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Why you guys still creating these threads?

so you can shitpost here

out of spite to shadowverse guys who need to keep 2 tabs open so they can shitpost here

this is the last expansion until next cycle right?

next adventure kills Loe brm and tgt

It won't be adventure right
They are not doing expansion adventure expansion - expansion adventure expansion - expansion adventure expansion and so worth

its a expansion

it is always

Expansion Spring
Adventure Summer
Expansion Fall/Winter

Why is this game so fucking dead?

Because it's terrible.

• When things are working well, the results of a match depend on the decks that players have chosen and how the cards were played.
• When things aren’t working well, luck or other randomness (“RNG”) determines the outcome of matches. Common solutions here include rules changes and changes to the abilities of key cards.

can someone explain to me basic vs wild, and what cardpacks and adventures can i use in basic? cuz thats like the main mode right? it confuses the hell out of me as i havent played hearthstone since the early release

true story, RNG filled, pay 2 win piece of shit tbqh

Don't play this shit game.

Eloise is a trash player that can only win with aggrotard decks or absurdly bad opponent opening hands and only has a following because nerdy yellow fever. Your waifu a shit.

Fight me.

Every time an adventure or expansion is released everything that wasn't released in the current year or the previous year gets rotated out of Standard. You can use any card in Wild.

Don't play Hearthstone, Hearthstone stopped being good after GVG rotated out.

There is nothing fun about playing minions and attacking with them like a fucking imbecile.

>Hearthstone stopped being good after Naxx was released.
You seem to have made a mistake in your post so I took the liberty to correct it.

Yeah i really miss this meta where you couldn't win unless your deck had like 5+ legendaries

Good times

Oh please do tell this so called meta, because Hearthstone has been aggro meta since Naxx and Aggro rarely uses 5+ legos

in what decks do I use these

the goon one in control hunter

literally constructed

retarded much?

ok so all the current available packs and adventures are used in basic decks then? and those older one's just gets removed completly and you have to craft them if you wish to play them in wild?

lotus agents is good in burgle rogue
informant is ok in control warrior/paladin

Nice argument fag-o-tron
I bet a shitter like you still complains about cucktrol warrior too, just because of all the legendaries in his deck


Although if you buy at least one wing from an adventure, you can still buy the rest even after it's gone from standard.

Maybe read the posts and replies again because you don't seem to understand them

i'd still fuck her

she has gross teeth and hair and she needs pounds of makeup to look presentable

Wait you actually think Naxx was a meta where 5+ legendaries was the meta? That statement was so dumb I just skipped over it thinking it was a troll

I'll never understand how some people get off on the mentally disabled


Close but I was talking about pre naxx actually

Made Dragon Priest, how do I play this?

Put some cards in your deck first.


Play stuff on curve if you have it. Lose to face decks cause you draw like shit and have nothing to do turns 1,2,3. Lose to renolock because they have 20 damage from hand combo and Jaraxxus.

>Nothing to do turns 1,2,3
Except for their overstatted low drops?
Are we talking about the same deck?

please tell me what you think of my new video and deck


>no Secret Agents who are coming through
>no Dragonfire potions
The whole point of making that deck is having those two cards.

Be honest you would fuck anyone

>sick of playing against the same 3 decks in ranked mode
>go into casual mode to just have some fun
>5 out of the 7 games I play are some variation of pirate warrior, aggro shaman or jade druid
>in casual mode
Literally why, there's no reason to not be in ranked
I make sure to rope every turn if I'm against pirate cancer. If they want their 3.33 gold they're going to wait 20 minutes for it.

Secret Agents?


anyone but you
gotta have SOME standards

>draft hunter
>go second 5 games in a row

>make the shittiest, most random deck for quests meant to just puke out my cards and concede
>actually win 4 games a row
is priest insanely OP or what

No, you're just a very skillful and talented player. The future is bright for you, user.

I mean, just look at this deck.

I like OTK decks (when they work), but I'm missing Velen and Maly so they're a little hard to do.
Stormwind Knight priest seems like the only option for me, any ideas on improving crappy deck I threw together?

Basically I just hold out until I have the 5 card combo for 28 damage.

Didn't you hear, pirates make it OP

>Doesn't have Malygos
>Has a golden doomsayer

Random is random, friend
It's the only doomsayer I have, and I happened to unpack it gold

RenoLock is just as bad as aggro cancer
If you can't beat renolock by turn 6 they win the game

not having this problem as Jade Druid desu.

But you lose against everything else including other jade decks

Finally reached Legendary with Dragon Priest + Malchezar.

Winrate = 54.5%

So, dust finally settled, what your opinion about standart ? Was it good thing for game or bad ?

>create a pirate warrior for the first time
>first match
>summon N'zoths first mate along with patches
>enemy concedes
So this is the power of cancer?

Depends on the theoretical alternative. With the same expansions, obviously Wild is a disgusting cesspool even at this point (and it will only become worse), and that being the only format would be a nightmare.

But if they'd continued to balance everything around all existing cards and made appropriate balance changes to older cards instead of tossing them into le wild bin of wasted currency, then maybe that could have been better.

Ultimately, I feel like the game is better than it was in pre-standards final moments, so take from that what you will.

it pushed out Mad Scientist

so yes

You typed a lot pal here's a (You)

>he still uses you
>doesnt customize his tag


The meta is shifting to reno mage. Favoured vs cancer and even vs Renolock.

Your days are numbered.


I don't understand how you justify Standard as the primary game mode. Wild is clearly what should be the primary game mode, but Blizzard are too stupid/lazy to create cards that fit in the overall eco-system of the game. The Standard game mode also renders previous expansions continuously useless.

Is this card good?
Do I need it for shaman?

how do you do that aside from editing the page after every reply

Yes, but not in this meta, so no.

>decide to get back into the game
>disenchant literally all my cards so I can craft a deck
>pick jade golem druid cause it looked fun
>run out of dust without crafting fandral and ancient of war
>don't have the gold for brann either
>can't get past rank 15

The card itself is good, but you don't need it in this meta.

>get murdered by turn 5
>play for 15+ turns just to get spammed down with 2 mana 6/6 or Leeroy combo'd
I don't know if this is the "worst" meta I've seen, but it's certainly the most soul crushing. Considering just doing dailies and staying the fuck away from Constructed until this shit blows over.

It's been years and this game is still

>an rng fest that can single handedly design games
>terribly done ladder
>an unbalanced mess
>no replays
>no tournament mode
>slow ass balancing
>made just to squeeze money out of you
>shits on it's player base
>still incredibly simplistic
Why did something with so much potential became this shitty?

Why are you still supporting this?

browser extentision

do you speak english?

counterspell (created by cabalist's tome) (created by babbling book)

which one?

body {
counter-reset: you;

a.ql-tracked:after {
counter-increment: you;
content:" (You) #" counter(you) ")";

Ancient of War is too slow for this meta. Druid of the Claw or Curator is ok replacement.

>Priest Dirty Rats out Fandral when I have Nourish and both Living Roots in hand

I actually took two ironbark protectors because I just don't have any other option

Am I the only one who thinks Amaz and Hafu would make a lovely couple?

Yes, the guy is obviously gay. So unless Hafu is packing, it won't work out.

>unless Hafu is packing,

>is obviously gay
really? didn't he supposedly have some american girlfriend for a while?

Well, they're both asian.

>lightbomb is not in standard hafu...


are there people who act like amaz that aren't gay?


So where do you insert your custom tag into this argument?

you'd be amazed how many small, feminine straight asian men there are


nice topdeck warz friends

>arenaplebs trying to constructed


>tfw you're strictly an arena player and you go up against so many shitters with legend cardbacks.

• When things are working well, the results of a match depend on the decks that players have chosen and how the cards were played.
• When things aren’t working well, luck or other randomness (“RNG”) determines the outcome of matches. Common solutions here include rules changes and changes to the abilities of key cards.