karma edition
dunno where the others went
karma edition
dunno where the others went
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thooring vs regi inc in 4 minutes
get ready
first for poppy is broken
first for league is still tankydps
first for adcs are fucking shit
I want Trundle to smother me between his asscheeks and force me to lick his sweaty asshole!
xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for btfo'ing your cunt adc
I'm gonna try and do my placements Veeky Forums, so wish me luck. I'm a support main, but I haven't played ranked in a while, what supports are good right now?
Is it me or are adc players completly garbage now?
Unless they play cait which is braindead easy and impossible to feed on all i see is 1/10 vaynes or 0/5 jhins.
Literally all garbage.
Jesus christ whats wrong with this faggots.
They have the easiest job and still feed every game
First for Sivir
>duo with guy
>im top, he's jungle
>comes to gank my lane
>keep back pinging him to go away
>ganks anyway
>does this twice
why do people do this
Why is Poppy so darn cute?
Also is black cleaver good on poppy ?
Based impregnation
post em
Zyra, Karma, Brand, Vel'koz, Morgana or Annie if you're low elo.
Probably something like Janna at any reasonable elo? I only played to Gold, primarily with some of the above champions.
>revamp assassins
>they're all shit now with the exception of leblanc and rengo
>even Faker feeds his ass off on kat
Zyra works well at every elos cuz she's busted.
Same for Karma
Camille Ferros!
Yeah, that's sort of how it seemed. Definitely even more busted if you're in the depths with the ADCs who flat-out refuse to trade, though.
>vayne 40% health
>90% jinx is like noo i just wanna farm for my infinity edgeee
which mage is
>safe on mid
>easy to carry a game
No the AD scalings aint worth it since the nerfs a couple months ago, if you wanna go balls deep in terms of damage build a Triforce
le 7 balls ult lady of feet
the best slut
thanks gonna try Xerath
n i d a l e e b u f f s ! :3
>First Champ
>Favorite Champ
>Ultimate cancer
Mastery flashing Yasuos
>Best skin
High Noon Jhin
>Favorite Item
Death's Dance
>Best Dance
I like Kassadin's
>Favorite Pro
It was Dyrone now it's probably Hauntzer or Smeb
I'm an ADC main fuckboy who wants to main top even though I suck at 1v1's
>thanks gonna try Xerath
unironically consider getting frost queens midgame for those easy ult kills
>tfw teammates feed your laner and you get blamed
why is this so common?
>yfw enemy Camille on top
I lost 7 games in a row
Somebody lynch me.
take a break dummy
Also, who do you think Poppy suspects to be the hero.
>First champion
>Favorite champion
>Ultimate cancer
The correct answer is almost always Yasuo
>Best skin
Pentakill Yorick/Karthus
>Favorite item
Rod of Ages/Black Cleaver
>Best dance
see best skin
>Favorite pro player
Don't have one. I hate Doublelift though
I'd say Annie these days has been significantly easier to at least win lane with, Ahri is also pretty damn easy.
A namefag, let us all point and laugh.
Does anyone have any sort of references of like a spider girl doujin or something like that? I want to add in reference pictures for my Elise suggestion but don't have any pictures.
Also, who wants to do a shitty Paint drawing of Katarina's head being spiked and ImThem nearby crying because he's a cuck?
That will be another reference picture.
Wait a minute. Is Poppy basically Thor?
If so, is Jayce basically Captain America, meaning he can also lift Poppy's hammer?
Uh, Annie. Not quite as safe due to her lack of range, though.
Post spiders.
Helmet bro
No, because unlike Cpatain America, Jayce is a huge asshole.
Jayce is iron man
Braum is Captain america
elise is not really a spider girl tho
She turns into a literal spider.
I'd argue that's the most accurate definition of "spider girl". Girl meaning human female.
"Female spider" is something else entirely.
Any normal sized person with some degree of weightlifting or weapon wielding could wield poppy's hammer.
It's a generic hammer.
>Is Poppy basically Thor?
Thor is prideful, combative, and boisterous, extremely unlike Poppy.
Thor knows the hammer belongs to him and doesn't like the idea that the hammer could choose someone else.
she does turn into a spider but her human form only got weird boot and useless limb on her back
How to make Annie """"""support"""""" not an oppressive piece of shit in lane. Give her at least 4 seconds to use her ult or she loses it.
>build liandry
>walk up to 5 people
>roll face on keyboard
>an enemy has been slain
>an enemy has been slain
>an enemy has been slain
>an enemy has been slain
>It's a generic hammer.
>team down a million gold
>down 0-3 dragons
>down 0-1 barons
>our xin is an actual retard and doesn't do anything all game, doesn't gank or even farm very well, even feeds a bit
>put black shield on jinx and peel properly for her and she gets a penta and we win
Never give up boys. Just put shields on lategame scaling carries. Game is EASY
Never give up. This inspirational quote brought to you by LEAGUE OF LEGENDS
if next post ends in 0-4 i will waste another $10 gambling on this shit game
post your background
I meant to say stun
>supports who don't run ignite
>not the five other mages more frequently sent bot that are just better
just don't lmao it's a waste
It's Thalia, Heretic Cathar
lux (only if you get fed early)
oh just some gay weeb shit then
hi camifag
idk i've had some pretty okay games running exhaust and using it mostly offensively
also more useful mid/late than ignite, usually
how's things
hows knowing that camille is going to get gutted in a matter of time?
mtg is western
>get ganked 4 times
>enemy jungler actually sits in the bush for 30-40 seconds zoning us
>enemy top laner tp's and we back off from the 2v4
>"wow they got first tower shit bot lane"
>the enemy top laner was still down here when they said that
>it was our top laner who said it
wew lad
>run ignite
>syndra runs down botlane and presses R without landing any other spells
>she kills your adc
>b-but muh ignite
>tfw you finally end your 7 loss streak, even though you get carried as a Draven
Feels good man
but syndra is banned user
as long as she's not Nidalee tier 40% winrate garbage it doesn't bother me
by virtue of her kit she will either be too weak by numbers or playable so I don't think they can just give her the Aatrox treatment. I play champs I enjoy and I enjoy her quite a lot
It's not necessarily the players, but the role.
The role is so weak and gutted that Cait, Ezreal and Jhin are the only meta ADCs right now. And it's always only 2-4 ADCs now, nothing else.
Over half of the ADC roster isn't even viable.
Accompany that with the fact that bot lane is the usual gang rape lane, and it makes sense why ADCs are performing worse than usual.
>5 other mages
all we can do is ask and hope for buffs! :3
Jayce is more likely to be Iron man. A wealthy asshole inventor.
Braum feels more like Captain America. Uses a shield and is benevolent and heroic in spirit.
>fucking sona even
Annie is a shit support.
The entire role is so weak that it's barely even worth to pick an ADC anymore.
Yesteraday I double jungled with draven and still out paced the enemy draven (who was 2v1 against our support sion) in items.
gnar's kinda hulk i guess
there are like 3 hawkeyes
If udyr were to get an ultimate what would it be?
Do we turn him into a shapeshifter?
>enemy yasuo gets fed
Except Twitch, Varus, and Jinx are also great and Vayne/MF/Corki are usable.
there's a reason at higher elo people pick ziggs in bot now
Lux is more popular support and does better than Annie too.
Fuck I just went 7/2 as Xerath. GG new main
>hit a spear
>smash all ur buttons and press Q at the last moment
There u have a kill
>when your "fed pro Ryze" kept trying to duel the Riven with QSS
Fuck Riven.
I've always know I'm autistic but this is really going too far
Yes but they aren't META.
Granted that's
>Miss Fortune
That's a little less than half of the ADC roster.
Ahh Nidbuffsbro, I understand the suffering
was pretty feelsbad during the first half of S5 when Elise, my favorite jungler, was in the same position
I want to
Does vladfag like taric?
Mid laners can't carry if enemy team has a fed Yasuo/Riven no matter how fed he/she is. Yasuo counters everything mid laners throw at him and does thrice as much damage while being more tanky and Riven has an easy mode stun. Who came up with these tryhard piece of shit champs?
>can't for the life of me figuring out who the fuck is standing next to jhin
When he hits r he transforms into whatever animal he is selected for a short period of time. Kinda like how shyvanna turns into a dragon but you can still shapeshift to other animals. While he is in this state abilities do extra shit
>play top and dominated 1v1 but have horrible farm
>play jungle struggle early if miss lvl 2 gank usually come back to win
>play mid dominated 1v1 again but can't farm for shit, usually take mid first then lose anyway
>play ad either farm till stalemate or dominate other champ 1v1 and have shit farm
>play support get aggravated because ad wont freeze lane to limit jungler activity in lane
no matter what position i play i always get teamed with people who can't use a fucking calculator and figure out if its a situation they will or wont make out alive and it drives me crazy. WHY GO IN IF YOU KNOW YOU WONT BE ABLE TO PULL OF THE NUMBERS HOLY SHIT
bets? place em all
I disagree.
>can't see Elise cocoon on winter rift
Holy fuck. She just appears and I'm stunned.
I cannot see the fucking thing in the air at all.
>Yasuo can effortlessly render Ori/Syndra/Brand/Morg/Lux/Annie useless
nice game lol babs
>one win away from entering promos to Silver
>get back to that point