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So, what are the Unatended Graves?
The past? A different timeline? A different past timeline?
Undead burg invasions are fun
4th for DaS1 was a fluke.
I think its how the world looks if you go for the end of fire ending.
Dunno about the whole game, but the good level design in the first 40% of the game most certainly was either a fluke or a positive accident.
>turning off hud to hide your 99 manatee chaos bastard sword
>the game's too short Miyazaki, give us more areas before the deadline
>oh I know, we should copy pasta this area and call it a new! as for lore... hmmmm
>well i guess we can leave it to the players to make up some bullshit lol
>lets add in a reskin boss with some new moves. hard pve npcs. a few smidges of lores dealin with time travel annnd done
it's especially fun when you invade my SL200 anti-twink
I have 50 humanity now, but the bastard sword is only +5 and the only thing I have upgraded
I actually don't have much of a problem with refinement, if you build properly you can get damage in the same ballpark with less investment in combat stats.
What I'd do is:
>Remove hornet ring
>Nerf the absolute shit out of fist weapon parries
>Allow blessed weapons to be buffed
>Invaders & phantoms get their full estus
And that's just a start. Certain things (like whips) need all sorts of boosts, starting with unfucking their off-hand movesets.
It did, though. I'm not talking DLC weapons, I'm talking base game.
You generally had two completely different movesets for every weapon category. Two different greathammer sets, two different UGS sets, two different greatsword sets, etc...
Meanwhile in DS3 every single greathammer swings the same. There's one or two with unique R2 attacks.
Is there a single better feeling than getting a backstab off on one of these
>only run away
>randomly turn around for 2 r1 attacks
People? 1200 damage, ded. Piece of shit
>So, what are the Unatended Graves?
Past. Handmaiden remembers you if you talk to her there before talking to her in present and has a unique bit of dialogue for that.
Time travel most likely happens because you fight Oceiros on the same fucking archtree stump that houses First Flame which causes massive time-space glitches.
Not sure about blessed weapon/phantoms estus. Making blessed buffable would make raw useless. And full phantom estus would only make the pvp a bigger chugfest. I wish hornet ring wasn't in the game, and I would love to see people ditching the caestus as parry weapon, it looks stupid. And its also kind of overpowered for being able to parry for only 0.5 weight units.
>1200 damage BS
is that even possible anymore since the HR nerf?
If it's the past, who linked the First Flame before you? It cannot completely die, but it was as dead as it can be.
>I'm talking base game.
Well, lets talk about base game, then. Base game where not a single boss weapon had unique moves with exception of two Nashandra weapons, and one of them was re-used in re-release. Base game where all boss weapons' R2s are just generic weapon class R2s covered with elemental effect.
Weapon art movesets add DS3 weapons greater amount of unique move combinations than two generic movesets per class of DS2 (which is only limited to some classes and a very limited number of things in that classes). And Friede's Great Scythe or Valorheart takes a huge dump on any DS2 dlc weapon as far as moveset goes.
blades of mercy or reiterpalalch for second weapon?
Well I just got one
I'm using a Morne's Greathammer at 35 faith and 40 str with hornet's ring on
Whats everyones opininion on the estus recharges? Should they be pvp exclusive maybe? Cause I feel its kind of casual.
Wrong thread bro
It is casual. It was made so magebabbies can walk through the game easier
no this thread is also for bb
Is a hollow flamberge good with a 40 luck hollow build or should i just go for a 40/40 refined one.
>Weapon art movesets add DS3 weapons greater amount of unique move combinations
Like Stance? Which 15 weapons use.
Say's Demon & Dark Souls general at the top bro, /bbg/ is for Bloodborne. Plus, you didn't give any context, what's your second weapon and build.
I think that Firelink in DS3 was intended as some sort of an emergency system only used if there's literally nobody else left to link the Fire. Someone certainly did it to kickstart the last cycle but was either a random brave undead outside of a fire linking system or some of the Lords we already know, main suspect is probably Ludleth who knows how flameless world looks and is terrified of it.
Don't listen to the mad microkeks, this thread is fine for BB discussion as well.
t. someone who was fine with BB discussion even when he was a pkek
>Which 15 weapons use
Which is much better than any weapon having a shitty, slow parry on L2.
>Making blessed buffable would make raw useless.
Maybe on the right build, and even then only fairly late on the right build. At 13/12/40 a blessed broadsword is still doing less damage than a raw one, although it's only a difference of about 10 AR. Hell, a blessed Lothric knight sword only catches up to a raw one at 13/18/32 and even then the raw one can still win an AR war because it's buffable. What's more is that's still less damage than the LKS does with no infusion at min stats.
Please put more effort into your memes famablam
BB sucks ass
give me a quick rundown on miracles, sorceries, pyromancies, and hexes in dark souls 2, in terms of PVE. I know the extreme basics, but how do they compare to DS1? How do they compare to each other?
>posts worst souls game
>mfw I got parried more often by ultra weapons than obvious dedicated parry tools
DaS3 is shit for neutering basic good game design. Weapon parries and dual wielding need to come back.
>invade two chinese dudes in lothric castle
>they're both only clad in the master's attire, one of them wearing dusk crown, both of them with tears of denial on, one is a sorcerer and the other uses a greatsword
>they refuse to come out both, but a blue is summoned
>the blue is summoned into the 5 lothric knights at the start
>go walk up to them and fetch my cleric buff
>walk back in up to them
>they hit me to trade, but I only take like 30% of my HP in damage from soul spear + claymore r1
>get two 2hr1 off on them
>900 damage
>1800 damage
>both are dead because the first hit procced tears
nerfed, don't bother
great soul arrow and soul spear barrage spam: the class
don't bother, really low amount of casts for pve and generally pretty shit compared to real casting schools
dark orb spam: the class
More like the tightest souls game
>I got parried more often by ultra weapons
That's a really embarrassing thing to confess about given how shit their frames are.
ultras were exceptionally easy to bait
obligatory youtube.com
Only if you were against exceptionally bad opponents.
Miracles got nerfed to shit (but lightning infusion is still great), sorcery is the same as always, pyromancy and hexes are top tier. Pyromancy isn't straight up OP like it was in DS1 but as a tradeoff you no longer throw like a girl. DS2 is arguably the most friendly to hybrid builds since you can buff non-physical infusions so make sure to dick around with that system to see what you like.
Dude in loincloth looking for PC FC.
What was that DS2 faggots name? Peeve?
I remember finding him in the arena and parrying him with my zweihander. On stream. Destroyed him.
Let me see if he still has the twitch recording up or something
FC in Nameless King boss room, lets go.
You're so cool.
Not surprising, he's exceptionally bad at pvp.
All twitch celebrities are.
in other words, 99% of players
get off it dude
To be fair the fact they were slow meant you might play a little sloppy not expecting it, and anyone ballsy enough to try probably had absolute confidence it would work, it wasn't something you could just throw out randomly.
Why does DaS1 invasions/PvP seem more enjoyable to me over DaS2/3?
I can't tell if it's just nostalgia goggles or not because in many ways the pvp and online components are objectively worse
All Dark Souls games are shit. Demon's Souls gets a pass since it was the first. Bloodborne is the only good one.
What's up with all the Chinese and Japanese players in Lothric Castle?
I never, ever invade, get summoned, or get invaded by those, EXCEPT in Lothric Castle. In there, I exclusively connect to Japs and Chinks.
What is going on here? I first thought it's like the Asian equivalent of the pontiff duel zone, but I'm even getting summoned at Twin Princes by exclusively Asian players.
Anyone else notice this?
DS1 invasions are hilariously piss easy. I don't find any enjoyment in them anymore.
There's also no cool shit like obscuring ring.
I have fun playing them, and that's what matters.
Yes, actually. Half of the host i've encountered in lothric castle yesterday were chinks and generally i saw a shitload of jap invaders there and in archives.
>You just like Dark Souls 3, and be prepared to be massively disappointed with whatever comes next.
But DaS3 was confirmed to be the last in the series, and I'm moving on to For Honor next although I'll continue playing DaS3 for the low-mid level invasions until someone else picks up the invasion mechanic and does it better.
The skill floor for DaS1 PvP is too high, which makes invasions really easy most of the time. This is why I gave up on normal invasions long time ago, and only did gimmick build invasions.
are there any mods that allow me to slide up ladders?
I always used gimmick invasion builds in DS1 but even them are too strong unless i completely gimp myself
But there's no one here.
Man, as a Cleric in DS1 those lightning bolts were game changers on fights I could use them. What a disappointment in DS2.
That doesn't answer my question.
The later games don't have indictments or top-tier gestures like well what is it, shrug, or look skyward.
I miss it so much
it had so many applications
I'm pretty sure the majority of his souls twitch VODs are gone, even the DaS3 ones. I went back to watch some of the bloodshade invasion VODs and they just don't exist anymore on his channel, it's sad. Just poof, gone.
It's just ironic now that you have this internet famous "Soulbrandt" and literally none of them even play any souls games anymore. All of their popularity came from souls games and now they have all become shitty variety gaming streamers with a lot less viewers, and if you mention this at all in the chat their few viewers that stuck around will white knight the shit out of you.
It's good though and for the best I believe, met some really cool small-time streamers who are much more entertaining and just better human beings in general. Souls is finally back to its niche status now that all of the normie fags left, on top of a bunch of people getting DaS3 for christmas so low-mid level invasions are instant all day now.
no no no ;^) HA HA HA
Obscuring ring is my ringfu. I have hornet ring right above it so I start every invasion with it equipped and hardswap it to hornet when I decide I'm ready to fight. It's incredibly satisfying to just stalk people sometimes and watch them from afar, especially gank squads that just camp out at a bonfire. I like to watch how they behave and see just how long they're willing to literally just sit there not playing the game. Sometimes I just watch co-opers play literally all the way to the boss and then enter the boss fight.
What are your favorite bosses /dsg/?
I have more fun watching that rainbow hair guy playing rpgmaker games than anything souls related. I guess Dark Souls was just a fad.
What are your favorite armor sets?
I need to take a break from invasions for awhile, I want to try this jolly co-op thing. I have a SL35, 55, and 130. What are some good bosses I should fight again? Are there any places I can just put my white soapstone sign down and get summoned for ganks and shit, or do I just have to actually PvE if I do that? Maybe try throwing on blue sentinels and just getting summoned as a regular white phantom?
Teach me the ways of co-op with randoms, senpai.
i'm not sure i like where this is going
this better end with a finished sculpture of gwyndolin getting buggered or i'm gonna be extremely disappointed
He just started this one, we'll see
>Ancient dragon greatshield is perfect for low level paladins
>It's at the end of the fucking game
>It didn't get buffed when the ethereal oak shield was added so now it's obsolete *and* a chore to reach
So should I go 30/30 with the Twinblade in DS2 or straight 50 in one stat?
While I appreciate the effort and craftmanship, gwyndolin clearly has tits and a very feminine face.
I just don't get why people constantly portray him like a rugged twink
What determines the color of the sky in the lothric area? I noticed over my past playthroughs that it changes from normal, light yellow sky, to deep orange sky with fucked up sun. I was going to check what actually does it, but I keep forgetting.
I've just managed to beat Dancer early and I'm on my way to the Consumed King to get myself a Moonlight greatsword.
The problem is that on my way there after a while these places start to lag real bad. I can run around in one area without any lag but when I return to that same area my game freezes for a few seconds. If I restart the game the same thing happens. No problem the first few runs but then it starts to lag real bad.
Anyone knows what's causing it?
yes, the amazing nipponese optimization and the thousands of square kilometers of mountains that load with lothric castle. someone had posted a webm but i didn't save it
>my posts gets some replies overnight
>try to find them by typing cntrl+F (You)
>have to browse through all the retards that type (You) in their posts ironically
>Boot game
>Not banned anymore
Time to fuck some shit up and get banned again
>he two hands a rapier
>he uses a katana with a shield
The biggest signs of homosexualism
>he's too bad to actually reach it with a low-level build
>he's actually gonna block with it
FROM's infamously shitty optimization.
BB was a total mess on release, BUT AT LEAST THEY FUCKING FIXED IT. DS3's been out for like half a year and tons of stuff is still broken on all platforms and if I could find the guy who used to post that "it'll be the best Souls game a few months after release and everyone who says otherwise is dumb" pasta all the time I'd punch him in the dick.
What are the comfiest ds3 big ass weapons to just wreck shit with?
I want chunks of health to be flying off bosses
>>he two hands a rapier
if you mean a rapier rapier, ok. but the estoc is supposed to be 2handed
>>he uses a katana with a shield
ain't nothing wrong with that, for some shields at least. now, a katana with western armor, that's a real kick in the nuts
>He can't read
>He can't greentext
r8 my slider-fu
yhorm's giant dildo of 700 AR
black knight dick extender
you tried/10
Cute actually.
Give me your face/10. Seriously though, can I borrow it indefinitely?
why is your head so fucking small?
I'm stealing that fashion
2good, I've been trying to find something that goes well with the archdeacon robe for ages