Fighting Games General /fgg/
sniff playblue
And we're back to sniff
is that a fat ken woman
Reminder that SFV is still a good game at its core and season 3 will fix everything
>Fat girl Ken will never plant her fragrant, sweaty cooch right on your face
Damn FFXV is fun, havent played fighting games in a while
Because women with healthy blood are easy pickings for vampires. Loading their blood with cholesterol is more effective than garlic and crosses.
Play Dead or Alive! it's free on Steam!
How the fuck do I confirm f.S into TK Ryujin? I can do this shit like 1 out of 20 times.
play kof or else nakoruru will stab you
The first time I've ever had interest with ken and dp
genderbend fighting game when desu
anyone want to play something on fightcade?
goobers, when will they ever learn?
The high/low/throw/counter system was too confusing to me. Like you can avoid a jump in by crouching?
Playing Jam you should know by now that your moves have no fucking hitstun. If you're going for something like that you better have meter so you can just go for it all and RC the Ryuujin if it's blocked or simply RC the f.S if it hits.
less than 6 more months until the king of water gun tournament 7
GG is fun but you can't rankedboar 24/7 in it. Make use of the exellent lobbies and play at reasonable times and you will be fine. Rev is mighty overpriced right now though.
They have already done those, in both the "fangirl/crossdressing" way and the "turn into a girl because magic" way.
Buffer the input for the hard read?
>3D fighting game
What the fuck are you doing?
>nobody will rt logan so he's decided to cap his own twitter posts
well said
>tfw you gotta choose between DoA5 (full version), SFV, Warhammer: TW, and Phantom Pain since you can't just blow your entire paycheck on vidya because adult responsibilities.
Exactly. That high moves don't get used to hit crouching opponents in 3D games is completely different to what I am used to, so I don't like playing them.
Wow Johnny is cool. He is almost too cool where his coolness becomes uncool again but only almost.
literally all of those but 1 is dead as fuck on PC already
only if she has sunburn install
Well I can enjoy Warhammer and Phantom Pain as singleplayer experiences, obviously.
Warhammer is cool but I'd wait until there's a collected edition with all the DLC next year
Can't you decide on one fucking finished game
>dead or alive used to be a fighting game I could take semi serious
What happened? Do weebtrash that buy dlc like sfv fags ruin everything?
>The greatest video game of our generation
>Grimderpness of the Future there is only Grimderp
>QUIET?: The Pachinko Movie
The answer should be obvious.
i want to fuck that teenager
People who looked down on players actually learning went "no this game is for US" and it became true when they started paying hand over fist for new dress up content
DOA was always just that trashy boob ninja game
Until when?
If ArcSys announces the next re-release before offering a bigger discount on PC Revelator, then it'll probably die.
A lot of Sign players obviously weren't onboard with Rev's handling at launch and aren't going to play the waiting game a second time.
It always had titninjas yes but doa5 took it to the extreme with all the fucking dlc.
I have a PS4 that's collecting dust and I want to invest in a real fighting game. I'm currently looking at T7 and SF5 because I want to enter one of scenes, but convince me to play your shitty 2D fighter.
Oh, gonna check it out then.
DoA5 had women that don't look like blow up dolls and makes realistic beasts instead of bouncy ballons
>marie when you don't play her game
Put mommy in SFV!
It was always quite sexualized. I played DOA2 a lot, had a poster of Lei-Fang in my room and fapped endlessly times to her.
It's out and people play it
Are there any anime fighters for brain dead retards like me who have never played a fighting game outside of SF2 as a child?
The game itself teaches you how to play and there is plenty of players online to get your fix of matches.
Picking it up isn't hard but getting good is
What was the problem with DoA on PC?
Play Skullgirls.
any smash, smash-like, divekick, and fantasy strike coming out soon
the league of legends fighter too maybe
No lobbies.
Necalli has her seismos and lightening punch
Ken has her burn kick
She had terrible normals and mainly relied on her specials for everything, so what would even be the point of bringing back C. Viper in SFV?
Forgive me, Johnny. For I have sinned.
Her game is dead, isn't it?
wud play
But can you still invite people you know?
Necallis dash punch and kens tatsus are absolutely nothing like thunder knuckle and burn kick.
I don't want viper because she is braindead and obnoxious but at least know what you're talking about
Any that actually look like weeb shit? my friends keep saying Melty Blood but I think they are trying to ruse me.
It's agreed right
SFV is a disaster and won't survive if RE7 doesn't sell
Not to my knowledge. Think of SFV if it only had the "ranked match" option for netplay.
Put Fei Long in 5!
I second this.
You can set filters for location or rank and you can see your opponent name before going into a match so you could use this to your advantage to play with whoever you want.
I'm enjoying the playerboost from the sale.
Really wish we could hold on to it.
if your friends play melty blood you should do it with them too
fighting games with friends is top tier
Balrog seriously fucks with my brain using only punch animations
playing online is OK and forcing yourself to make friends with people you can play irl is honestly fucking awful but already having friends to get into FGs with is the best
He has some kick move in sf5
or u cud play the console version that has proper working lobbies :3c
so is gllty a trap?
i'd still fuck her desu
Would fill her boypussy with wasted potential children
what does it matter to you what ze identifies as
Trap would involve she's passable, but with that voice...
tfw no gilty sextape
I mean if everything you hit is a counter and you're playing against someone who picks i-no but is trying to play SF sure
gllty says if you have to ask it's too late you're already gay
take your fag shit back to kappa
Is Marie a trap?
i'd suck her dick desu
What would you think if they make a SF game with 4 buttons instead than 6?
Should Gex be a new character in SFV season 2?
Thats SFVI, you heared it here first.
with how shit most of the normals are in sfv, there may as well be only four buttons
No, shes just a child