Fighting Games General /fgg/
Could be better, but it's acceptable.
This thread is racist
>top tier is only charge characters and grapplers
whos idea was this?
5rd for Tekken 7 will never release.
>mfw SF is the only franchise with characters I like despite the fact they don't develop their backstories and most of them are pretty generic looking
It's weird but capcom design is really good.
KI is good and you should feel good
>charge characters
None of the DLC characters are top tier.
>S2 Ken is bad
t. Chris Tatarian and bronze scrubs
Sounds like you are a shallow person with zero taste.
>mfw people EVEN THINK about neutral when they see urien in the vs screen
HAHAHAHAH i hope you don't do this
Nicktoons fighting game when? I Want to fucking do an Ultra combo with Danny Phantom.
How do i find a figting game gf to sit on my face?
desu I only play Hisako because her windup auto-doubles give me time to think and are easy counter-breakers half the time
then what do?
Post more mikan
Where do I buy a tinfoil hat for this fellow GG player?
I'm sorry Street Fighter doesn't have underaged girls for your taste, pedophile.
>I'm sorry Street Fighter doesn't have underaged girls for your taste, pedophile.
What do you think Sakura and Karin always were?
>b-nut gg...
>mfw trying to play Alex
I don't understand how to do stuff on him. I've done the 10 challenges, they weren't particularly difficult. I just don't see how most of that will translate to an actual fight. Nobody actually lets me get that close to them.
I'm glad they nerfed Alex so I can finally abandon all hope for the least relevant character in SF5.
Who should I play now? I was thinking Fang or Gief.
Good thinking there Hisakonoko
desu i honestly feel sad for people in their 20s who still watch anime/read manga
>Going for even worse characters
You do know Fang was nerfed right?
There's literally nothing wrong with anime and manga, provides see it's good and not fotm shit like attack on titan
>stop having fun
>offtopic shit
Typical /v/tard.
does playing sf5 use my uploads? i have done nothing but play on my pc today and my router says i have used 5gb bandwidth.
Alex actually doesn't want to be in close most of the time, he's a poking/footsies based character disguised as a grappler. Most of the time you should be trying to space your opponent with,, and slash elbows.
There is no such thing as good anime.
You are either in your teens and don't know any better, which is understandable, or you're so far gone that you think that garbage is anything other than neckbeard pandering trash.
Now that would be something but I doubt capcom would be this stupid and arrogant again in such shoprt time. If you are on win10 the check if you disabled update uploads.
>this mentally ill samefagging shitposter again
Don't make me buy another copy of SFV.
aaah i suck so much at execution in stick
is it really only a grinding thing, if i keep at it will i ~magically~ be able to execute shit?
i wanted to do trials, not sure if i should forget about them and just play normally
Why is REVELATOR so fun to play? Even tho i chose a difficult character to start learning, i can't get mad after a loss.
Yesterday i had a 0 win - 43 lose streak on a lobby and i didn't get mad, didn't rage at all. I feel like even when i lose its fun.
With SF5 i was raging hard even if i won, i would be fucking raging all over the place, if a piece of shit ryu hitted me with a shoryuken i would probally smash my controller on something, i dont care with my super gold SF shit anymore, GG Xrd is the salvation of fighting games.
Why can't I escape the horrible Blue and Green Ranks of Tag 2? Is it because I suck?
I'm on my 30s
It's ogre
Benny, no!
>tfw benny the doggo of hype could probably get at least to gold playing urien
It's the difference bewteen a good game and a bad one. The difference bewteen passion in the code and factory work.
What characters do you play and what other experience with the genre do you have?
Also rank is always the worst mode.
Because it's clearly a better game. I never had fun with SFV, but GG feels natural. SFV fans will never understand this. Sad.
probably because you are still in the honeymoon phase and you don't really understand the game yet
once you get an understanding of what your shortcomings are (other than literally not knowing how to play at all) and start caring about getting better, you will probably rage again
the problem is you, not the games. i say this as a guy with huge problems with anger management and raging. it helps to take a break from some games and trying others for fun tho, but blaming a product for your attitude problems isnt being honest with yourself
strifehomo take that sf dick out of your mouth
As a complete newbie, do i really.m need these arcade joysticks? Can't I just casually git gud with a ps3 controller?
Dude with anger issues he overcame hjere.
You are incorrect because badly designed games or even setup games to keep you in a skinner box of emotions will induce far more rage than you can produce yourself.
yeah it's just preference
new people that get sticks (Ilike myself) only do it because it seems cool/fun, but for years there have been top players with all kinds of controllers
luffy won a sf4 evo using a ps1 controller with adapter
piesmug is really good with an xbox controller, which is usually considered shit because of its dpad
nuckledu won the "world finals" just a few months ago with a ps4 controller
those arent just outliers, there are plenty of good players with controller
you are ok, dont worry about the input method
Use whatever is comfortable to you. If you wanted to go for the best device then get a hitbox or keyboard.
I play MKXL on a very high level and i don't rage at anything, i felt pleasure when i lose to someone better. This only happen on SF5, theres no fun in that game.
Alright thanks! Also d-pad or analog sticks?
Build your own stick, its fun i makes you wanna play on it everyday.
The best part is choosing the buttons and the image youre using on top of it.
There is fun for people who can't win in any other game.
On ps3? Dpad is the only option.
nobody uses joystick afaik
you only need 8 directions, perfect for dpad
D-pad, always.
>tfw stuck inbetween 1000-1100LP since launch
This is it for me boys :(
Same, R. Mika here... all i find online are ryus and ryus, i can't take this anymore
If you only ever run into one matchup you should be good at it by now
pick an unga character
I got like 3000 LP with urien. Balrog was pretty easy too
shotos are harder and more boring to play imo
I don't like charge characters though
If Dr. Pavel played fighting games what would be his game and main?
Guile in ST, easily.
It's really hard to double tap with a pad. If you play link heavy games, then double tapping helps a lot.
I thought he was a cyborg...
Yes and no.
Arcade sticks offer better precision and feel pads in general, as subtle as it may be and prodive better base for game-specific technqiues like double tapping etc, assuming it's even relevant. Having said that you can still play quite fine with a pad as long as you're willing to put bit more work.
T. pad player who prefers analog sticks over d-pad. Sue me faggots.
uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh
People who play on Xbox360 controllers use the analogue stick sometimes because the d-pad on it is trash.
His smile and optimism: gone.
did they make the cancl window tighter for specials in sfv?
Ok Akuma is fun but I dislike how shitters can get one lucky combo and it's over for you because you haven't memorized all blockstrings that even your 3f normal can't get through
Did they actually fix Juri or is she still shit too?
One hundred hadoukens. One hundred shoryukens. One hundred supers.
Do this every day on both sides!
I bought SFV the other day and have enough game points to buy one of the dlc characters, but I don't really know who to choose.
I'm kinda torn between Alex (because I never played 3rd Strike so I don't know what his deal is), Guile (I like charge characters), Juri (just to see her changes from SFIV) and Akuma (he looks like fun).
Who's better for a sorta newcomer and a scrub?
Not that I know about.
I heard they made the charge input buffer much mroe strict and rigid, even compared to previous SF games (which kind of goes against their philosophy of simplyifing the execution), but nothing about cancel windows.
Now she can fight and be on par even with top tiers but considering her generally I think she's still quite weak. Probably just not the weakest anymore.
sounds like a one punch man joke
desu i might actually do this, ty for the idea lol
i dont really struggle that much with the shoryuken motion, but cancelling into shit. guess i should really master the basic motions anyway
Who's the character to play in S2 that you can blame your losses on? Birdie?
they did for negative edge specials
>This isn't a stinky boat
Akuma, if you want to graduate from playing Ryu. Nash is also pretty fun (charge and command grabs). Guile is typical Guile with a few extras that make him nicer to play.
I'm pretty sure playing through all the Story Mode/Character Stories should get you enough for two characters though (or maybe you'd have to do a couple of Easy Survivals). Watching all the Character Demonstrations will get you some FM too.
Alex apparently, with the way people are going on about him.
He's not even bad, he's about the same as he was before.
Ibuki, since she's still shit.
Juri still has the problem of needing to give up all pressure just so she can do basic combos.
The risk versus reward she has is totally fucked so she's not really worth using. she should be doing 20-30% more damage per combo to compensate for her mechanics but instead she still averages out the same as everyone else.
>Nash is also pretty fun (charge and command grabs).
Is this what SFV does to your brain?
Why does a Chinese bronze player has 2500 viewers right now.
just pick and ken or nash and blame the nerfs. ez
That's the look of a man who's had a hard life
That's who I played in S1
Too high tier, I might believe it but no-one else will
he's Generic Hearthstone Player #554672 who sometimes plays other random games and all his lemming followers tune in and whine about him not playing hearthstone
Oh you wanted a real trash tier.
play kofxiv
>people who want Ingrid in SFV are all insufferable cunts
Coincidence or not?
I can't even begin to imagine how garbage you are at the game if you think Ibuki in S2 is even remotely bad or mediocre
desu i used to enjoy sfv ignoring the content stuff but after reading this general i doubt every decision in my life
How do i avoid getting memed by Lauras V-trigger mixup
Alex is about the same, I just feel like the Unga tier characters are worse than last season right now. He is if anything free to pressure, and all the good characters this season shit out pressure sideways.