Can we all agree the individual pictured to the left of this text is in a position to be labeled as based?
Can we all agree the individual pictured to the left of this text is in a position to be labeled as based?
Other urls found in this thread:
Beats snake worshipping American protestants.
Everything beats "Protestant" LARPers
But it gets completely BTFO by based Biblical Christianity (actual Protestantism)
I need you to convince me that Episcopalians aren't the best form of Christianity
>got communion wafers and real wine as a kid
>didn't get molested
>stay out of politics outside of social justice shit
Actually, I may have played myself with that last one.
Believing in fairy tales as an adult is not based.
Fag bishops
Reminder that this anti-Catholic shitposting user is an atheist from /pol/:
>no argument
>Presbyterian role-players like you
Pick two
>We want to privileged the king ahead of Jesus, but also don't want a king.
>Biblical Christianity (actual Protestantism)
What about the Orthodox church, who compiled the Bible in the first place?
PCfags btfo
>who compiled the Bible in the first place?