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Afreeca Starleague 3 days
GSL 6 days
are we still autosaging wth
wait do we only get bumped if someone with a new IP posts or something
is this something that gookmoot has done along with removing (you)s
that is literally it
new IPs bump old IPs don't
i guess that means it's finally over
it's like a shadowban system
sneaky gook
we need some brave souls to constantly refresh their ips i guess :/
or someone needs to make a forum
it's that time again~
lol scvees btfo'd by based gook
whats the sc2g discord
where are the proxybros
we will find a way!
oh wait no my post bumped it this time
what's the pattern jc
what the fuck what's the pattern
it only bumps when you make a good ass post
watch this llosers
the thread only bumps if you post a picture of IU
what the fuck have i been shadowbanned
had a dream that I was living in a post apocalyptic world dressed up in the skin of a bear or something and wandered into a ruined arena where I was kidnapped by the gang of savages of lived there who looked like gangs from the movie The Warriors with a sports theme going on and was pressed into their war with some other alien people and I went up to a lady and asked her to point me towards the nearest death machine so I could die painlessly already and she obliged
>tfw no overly affectionate little sister iu
what's this bear thinking
*cracks knuckles*
watch this
is it really the IP thing
i wasn't being serious
word :/
all ive been playing is arcade games lately..
you can keep that
desu even if you aren't into incest having a cute overly affectionate sister seems like it would be the best thing to grow up with desu
what's it like to have a sister?
they only exist in anime
this is what a real IU sister would be like
>lol how old are you yet you still don't have a girlfriend; how pathetic
>I know you stole my panties I'm telling mum
>I borrowed 20k won from your room earlier I'm not paying you back either
they exist they're just 1 in a million and you only ever get a couple chances at most in a life time
most of the time they're not cute or cute and loving but won't show it because of the stigma
did they fuck after?
absolutely not their love is pure
Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to gookify. Ah!
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face!
I begin to gookify! Ah!
> PainUser, on the other hand, is about 6 foot 8
what the fuck
why is everyone is esports so tall i thought grack was a midget and he's like 5' 7"
mystic mystic m-mystic stylezz
painuser was a cool guy imo
did he make it?
I don't know he hasn't posted on his twitter in two years
this stupid nip has done nothing but make the site worse
looks like this is the end of the line for us
is that hafu?
i miss painusers stream
gonna reset my ip address and go post on kpg until i get banned again
Guess who's streaming.
mom just said i need to start thinking about what i wanna do with my life. i knew coming home for holidays was a mistake....
think about this, mom
*kills himself*
do you think painuser is still with that crazy gf
no gloving...
post its not a phase
+, not even joking
fuckin goobers man
my mom still doesn't know that i plan on killing myself when i burn through my savings
she'll know soon though...
such is life, eh comrade?
>uneven breasts
>unsymmetrical nipples
>dark nipples
>missing eyelids
>man hands
>bo legged
lol what a hog
wow i would get so much sexual gratification if i could beat her to death!
When will he come back to SC2? And when will he stop being such a raging cuck?
>open incontrols stream
>he does a cannon rush into voidrays into DTs
is it 2012?
>snute set his player color to white
is he an alpha nationalist ?
he's always been one
uhhh why isnt it going over 1000?
we're under attack
what? is a whale dumping?
im farting a lot now
im seriously going to kill that fucking cat
stepped on my router and dced me in the middle of a game
now its starting to fucking go lay on it and when it does it breaks my internet
trying to find a word in japanese
its pronounced sort of like " keylay "
usually its used to mean "pretty", but not always to describe a person
like looking out of a window at a nice view, and the anime girl will say "key laaaaaaaay"
for some reason after i drink 10-15 beers il end up farting like every 15 minutes
not just little ones but like massive stomach deflating ones
'gi abs...
kirei きれい
it means pretty or beautiful
its how they pronounce "crazy"
kirei 'gi...
where are you finding stuff like that? some site or youre downloading?
please spoonfeed me
*spoonfeeds you my hot sticky jizz after im done with my jav fapsies*
US expels Russian diplomats over cyber attacks
ww iii soon friends
who cares. obama is retarded and trump is going to fix things next month and undo everything that obama fucked up
i am back and ready to be posting with my friends, the scvees!
lol trump is only going to fix things for the jews
damn this byun game
i have that mental disease where i believe everything can only get worse
anime break
was a great hold
THE HEMORRHOIDS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our guy...
byun's control $___$
we dont care about sc2 here