■ Scratches: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/ ├ Sacred Star Keeper (until 1/11) ├ 2017 Year of the Rooster Accessory Collection / Lucky Bag G (from 1/1 0:00 until 1/11) ├ Phantom School Life (Persona 5) (until 1/25) └ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)
>parsercucks still breathing even after sega told them to drown in a bucket
Asher Lopez
Nolan Richardson
Nothing wrong with the parse, nothing wrong with wanting your damage to be better. The problem is that it enables a certain type of faggot to go into overdrive.
Joshua Lewis
what the heck is a gix
Anthony Howard
>No parse analyzing site like fflogs for pso2 >Getting better from lack of information PSO2 parser users in denial.