likely not that rare though
btw the question what is right has no sense whatsoever without specifying what measure you want to use to estimate the right, and even if the measure is known it's a pretty slippery issue
>- Slave, listen to me!
>- Here I am, master, here I am! I want to make love to a woman
>- Make love, master, make love! The man who makes love to a woman forgets sorrow and fear!
>- O well, slave, I do not want to make love to a woman!
>- Do not make love, master, do not make love! Woman is a real pitfall, a hole, a ditch, Woman is a sharp iron dagger that cuts a manĀ“s throat!
it's from the dialogue of pessimism (written about 3000 years ago), the measure of right there is obviously utility and even then the author questions the possibility to find the right, so the poor master after a few such answers eventually threatens to kill the slave (albeit it's likely a self-dialogue)
this is what im going to be till I get to bronze so I can get lvl 7 on azir
dont you mean on Lulu?
I love these pictures.